Taken: A Dark Mafia Romance Read online

Page 8

  Just before he dragged me over his lap, I noticed far too many of the others salivating for what was about to occur. Maybe they’d all hoped I’d balk against their ridiculous rules in order to see an adult woman being spanked. As he jerked up my dress, showing the guests my naked bottom, I closed my eyes. How was I supposed to get through something so horrible?

  The feel of the cool leather being pulled down my spine then Matteo tapping both ass cheeks was enough to force bile into my throat. Was he grandstanding for the cause? “Get on with this,” I hissed, expecting repercussions for my impatience. Why weren’t the others chanting, urging him on?

  “You’ll receive twenty-five for your insolence and disrespect to the community,” Matteo stated in a matter-of-fact way. If he was playing a part, he was a damn good actor.

  The first hard crack across my bottom was all about the sound, the whoosh of the strap amplified. But there was utter silence in the room, not a single gasp or exclamation. They’d all witnessed this before, every wife trained to be a good little submissive. Matteo would have a hellion on his hands.

  As he brought it down four times in rapid succession, only tingling sensations drifted down my legs. The single hard crack across my sit spot finally allowed the pain to explode, jetting into every tendon and muscle like wildfire. Jerking up, I threw back my hand.

  “Stop. That hurts!” I yelped, unable to control my body’s reaction. I undulated back and forth, clawing at the floor in a desperate attempt to get off his lap.

  “Stop fighting me,” he snarled. “You’re going to behave, or the punishment will become much harsher. Do you think you can do that?” The soothing sound of his voice was mixed with the warm caresses of his fingers, a dangerous combination. He was also hard as a rock, his cock throbbing as it pushed into me.


  I took gasping breaths, clenching my fists as he brushed his fingers across my aching bottom, the heat increasing. What was worse the embarrassment of being punished in front of so many was the scent of my pussy wafting between us. I was aroused just like before. What the hell was wrong with me? I couldn’t honestly buy into the concept I’d follow rules, playing the dutiful wife no matter what he asked.

  He brought the strap down several times, one coming after the other. The pain was breath-stealing and try as I may, I couldn’t maintain a position. With every wiggle I could feel juice trickling down my legs, likely staining his expensive trousers. At least the thought gave me a smile. He deserved to experience the same kind of humiliation.

  I concentrated on my breathing as the spanking continued, confused at my body’s reaction, the complete betrayal of my system. Nothing seemed real, as if I’d stepped into another world. The memories continued to pour in, forcing me to realize that a part of me had known this would occur. I hadn’t been given orders to come home, I’d merely agreed. I could have declined, citing my workload.

  They would have sent someone to drag you back.

  A moan left my lips at the ugliness of my thoughts, my arm involuntarily pitching backwards. As Matteo’s hand wrapped firmly around my wrist, holding me in place, a single tear slipped from my right eye. Nothing would ever be the same again.

  My imagination took over, images of my wedding and the night of sinful passion that followed snaking into every crevice. And what I would become.

  His possession.

  His toy.

  His... wife.

  Over my dead body.

  * * *

  “Tell me what you want, Winter.” He gripped my chin between his thumb and forefingers, forcing me to gaze into his eyes.

  “You. I want you.”

  “Have you been a good girl, or do I need to punish you for your sins?”

  “I’ve been very good, sir.” As he let go, backing away into the shadows, I felt a tremendous loss, the electricity broken. I reached out then realized my mistake, lowering my head when I heard his exaggerated sighs.

  “I thought I’ve taught you better than that. Don’t I give you pleasure when you’ve behaved?”

  I nodded, unable to look him in the eyes.

  “I need to hear you, sweet girl. Don’t you remember how wet I made you last night? Don’t you remember how you wanted to do everything you could to please me?”

  “Yes. Yes, sir.”

  “Would you prefer the burn of my strap slicing across your backside?” he growled, the huskiness of his voice sliding up and down my naked skin.

