Taken: A Dark Mafia Romance Read online

Page 9

  No one ever messed with what belonged to me.

  I threw open the door, the hard thud of the slam against the doorstop enough to draw several employees’ attentions. They gawked as I took long strides past them, trepidation evident in their eyes. What the hell did I care? I was embarking on a new passage in my life and planned on usurping a higher level of control.

  Now it was time for Christian to tell me what the fuck was actually going on.

  * * *

  When I strode into our suite, I walked to Christian’s office immediately. He’d obviously arrived sometime before, all in preparation for the great signing of the contract, although he was nowhere to be seen. I knew what the various papers entailed. I’d read Christian’s agreement several times. The marriage was more like a true business arrangement than a pre-nup, although stocks, bonds, bank accounts, land, homes, and every other tangible object were divvied up in precise percentages. However, that wasn’t the most important aspect of the contract.

  The terms of secrecy were.

  No discussions of community business outside of the sect.

  No admittance of anything, including wrongdoing to members of law enforcement.

  No sharing of trade secrets to business partners.

  No divorce.

  There would also be a provision for our children, including the fact our firstborn son could ascend to the Council throne, especially given the bloodline.

  Where I’d once been excited about the prospects, I was now disgusted. I could only imagine Winter’s thoughts at this point. While I couldn’t blame her for wanting her own life, she was now a prisoner of the system.

  I headed toward his desk, smirking seeing my name on a file. Everything was going according to plans. We would sign our life away and decide on a date for the wedding. Backing away, I found his personal assistant in the file room.

  “Tracy, where is Christian?”

  “He’s in a meeting in the conference room.”

  I nodded, for some reason my anger increasing. “Thanks.”

  “Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. That’s wonderful,” she called as I left.

  Wonderful. I had several other words for it.

  I wasted no time, walking into the conference room and anticipating exactly who I’d find inside.

  The three men of the current Council sat at the conference room table, various papers in front of them. While Frank Neves and Bobby Torres were from rich and extremely powerful original families, they were weak in comparison to my brother. Christian had truly risen to the occasion. I could almost see the outline of a crown on his head.

  Sadly, I knew at some point it would become a crown of thorns if any additional cracks occurred within the community.

  Christian looked at his watch, lifting a single eyebrow. “You’re early for the signing.”

  I glanced at the clock, half laughing. “Never too early to conduct business.” As I took a seat, both Frank and Bobby appeared to be uncomfortable. They were hiding secrets. “So, let’s get to it. Shall we, gentlemen?”

  Christian remained amused although he closed the file in front of him.

  What are you hiding, brother?

  “What’s on your mind, Matteo?” he asked.

  “What’s on my mind? Let’s see. For once, seeking the absolute truth.” I looked around the table, catching their guarded reactions.

  “What are you talking about?” Christian asked as he leaned back in his seat. Always the comfortable man. Never worried.

  Until recently.

  “What’s the real reason that the name was switched in Winter’s Box?” I rapped my fingers on the table when not one of them said a damn thing. “I get the whole thing about her father’s connections to law enforcement and we’re certainly likely to need assistance if the Taglioni casino is tanked, but my guess is you didn’t stop there. You continue to hunger for additional power.”

  I could tell my accusations surprised them, although Christian also held an air of respect. He should know better than to play a game with me.

  “Unfortunately, you’re not a Council member, Matteo. We can’t discuss Council business.” Bobby’s voice was more strangled than usual.

  I grinned and leaned over the table. “Then let’s make it my business. Not only do I make certain that all the Council’s finances are kept within the letter of the law, but I also handle securing any... deposits as necessary. Then there’s the reality about the six million dollars Father McGivney stole that the old Council seemed clueless about. The funds have been restored using my creative accounting methodology.” I chose my words carefully. “Given the methods used, I believe that makes me an accessory to potentially any number of crimes. And Christian has already mentioned the concept of prison time. Isn’t that right, brother?”

  I noticed the same look as two days before in my office.

  He flicked his index finger across his lips, studying me intently. “The less you understand the better at this point. Besides, you have a wedding to plan, a lovely bride to control.”

  I sucked in my breath, finally getting to my feet, leaning even further over the table. “Let me make this very clear. There won’t be a wedding unless you tell me exactly what’s going on.”

  “You can’t do that!” Frank exclaimed, slamming his fist on the table.

  “Oh, I believe I can. You need me given my connections to Christian and my abilities to work with so many of our enemies. That puts me in a very unique position to do the fuck what I want. Tell me or I walk, and I assure you that Winter will be tickled pink. Especially since her asshole of a father didn’t tell her a goddamn thing. Maybe because he’s hiding something. Is that what you’re afraid of, Christian? All of you? Is Mr. O’Brien holding something over your heads?” Once again, I looked at all three men, my glare harshest for Christian. Whatever he was facing was eating him alive.

  The silence was deafening.

  I walked toward the door, dead set on going doing exactly what I said.

  “Don’t be an ass, Matteo. Just sit down.” Christian hissed after issuing the basic command.

