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Roughneck: A Dark Romance Page 5

  “You always wanted to get down to brass tacks, my friend.” Mark laughed and for some reason, the hair stood up on the back of my neck. “Well, I’ll stop stalling. I may need your help with something. Let’s just say it’s an opportunity that I think you might want to hear about. You have a few minutes?”

  I hesitated before answering. Why the hell not? “Sure.”

  “You’re a Marine, first and foremost and the most highly trained and qualified that I’ve known. Some would call you a dangerous weapon.”

  Why did the words seem so damn haunting?

  The call lasted almost twenty minutes. By the time I got off the phone, I had no idea what to think. I had the next year or so already planned out in my head. I’d work solidly on the rig, banking almost every dollar, then move back to Texas and take over my father’s ranch, making something out of it finally. After that, who the hell knows. Maybe a wife and kids. My father would certainly love a grandchild.

  This opportunity would certainly change everything.

  I moved to the deck, staring out at the ocean. I felt more alive close to the water than almost anywhere else. The time spent in the desert had reaffirmed my love of trees, horses, and salty waves. Taking this assignment had allowed me to reflect on my life. I was proud of everything I’d done. Serving my country had been the best choice in the world, providing education as well as camaraderie, but I preferred my solitude. I’d been given that particular trait from my father, one hard man. I grinned at the thought. He could still take my ass down in an arm-wrestling match.

  Getting the job on the rig had been perfect. I had one goal in mind and I was going to keep it. Make a lot of money in a short period of time then move on to different parts of the country to build a life outside of the military.

  Everything was going according to plan all the way around.

  Then Summer had put a kink into everything, at least for me. I had no reason to think of her as more than a fling, but I certainly wasn’t that kind of guy and had never been. I couldn’t lie to myself any longer. From the very first time I’d seen her heading to her quarters a few days before, I’d wanted to taste her. Hell, I’d craved devouring every inch of her. I growled, dropping my head as the vision swirled in the back of my mind. The sunlight had been low in the sky, casting a deep orange hue that shimmered around her hair like an intense halo. Then there’d been those long legs for days that disappeared into short shorts, accentuating her curved ass as she walked across the platform.

  Everything about her reeked sensuality as well as submission and my cock had remained in a semi-hard state for almost a solid week. I was hard as steel right now just thinking about the depraved things I wanted to do to her voluptuous body.



  I leaned over the railing, taking a deep whiff of the salty air. Just what in the hell did I think I was going to do with her for real now that the ice had been broken? Daddy. I’d had forced her to call me that. Talk about feeling older. Somehow the term fit, probably for both of us. I longed to have a sweet kitten I could take care of and she desperately needed a firm hand.

  Hearing her say the word had forced my cock to spasm, much like it was doing right now. I groaned, trying to be nonchalant about shifting my aching shaft to a more comfortable position. Every thought I had about her made my muscles twitch, tightening to the point of raw pain. This was certainly turning into a real adventure.

  Well, I had a couple of weeks or so to think about everything Mark had said. The opportunity was good, the money even better but Texas would become a distant memory, forcing my father to succumb to the asshole trying to swallow up everything. My dad never asked for help, but I knew things were going south quickly. Unfortunately, the memories in Texas remained bitter, almost destroying my love for the ranch. Shit. I had no idea what to do. Dad acted like I should live my life, allowing the ranch to be sold.

  Nah. There was something going on, an immoral business deal I couldn’t quite yet figure out.

  I scanned the horizon before trotting down the stairs. By the time I made it into the mess hall, there was a crowd formed around a table in the back. My red flags were raised almost instantly.


  Breaking every rule I’d laid out? Oh, you bet.

  Dragging the jealous beast from his lair? Without a doubt.

  Yanking the concept of Daddy from the shadows? Absolutely needed, much more so than before.

  I couldn’t wait to drag her over my knee.

  Even Riley and my two other buddies were standing just off to the side, amused looks on their faces. I was stiff as I walked closer, horrified at seeing the full extent of what I’d find.

  “Woo-hoo. Take a look at what the girl can do!”

  “Try it again. I want to see that trick up close and personal.”

  “Look at that tongue go, whoa baby!”

  The excitement in the riggers’ voices was sexually charged, the expressions on their faces that of carnivorous animals. I kept my distance, moving just so I was able to catch the floor show.

  What in the hell did she think she was doing? A combination of anger, frustration, and protectiveness catapulted me into another stratosphere. I had difficulty hearing anything but the licking of her lips and the popping of fruit coming out of her mouth.

  Summer sat on top of the table, her head back and her long copper hair falling freely, almost touching the edge of the table. She wore a scoop neck tank, the material stretched across her chest in the most provocative manner. At least one size too small, the outline of her nipples gave a clear indication she wasn’t wearing a bra. She had on makeup, the eyeshadow and blush framing her high cheekbones. Even her shorts were hiked up and given the way she was sitting, I was certain several of the riggers had a direct glance at her undoubtedly wet panties.