  “No, sir.”

  “Then crawl to me, my beautiful Winter. Show me what a good little girl you are.”

  I jerked up, taking a series of breaths, the vision remaining in the forefront of my mind. There was no way I would enter into marriage with a controlling, dominating freak. None. I buried my head in my pillows, loathing the ridiculous fantasy, even as my pussy ached from the thought of him alone.

  “You need to get up.”

  The words were harsh, especially coming from my mother. I opened my eyes, glaring at her as she tidied up my room, yanking the dress from the floor where I’d left it. I hadn’t been able to face anyone after the round of humiliation, bounding up to my room with a bottle of wine.

  Then there had been tears, the last ones I would shed. I’d made a solid half dozen promises to myself while sulking in misery in the darkness. I’d also come to several conclusions. I would be forced to lose my family for the rest of my life if I ran away. I wasn’t entirely certain what I wanted any longer.

  Not a contrived marriage in an organization that seemed closer to a mafia family than anything else. And not to a man who thought he already owned me. Nope. Not a chance.

  “Come on, honey. You have things to do today. You’re going to be seeing that handsome fiancé of yours later today. I know you’ll want to look your best.”

  Nothing that I’d said had mattered. Not a damn thing.

  When she began to hum as she unpacked my clothes, carefully placing even my tee shirts on empty hangers, I couldn’t take it any longer.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Mother? What?” I threw back the covers, fisting my forehead as a wave of pain rushed into my temple. I shouldn’t have consumed a third glass of wine.

  “Whatever do you mean, darling? It’s a beautiful day and after your meeting, you can enjoy spending time with Matteo. Now, tomorrow, we’re going to need to select your wedding dress. Maybe we can have lunch together afterwards.”

  I was sickened by her audacity even though I realized she had no choice. “I feel so sorry for you, Mother. I know you’re a prisoner in this way of life. I just don’t understand why you’d want your daughter to face the same. I don’t plan on living that way. No, I refuse to. I’m not weak.”

  When I didn’t hear anything, I shifted in order to see what she was doing. Her shoulders were slumped, and she’d placed both hands on the doorjamb of the closet.

  “Did you know that I met your father when I was fifteen years old?” she asked. I’d never heard such a conciliatory tone in my mother’s voice. I could tell she was tired, as if no longer wanting to hide behind the façade.

  “You’ve told me very little about your relationship. I assume it’s because you hated it so much.”

  Sighing, she slowly moved around the bed, finally sitting down and taking my hand into hers. “I’m so sorry that you’ve believed that all these years, Winter. I adore your father. The very first day I laid eyes on him I think I fell in love with him. He was so big and strong, his smile dazzling. There wasn’t a girl in high school who didn’t have a crush on him. He was the captain of the football team, made straight A’s, and we all knew he was going to be someone special. I will never forget telling my mother all about him. I was so excited because he’d actually asked me to the school dance. Me! I was just a sophomore and he was a senior.” She laughed although she looked away shaking her head.

  I’d never heard the story before. In fact, they’d talked very little about their past. “That sounds lovely.”

  She sh
ifted until she could look into my eyes. “That was the very day my mother told me about the Box and the requirements. That was also the day my father forbade me to see Donovan. I will never forget how angry I was, screaming my hatred. My father didn’t budge. Somehow, he was able to make certain I didn’t have an opportunity to see Donovan again, at least until my twenty-fourth birthday.”

  “The Council.”

  Nodding, she gave me a half smile. “I didn’t know that then, but yes. Needless to say, I was both excited and terrified that his name was in my Box.”

  “Why terrified?”

  “Because he’d changed, becoming ruthless and unforgiving. He was already a self-made millionaire with his business, and I assure you that he wasn’t well liked. He wasn’t too fond of me either,” she said, laughing. “But we both did as we were required, the wedding ceremony a beautiful and lavish orchestration. We learned to really love and rely on each other even though we were entirely different people. I’m not going to tell you that it hasn’t been tough, but I wouldn’t have wanted a different outcome. I became his light, pulling him out of his darkness. And you are my greatest gift, a true miracle.”

