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Roughneck: A Dark Romance Page 4

  I often worried about Dierdre, but I’d never seen any sign that Jonathan had ever done anything to hurt her. I’d decided on the day I left not to burst her bubble about her father. Now, I second-guessed my decision. He was up to something. I knew that in my heart and by the way my blood chilled at the thought.

  Unfortunately, Dierdre would probably marry some aristocratic jerk and produce gaggles of blonde and perfect children. She adored Jonathan and certainly didn’t know how treacherous he really was. There were so many vile things racing in the back of my mind and I’d said pretty much all of them smack in front of my stepfather’s friends. Served him right.

  The argument had been the worst we’d ever had, and I’d said horrible words I’d refused to take back, even going as far as to tell him I would find a way to destroy him.

  Oh, I’d meant every word and enjoyed the shocked faces of his buddies. Fuck them all.

  What about his series of threats?

  Why did the nagging voice of reason have to bother me now? He had no idea where I was and there was no way he could guess. He’d no doubt appoint his goons to try to locate me, but they were too stupid to follow any kind of path, breadcrumbs included. Besides, I’d all but destroyed my trail after getting the job, making certain no one could find me. You are doing this all by yourself. You are strong and vibrant. You are smart and cunning. That was the promise I’d made the day I walked out of my stepfather’s house and I planned on sticking to it.

  Working on an oil rig was the hardest job I’d ever attempted to do. Proving myself in order to get the job in the first place had taken every ounce of creativity, as well as some perfectly placed and very fabricated emails. I cringed just thinking of the lengths I’d gone to. Thank God for the internet and cramming with terminology, watching countless YouTube videos for demonstrations. Then there’d been the welding classes. At least I had a skill I could take other places.

  A giggle then a groan lipped past my lips. Other than during interning at a catering company, I’d never lifted more than fifty pounds. Now? I was strong as an ox. Well, maybe a solid horse. I was better than the majority of the men on the crew. At least half.

  Okay, maybe one or two, but I took my job seriously, knew every letter of the safety protocol, and was capable of torqueing hard-pressed steel with the best of them.

  Who the hell was I trying to kid? I was way out of my element, on shaky ground at best. If anyone found out I was lying, especially Jack, I’d be tossed out on my ass. That would certainly give my stepfather a laugh. Fairly decent work on the previous rig had given me some level of confidence, a few of the roughnecks helpful to the green girl with doe eyes.

  I did everything to push aside the bitter memories of my past life. I would see this assignment through my way. Please, God. Let me be able to do this.

  I snorted as my hand absently floated across my nipple. I couldn’t get Jack out of my mind and within seconds, I was pinching to the point I gasped from the pain. Delicious agony.

  The kind I knew my new daddy wanted to provide. What if everything could be different? What if Jack could actually care?

  Stop being a ninny. You don’t even know him. This was true enough.

  Licking my lips, I rubbed the cloth across my other hardened bud in an aggressive manner, panting as goosebumps appeared over every inch of my skin. Even though steam swirled around me, beads of sweat slid down the back of my neck. The man knew how to make me hot and bothered.

  I danced my fingers down my abdomen, ever so slowly as I closed my eyes. All I could concentrate on was his eyes, black like coal, riveting in the way they stared right through me. Even his two- or three-day stubble was enigmatic, framing the most perfect angular jaw and luscious red and very full lips. Kissing him would be incredible, his tongue controlling mine, the pads of his fingers brushing down the length of my arm. “Jesus.” I fanned my face then slid a single finger over my clit, still swollen from his touch. What would he say about me pleasuring myself? I hadn’t been told I wasn’t allowed.

  Easing my back against the tile, the discomfort wasn’t just a reminder but an aphrodisiac and I swirled my finger around the tender bud, a naughty smile crossing my face as I spread my legs wide open. What would it feel like to have his tongue dipping into my wet heat? Would the taste of his cum be tangy or sweet? Mmm...