  “I’ll stand. Now, are you going to tell me what the hell is going on, or should I leave?” I shifted in order to watch them. Why was Christian holding out on me?

  Christian nodded to Bobby, who continued to fiddle with the papers in front of him. Was it possible they weren’t as powerful without the toxic support of Father McGivney? No. There was more to this.

  Christian cleared his throat, finally managing to look me in the eyes. “It would seem that Senator Bellows has convinced a task force to investigate the Sacred Sect, tossing a web around every single company and the various holdings as a team searches for evidence of wrongdoing. That includes the O’Brien family. While he and the senator are buddies, that doesn’t mean he won’t use Donovan as a scapegoat if possible. Senator Bellows has much to keep hidden himself. You and I both know the larger shark wins.”

  This wasn’t the information I’d expected to hear, and I honestly didn’t believe it was the only thing going on. Senator Bellows was nothing but an asshole. “Okay, we’ve weathered this storm before and given I’m in charge of the Council’s entire financial situation, I assure you that there is nothing to find.” So, Mr. O’Brien had decided to play the Council’s game for protection. Senator Bellows wasn’t well liked by almost anyone, including the Irish boys in blue. This could prove to be very effective.

  “But you can’t protect every member. Sadly, I believe one or more of them are capable of breaking their sacred oath to the sect.” Christian’s tone held more tension than I’d heard in some time.

  I could understand the Council’s concerns, although I was still pissed at keeping me in the dark. “So, by having the O’Briens in the upper echelon of our community, the good senator may decide to end this investigation.” My words weren’t a question. I already knew the answer.

  “Exactly. In fact, there is some talk on the street that he’s already back-pedaling based
on the party last night.” Christian winked, a slight smile curling on his face.

  “That doesn’t mean he won’t attempt to work around the issue,” I said after a few seconds. He’d been seen being schmoozed by Don Taglioni on more than one occasion.

  “No, but we’d tasked a few of his friends to remind him of how business works,” Bobby retorted, although there was no conviction in his voice.

  “Then we find the good senator’s additional weaknesses and exploit them if necessary.” I could tell my words thrilled Christian.

  Frank shoved a file in my direction. “We’ve already done that, but it’s our opinion that his second family in the end will pale in comparison to the work that’s already been done to expose the sect. I understand what this informant said, but who doesn’t have another gal on the side.”

  I barely glanced at the file, somewhat angry that Christian had told them about the anonymous tip. “I’m not talking about whoever he’s fucking. He has other weaknesses.”

  Now the entire group was intrigued. “Meaning?” Bobby asked.

  “What do you know, my dear brother? You’ve been holding out on us.” Christian grinned, an obvious look of approval on his face.

  “His direction connection with the Taglionis should be explored further. My guess is that additional weaknesses will be found with regards to the illustrious crime family.” I believed what I was saying, and I had no problem finding out every niche and proclivity Senator Bellows might have.

  “A good idea but first things first, Matteo. The wedding must go on. We need to keep our solid hold on the outsiders. That includes Senator Bellows.” Christian shifted until he was leaning forward. “I assume you will make certain your lovely bride stays in line. We don’t need it to appear that she’s upset. That wouldn’t bode well for the tabloids or the investigation.”

  Keeping Winter in line would prove to be difficult. “No more parties and no more surprises. I need to spend time with her prior to the wedding or this isn’t going to work.”

  “Fair enough.” Christian glanced at the clock. “She’ll be here within the half hour. Take a couple days off after the contract signing. I know you’ll need it.”

  I was going to need a hell of a lot more than that. Nodding, I headed to the door, my instinct kicking in. There was still something my brother was hiding from me. And how did I know? The slight tic in the corner of his mouth.

  Why did I have the gut feeling that our entire world was about to crumble?

  * * *

  The knock on the door came at precisely eleven in the morning. I’d remained standing in front of my window, studying the view as I had earlier. I’d once loved the city; the bright lights and crazy activity occurring at all hours, the incredible food, and the mixture of people. Now I was tired of the crowds and the smell of gasoline. While I could work from anywhere in the country, controlling people in the office had become one of my focuses.


  There was a word that hadn’t entered into my vocabulary until seven months before. Now I was supposed to control an entire company as well as a rebellious but beautiful wife. I rubbed my eyes, hesitating before answering the knock.


  Tracy opened the door, not bothering to come inside. “Your eleven o’clock appointment is here in the conference room.”

  “I’ll be right there.” I grabbed my jacket, realizing I’d shoved the thought of finding anyone I cared about far out of my mind. I had no idea what kind of relationship I could have with Winter. And the thought of having children in a loveless marriage sickened me. I wasn’t certain I would be able to do it.

  I closed my eyes, envisioning her gorgeous figure and the way she’d looked in the dress the night before. She’d literally taken my breath away, the hunger never leaving me. My cock ached as I thought about her, my balls tightening.

  Winter had entered my world like a whirlwind, incapable of accepting rules, a woman who would always speak her mind.



  We might not be friends.

  But I would own her.

  Tame her.

  Break her if that’s what it took.