  Tears trickled down her cheeks. “Why a miracle?” I asked, uncertain I wanted to know the answer. When she hesitated, her mouth twisting, I squeezed her hand. “It’s okay, Mama. You can tell me.”

  “Because I’d had three miscarriages. After the last baby was lost, the doctor ran several tests. He told us that I had significant scarring on my ovaries as well as other issues. Given my high blood pressure, he was worried about me attempting a fourth time, afraid I would die. We were devastated. I’d wanted to have a beautiful baby so badly. So did your father. We discussed trying one last time and Donovan refused, unwilling to risk my life.”

  My heart raced simply seeing the pain on her face. “Then how?”

  She smiled as she wiped away her tears with both hands. “I can be very convincing. The pregnancy was difficult. I was put on bed rest at five months, and even then, there were complications, but I refused to allow my baby girl to be taken from me. And look at you now. You had ten perfect little fingers and toes. I’ve never seen your father so happy. I think he gave away five hundred cigars on the day you were born. He even handed them out to strangers on the street.”

  The level of genuine happiness was something I wasn’t used to seeing.

  “I don’t know what to say,” I finally managed. “I’m sorry. I’m...”

  “I’m not. I’ve loved every single minute of having you in my life, celebrating all your accomplishments. Your father has been right there by my side. When you got that promotion a couple weeks ago, your father actually brought home a bottle of champagne, the good kind too. We sat out by the pool enjoying the moment, so happy that our daughter had become so intelligent and caring.”

  The joy on her face wasn’t what brought the harsh chill skittering down my back. I hadn’t told a single person about the promotion.

  And it hadn’t started before I’d left.

  Swallowing, I remained silent, my throat tightening.

  She finally darted a look in my direction, patting my hand in an empathetic manner. “Matteo Capodanno is a good man. He’s strong and handsome and has already made a fortune. You will have beautiful children together.” With that, she moved to a standing position, immediately heading for the door. “You have an appointment at the Capodanno offices at eleven. At that time, you’ll need to sign the contract, which will spell out details regarding the stocks that were in the Box and certain other holdings. You’ll also set a wedding date. Please do this for us, Winter. It’s very important to the family. Respect and loyalty are truly powerful.”

  When she looked at me once again, gone were her tears and any sign of the joy and sorrow she’d shared. Now she wore the plastic smile of a Sacred Sect wife.

  The one I’d no doubt learn to wear.

  Until the day I died.

  Chapter Seven



  There were at least a dozen reasons the word had continued to play in my mind since leaving the O’Brien estate. The party as well as the bullshit both Winter and I had been forced to endure had left a bad taste in my mouth. Tensions were high, Christian refusing to provide anything but lip service.

  Anger continued to furrow inside of me. At very minimum, Winter should have been warned what she would walk into. That no one had told her was reprehensible. Whether or not the marriage was a requirement, I didn’t have to like her parents or even tolerate their behavior.

  No matter how closely entwined our families would be.

  I snickered as I stared at the high-rise building, the glistening steel and glass location just like so many others in the damn city. Every one of them designed by the finest architects, no expense spared for the rich and famous who rarely occupied the space.

  Mr. O’Brien was no different. Although his marketing firm continued to prosper, the family legitimately wealthy given his hard work, there’d been other factors involved. Contracts awarded to his firm over others more qualified. The best clients falling into his lap. Now he rarely came into the office.

  But today, the day after his daughter’s illustrious party and meltdown he’d decided to retreat to his plush office. What a fucking coward. I walked inside the building, knowing exactly where I was going. Only the top floor would do for a man like Donovan O’Brien.