  Giggling, I rubbed in aimless circles for several seconds before pinching the nub between my fingers. Exquisite agony. I was so turned on I was forced to take deep breaths. The images of his roughhewn body never left my mind as I fingered myself, the pleasure almost as good as the hard fucking. Thrusting my fingers into my pussy, I flexed them open, licking my lips as I thought of Jack’s cock shoved into my mouth. I was crazed with lust and all because of him.

  Then his admonishing face came into view and I gasped, startled out of my mind and half expecting to see him standing in front of me. I could, however, swear I heard his stern voice barking out his displeasure.

  “You aren’t allowed to fondle yourself, Summer. That will cost you. You will be spanked like the bad kitten you’re turning out to be.”

  Blinking several times, I’d ripped my hand away from my cunt so fast I accidently slapped it against the shower wall.

  Perfect. I was still a mess. How was I going to get through the next few weeks working under this man, this rugged, sexy-as-hell brute? I stamped my feet, groaning as I turned off the water. This incredible soldier was already having a tremendous effect on me. After leaving home, I’d sworn that I’d never let that happen, no matter my cravings.

  Yanking the world’s shittiest bath towel from the rack, I attempted to cover my shivering body, storming out of the tiny bathroom just in time to hear my cell phone blipping. One of the fabulous aspects about being out this far in the ocean was that cell phone service was limited to instant messages. I’d hoped not to be bothered and the only reason I’d kept the same number was because of Deirdre. My thoughts rushed to her, fear and worry making my stomach pool in knots.

  I glared down at the screen, blinking several times. “No. You aren’t going to get to me, asshole.” I immediately flipped my phone before I could read the message. I couldn’t stop shaking, more out of anger than anything else. “Fuck you. Fuck you!” The words felt damn good to say them out loud.

  I took long strides away from the tiny dresser, laughing as the towel scraped against my bruised ass, sending chills all the way to the bone. Served me right since I wasn’t supposed to curse, but I had a damn good reason to.

  I’d had two terse messages from Jonathan since coming on board, which, of course, I hadn’t answered. My stepfather wasn’t the kind of man who would back down. At least I inherited that trait from you, dearest father. I snorted and would tell him that one day when I exacted my revenge. However, whatever my stepfather had to say this time, I was pretty certain it would shove me into a foul mood.

  Nope. No way. I was stronger than that man.

  Then why was I shaking like a leaf?

  I rubbed my arm, twisting back and forth. Several thousand miles away and Jonathan still had the same wretched effect on me. When would I be completely free of his tyranny?

  “Head high. Think of something else.” And maybe a drink would help. I rolled my eyes as I headed for my dresser.

  While I’d only brought a few belongings with me, I’d made certain I had two bottles of my favorite liquor. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but right now, I needed a different kind of courage before looking at the message. After quickly pulling on some shorts and a tee shirt, yanking my still wet hair into a ponytail, I dug through my drawer until I found my favorite cup.

  The plastic piece was nothing special, merely a souvenir from one of very few wonderful memories. Walt Disney World. The now well-worn caricature of Mickey Mouse always gave me a smile. I’d asked how many times for my stepfather to take me to the special place as a child. Not once had he bothered to even tell me why we couldn’t go. We certainly had the money, but he just didn’t car

  So, I’d gone with friends one spring break, but for some reason, it hadn’t been the same. Still, the cup was a sweet reminder of a better life, at least in my mind, a lost little girl who wasn’t entirely certain she wanted to be grown up. I fingered the gold lettering, blinking away tears. “Well, Mickey. I certainly won’t be drinking juice. How about whiskey instead?” A laugh bubbled to the surface as I reached for one of the bottles. This wasn’t the first time I’d taken a sip. Cracking the cap, I poured a small amount, allowing the bottle to hover. Then I poured more. Was I celebrating or having my own personal pity party? Did it matter?

  Hell, no. Maybe after dinner I’d polish off the bottle.

  All. By. Myself.