  Tonight would be the beginning of our tumultuous but passionate relationship. I couldn’t wait to taste her. If that made me a monster, so be it.

  The moment I walked into the conference room, Winter tensed, her fingers tightly gripping the edge of the table. She’d selected a red dress, the material hugging every curve. While not as provocative as the night before, the color was one of power.



  And blood.

  She was making a statement, so fitting of her personality.

  My cravings kicked into the stratosphere, my cock now in actual pain. I couldn’t wait to spread her legs, feasting on her pretty pink pussy. The thought was riveting, keeping me on edge.

  Christian glanced from one side of the table to the other before pushing the contracts across the table. “Please read this over and sign in the appropriate places. Unfortunately, changes cannot be made; however, I think you will find the terms more than acceptable, especially financially.”

  Instead of bothering to look over the terms, I studied her as she picked up the contract, taking a deep breath as she scanned the page. She’d decided to come alone, likely to make certain I realized how strong she was, refusing to accept any concept of domination. I admired her more than I could have imagined even as I wanted to ravage her entire body.

  Her jaw was set, her lips pursed, and she took her time, reading each page carefully. There were no gasps or a single sign that she was either troubled or incensed by the terms. Between what had been placed inside the Box, as well as our combined holdings and a ‘gift’ from the Council’s coffers, we would be extremely wealthy.

  Although I had a feeling she couldn’t care less about money.

  When she was finished reading, she lifted her head, a smirk crossing her face. “May I have a pen?”

  “Of course,” Christian said but I’d already pushed one across the table, forcing our fingers to touch. The instant electricity was shocking, my entire body tingling. I could tell she felt the same, a chip in her armor occurring as she took a shallow breath.

  She curled her fingers around the pen, her eyes flashing. Leaning over, she held the pen in the air for several seconds before placing the tip on the page.

  While every action I’d seen from her had been defiant, a child trying to garner attention, this time she had no idea what her actions could mean.

  Or the damnation forced on all of us.

  Very slowly she drew a huge ‘X’ across the first page, smiling as she slid it toward Christian.

  “Gentlemen, while I appreciate the terms of the deal, my answer is fuck you. I have no intention of ever marrying someone I don’t love. Not for love of my family, my country, or my God. And especially not for the Sacred Sect. Now, have yourselves a lovely day. I intend on doing so.”

  I’d never seen Christian stunned before. On this day, he was floored. As she walked around us and out the door, all I could do was smile. “Amazing,” I whispered, dragging my finger over my lips as I thought about our kiss.

  Christian slammed his hands on the table several times, finally shoving the papers off the table. “That’s bullshit and can’t happen. We have far too much at stake.”

  I’d never seen him so unraveled, a rush of crimson creeping up from his neck.

  “I will talk to her. She needs an opportunity to understand what’s at stake,” I said, my cock throbbing to the point the pain had moved into anguish.

  “Well, you better do that quickly, brother, or all hell is going to break loose.”

  I took long strides toward him until we were inches apart. “And why is that, Christian? What the fuck aren’t you telling me?”

  He hissed, raking his hand through his hair.

  I yanked his arm, snarling, “Tell. Me.”

  “The Taglionis ar
e prepared to infiltrate our organization. Their first way? To make certain they yank our agreements with law enforcement. The weight of having the O’Briens in our community is no longer enough.”

  “You fucking need me to marry her to keep the mafia from buying off the cops?”

  “That’s one way of looking at it. You don’t quite understand, Matteo.”

  “Then tell me right now,” I demanded.

  “Franco Taglioni, the oldest son of Don Carmine, will take over the organization within two years. He has expressed an interest in forming another alliance in order to unravel our power. His best method of doing so is—”

  “By marrying into the family of the community,” I interrupted. Fuck that.

  “Whatever the Taglionis have on Donovan is significant. He’ll be forced to turn Winter over to him unless this wedding goes through quickly. If it does, his buddies on both sides of the law will make certain the community is protected no matter what they have to do.”

  God. Fucking. Damnit.

  There was no other choice. Both Winter and I had been backed into a corner.

  And no other man was going to touch her.

  She was mine.

  I knew exactly what I had to do.

  Chapter Eight



  While I should feel sadness, even remorse for the decision I’d made, all I wanted to do was celebrate. Maybe I’d stop and buy a bottle of champagne on the way back to my parents’ house. They could be as pissed at me as they wanted, but this was my life. Even the sob story my mother had told me hadn’t been enough of an influencer.

  Sadly, the celebration would have to wait. I knew it was important to get the hell out of town before they attempted to change my mind.

  They certainly didn’t need the additional monies they would be given after my marriage. I slapped my hand on the elevator button once again, darting a quick look over my shoulder. Hurry. Please. The last thing I wanted to do was have a confrontation with Matteo.

  When the doors slid open, I quickly hurried inside, half expecting him to slide in at the last second. A flood of relief washed through me when the doors closed. Thank God, I’d found the courage to do what was necessary. I’d already booked a return flight for the afternoon. I’d been lucky to get the last seat on the plane.


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