  As I headed in through the double glass doors, offering the receptionist my most impish smile, I scanned the perimeter, able to see at least two dozen employees hard at work. While I considered this a... courtesy visit to my future father-in-law, I doubted he would see it that way. I would certainly attempt to keep my anger at a minimum, but I couldn’t promise anything.

  “Hiya,” I said, keeping the grin.

  The girl’s eyes opened wide, her smile genuine and one of appreciation. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m here to see Donovan.”

  “I don’t think he’s taking any appointments today,” she muttered, the tic in the corner of her mouth indicating he was a tough taskmaster.

  “Oh, he’s definitely going to want to see me since I’m his future son-in-law.”

  She seemed shocked, gasping and throwing her hand over her mouth. “Of course. Oh, my goodness. I didn’t know. That’s so exciting.” As she stood, she was genuinely happy, which surprised the fuck out of me. “Mr. O’Brien used to always talk about his daughter and how proud he was. He has to be so happy. Congratulations and I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  As she lifted the receiver on her phone, I turned away. “You do that.” The smile gone, I shoved my hands into my pockets. A part of me had wanted to smash my fist in the asshole’s face the night before. He’d deserved it for his horrific behavior.

  “He’ll be right with you,” she said, clapping her hands. “We’ll have to plan a party.”

  I chuckled and kept my back turned, staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows. The view was incredible, even more so than in the Capodanno office.

  A full two minutes passed by, then five. I wasn’t a patient man, not for anyone. As I glanced at my watch, I heard his approach and bristled.

  “Matteo. What a pleasure. Come on back to my office.”

  I slowly turned, giving him a wry look. We were both playing our part. He stared into my eyes before motioning me down a long hallway, both of us silent on the way.

  He closed the door behind me, waiting as I glanced at the perimeter of his office, taking my sweet time. “Matteo. I assume you’re here for a reason. I do have quite a bit of work to deal with so...”

  I looked down at his desk, the one that was devoid of any paperwork or even an active computer screen. “Hmmm... If you ask me, Donovan, I’d say you were attempting to hide.”

  Scoffing, he walked closer. “That’s ridiculous. Who the hell would I be hiding from, you?”

  “Your daughter.”

  “Utter crap, Matteo. Again, I have a busy
day, so I suggest you get on with whatever you’ve come here for.”

  All right. If he wanted to play it that way, I’d have no problem. I wrapped my hand around his throat, dragging him easily to the edge of his desk and pushing him over by several inches. “It was obvious that you didn’t have the decency to tell your own daughter about what she could expect last night. It takes a real asshole to do something like that. You hurt her. Not only that, but I have no doubt she’ll try to run any and every chance she gets. As you might imagine, that doesn’t bode well for either the man who agreed to become her husband or the community.”

  I dug my fingers in, enjoying the lovely shade of red his face was turning as he slapped his hands against my arm in an attempt to free himself. He sputtered, huffing and puffing as he attempted to speak.

  “What’s that? Cat got your tongue? Are you trying to apologize for being a fucking dickhead? Hmmm... I’ll keep that in mind when I decide whether to crush your face in. Now, here’s how it’s going to play, Donny boy. I will marry your daughter and I plan on taking very good care of her. While I realize our families will be forced to pretend that we give a shit as we get together over holidays and birthday celebrations, you will never have control over her again. As a matter of fact, if you dare hurt her even a single time, I will make certain it’s the last thing you do as a living and breathing man. Do I make myself clear enough?” I lessened my grip, still glaring him in the eyes, daring him to fuck with me. I could tell without a doubt the man was hiding something, possibly from his entire family.

  I would make it a point to find out what.

  Then I would crush him like a bug.

  “Ye-Yes. Yes, of course. Your wife. You control her. You...”

  I took a deep breath, digging my nails in one more time. “I will hold you to your promise, Donny, but I will be watching.” As I backed away, he slumped onto his knees, coughing. I walked toward the door, realizing that I actually cared about the girl, enough I would carry through with my threat if necessary.


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