  I held the cup into the air, glaring into the small mirror at my reflection. I did look a hell of a lot different than when I’d arrived on the first rig, including the dark rings under my eyes. Maybe one day there would be light instead of darkness. The first sip gave me a tremor, the slight burn jarring. The second was warming.

  The third and fourth?

  Building the courage I so desperately needed.

  “Just you and me, Mickey.” Laughing, I offered another toast and this time, I was smiling. Glancing down at the phone, I took several deep breaths before yanking it into my fingers. Damn it, they were still shaking. Why did I let the man get to me that much? Because you’re not worthy. “Stop. Just fucking stop.” I hadn’t realized I’d polished off the entire cup until I tried to take another sip. Just one more cup and I would be able to calm down.

  I grabbed the bottle, filling all the way to Mickey’s nose this time.

  “What in the world do you want, dearest stepfather?”

  I scrolled to the messages, blinking several times before bursting into laughter. “Whatever, asshole. You won’t beat me, no matter what you try and do.” My grip became firm, enough so I heard a slight cracking sound. “Fuck you. Fuck my life. Fuck this place.” I groaned and held it to my head. The same damn blipped noise made my legs shake with anger.

  Refusing to look at the new message, I smacked the phone on top of the dresser once, twice then walked away, praying to God I had broken it into a million little pieces. I closed my eyes and took gulp after gulp, hot tears escaping past my lashes no matter what I tried to do. I just couldn’t push away the pain.

  Whether the big, brawny Marine liked it or not, this was my home now. He could just get over himself. I was here to stay.

  I wiped the tears for the last time from one eye then the other, never letting go of the cup. I would do my job to the best of my ability, deposit the hefty paycheck, and move on to the next rig, or whatever I wanted to do. This was my life. My choices. My body.

  I could sin if I wanted to. I could act out if I wanted to. I could drink if I wanted to. No one was going to stop me. The buzzing noise filtering into my shithole of a cabin forced me to look at the clock. Five until six in the glorious afternoon.

  I took another sip then a third glance into the mirror. Maybe tonight I’d wear a little makeup. Why not? I might be a teensy-weensy bit late, but the gorgeous master sergeant would no doubt think it was worth it.

  Snickering, I finally put down the cup but not before polishing off the entire contents. Time to look sexy.

  Chapter Three


  I had to be out of my fucking mind. Yes, I’d needed to intervene and yes, she was damn good at pushing buttons, but fucking her wasn’t the best decision I’d made in the past few months.

  The buzzing sound indicated a few minutes before six. Exhaling, I allowed the heated breath to take its sweet time being expelled. I wasn’t simply angry with her. I was disappointed. I thought I’d been very clear in my direction. I also thought she’d understood her part in following the rules. I could see that my first level of discipline hadn’t made the point I’d intended.

  “Uh-oh. There’s that look again,” Riley teased. “You’re fuming.”

  “Yeah, I’m pissed.”

  “O-kay. Do you want to tell your old Marine buddy why?”

  I merely slid my eyes in his direction and folded my arms. We stood only a few feet away from the mess hall door and I’d honestly expected to see Summer sitting in a seat, obeying everything I’d told her. No Summer. No indication she was close by. “I just had a chat with our new recruit and I thought she understood there were rules she was required to follow.”

  “Rules, huh?” He grinned, more like a happy hound dog than anything. “You give it the old Stone stylings?”

  “Very funny. I explained to her how she was going to behave and what would happen if she didn’t.” She had one minute left or I’d blister her butt again. A dull ache flashed into my head, the same one that had occurred just after spanking her. Fucking her. Sodomizing her. Jesus, what had I gotten myself into?

  “I was right. The Stone stylings. How did she take it?”

  Riley knew me better than anyone else, including my dominating style. The great tease while overseas had been that I would never be with a girl who I couldn’t discipline. Maybe they were right. “Let me ask you this. How in the hell did she get on my rig? Seriously? She’s totally green, obviously prone to bouts of anger and honestly, seems like she has zero on the job training.”

  “Possessive now, are we?” Riley asked, lifting a single eyebrow. He laughed until he noticed my eyes.

  I was pissed off, worried and could tell Summer had built a hard shell around her, one that would take months to even crack. I wasn’t entirely certain she could last that long on the rig.

  “Okay, all kidding aside. Summer Carter checked out. Okay? I’m not stupid, Stone, but I’m not going to lie, I thought the girl would add some verve to the operation. When I noticed her name on the application, don’t you think I called the last rig she was on? The skipper over there said she did a great job, but that they had to cut back on personnel. She was low man, or um, woman on the totem pole. He even suggested she try over here.”

  “Verve? You mean acid rain. She weighs like a hundred pounds soaking wet. She’s not built for this kind of work. And what the hell is she trying to prove?” The feisty redhead certainly had talent but tackling heavy duty and very dangerous welding on an active oil rig shouldn’t be one of them. Christ. Maybe I was a damn Neanderthal or maybe my protective side was starting to leak through far too much. She was my employee only. Anything else was playing with fire. As long as she did her job as required, I should just stay out of it. As long as she could be controlled.

  Which I doubted.

  “All I know is that other than her caustic mouth, she can certainly hold her own. Yeah, she needs to learn some techniques, but I’ve grilled her myself. She knows her shit. Everybody has to start somewhere. Now, what’s bugging you other than you want to fuck her?” Riley took a full step back, holding up his hands, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Yep. I’m right.”

  “Riley!” I gritted my teeth, trying to keep my cool. Rumors I didn’t need. “First of all, I don’t want that kind of shit going around this rig. Got it?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  This time, I rolled my eyes, fighting not to laugh. “Cut the crap. I just have an odd feeling about this girl, as if she’s been abandoned or is running away from something.”

  “Well, aren’t we all running from something?”

  I had to smile, giving Riley a nod. “I’m not running!”

  “Uh-huh. Me think you doth protest too much.”

  I lifted my middle finger, daring him to utter Monica’s name. My ex-girlfriend was a ballbuster, lying about almost everything in her life, including her love for me. The pain continued to turn my dreams into nightmares.

  “All right. I’ll cut the crap. I’ll check Summer out as far as the trail will go, but I’m certain you’re going to grill her enough as it is.” Riley exhaled, finally nodding in affirmation. “As a good supervisor should do.”

  I glanced at the clock one more time. “I’m going to do a lot more than that now th
at she’s late, but I want to know everything about her. Where she came from. If she has a family. Everything.”

  “Yes, Master Sergeant. She will need to learn that your rules can never be broken.” The sarcasm in Riley’s voice at least gave me a laugh.

  “Hey, Stone, you’re wanted in the communications helm. You have a call from the mainland.” The young rigger stood in the doorway, his face pensive.

  “Uh-oh. That can’t be good,” Riley said under his breath.

  “Probably not.” We were way behind production for the month and we had no other excuses other than a single tropical storm. “When Sunshine arrives, keep your eye on her.”

  “Is that all I can do?” Riley chortled before walking away.

  A flash of jealousy almost crowded out the nagging feeling sitting in the back of my mind. I liked the girl. There was no sense to it at all. She could be my daughter, for Christ’s sake. Beautiful, but I suspected her secrets were the reason she acted out. She was like a frozen rosebud with water slowly evaporating.

  I took long strides, heading up to the tower, grabbing the phone perched and waiting. “Jack Stone.”

  “Jack, it’s Mark Tomlin.”

  “Mark?” What in the hell?

  “Yeah, a blast from the past, huh?” Mark snickered.

  “I’m surprised to hear from you.” This was the last man I would have expected to hear from. He would have had to go through a lot of trouble to find me. How the hell did the man find me? Maybe Dad.

  “How goes it in the land of rigging?”

  “Tough work, but I have a good crew and the pay is phenomenal.” There had to be a significant reason for his call. The influential man was many things, including an old friend, but he was no socialite. “Anything I can do for you?”