  If she was wearing any.

  She was a different girl than her sailor-mouthed swagger during work or her lioness actions when she’d been with me. This was nothing more than a scene, one of raw and powerful seduction.

  The most provocative thing of all was the way she was tying the stem of a cherry with her tongue, expertly so, from what I could see. A bowl only half full of cherries placed next to her was a clear indication of just how long she’d been performing the sensual trick. I was seeing red in more ways than one and her bottom was soon to see it as well.

  I was furious as fuck.

  “Just let it be,” Riley whispered, crowding my space.

  “Yeah, the guys are just having some fun.” Drake’s eyes shimmered as he watched her. “Been a long week, Stone.”

  “Mmm... Yummy. You boys want any?” she purred, using just the tip of her tongue as she slid it back and forth, dribbles of juice trickling down one side of her mouth.

  “Jesus...” a husky voice said from the crowd.

  “Baby, I want all you have to give me,” another rigger said casually.

  I was seething yet my cock remained stiff, the kind of raging desire taking over every bit of common sense. The combination was maddening. After taking several deep breaths, I pushed my way through the crowd until I was standing only inches from the table. The other men slowly backed away, their tones hushed. There were no more whoops and hollers, no more sexual bantering. They knew they’d crossed the line.

  Summer finally seemed to register my presence, her eyes opening wide immediately. Sitting up straight, she eased the fruit from her mouth, almost as a child would do spitting out something they hated. After plopping the remnants into the bowl, she wiped her hands on her shorts. Blinking several times, she opened her mouth as if to apologize, then pursed her lips.

  The same drop of juice remained, sliding even further, sitting precariously on her chin. I couldn’t take my eyes off the light pink bead.

  Both Riley and Drake motioned the boys, trying to get them out of the way.

  At least she had the decency to blush, redness sliding up from the base of her neck to her cheeks as well as oozing down to
her cleavage.

  “Party’s over, boys,” Riley directed, moving the riggers away.

  “Ah, man. We were finally having some fun!”

  “On your own time.” Riley shook his head then lifted his eyebrows, giving me a questioning look.

  She scooted closer to the edge of the table, folding her arms across her chest. “I can explain.” Suddenly noticing the drop, she wiped it furiously with her arm.

  I was certain she could, but I wasn’t certain I wanted to hear her excuse for disobeying me, disrespecting me, and making herself look like a fool.

  Let alone a sexual object.

  There was a hell of a lot I needed to say to her, but this wasn’t the time or place. Plus, I was far too angry to even make sense. A full ten seconds, then twenty passed as I locked eyes with her, contemplating how to provide a heightened level of punishment. That is, if she’d even pay any attention.

  Her lower lip quivered, her shoulders curling forward and finally, she was the one to break eye contact, looking down at the floor. “I know you’re disappointed in me.”

  I heard the words floating into my ears but by that point, I was already four long strides closer to the door. When I was outside, I heard feet scampering behind me.


  I refused to wait, moving toward my quarters. I’d lost my appetite.

  “Da... I mean sir, please wait.”

  I took two more steps.

  “Please! Aren’t you going to punish me?”

  Pivoting in a flash, I pushed her against the hull, narrowing my eyes and keeping my voice little more than a whisper. Inhaling, I was jazzed by her scent of a shower, remnants of cherry juice and something else, the fragrance I couldn’t make out. “What do you think you’re doing? Do you really want to announce to the entire crew that you need discipline?”

  “I thought that’s what you wanted,” she insisted.

  It suddenly dawned on me. She smelled like alcohol. “Have you been drinking, young lady?”

  “I... No. I haven’t.” Another blush gave her away.

  Her defiant attitude was back with bells on, no doubt fueled by whatever liquor she’d consumed. I growled, allowing my hot breath to skate over her skin. “You’re lying. I don’t like liars. I also don’t like bad girls who have no understanding of rules. What in the hell did you think you were doing in there?”

  “I was just having fun. That’s all.”

  My God, she sounded like a whiny teenager. I had a couple of choices, but none of them involved letting her go. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her down the hallway, shooting past my cabin.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “I should be taking you right back in the mess hall, spanking your naked ass in front every crewmember on this rig. Instead, I’ll leave you some dignity. For now. Next time, you won’t be so lucky, if there is a next time.”

  “Wait. I mean...”

  I said nothing as I moved down the corridor, only stopping long enough to ask which room, my glare devoid of any other emotion but coldness.

  Summer pointed to the end of the hall, her look one of resignation. When we stood in front of the door, I held out my hand, waiting for her to hand over her key. Sighing, she dug into her pocket and as she wobbled, I frowned. What was the girl attempting to do? Get drunk and show off her ass? Well, she’d pretty much accomplished that.

  I closed and locked the door behind us, scanning her room. My position as a ranking officer had given me keen observation skills. There was almost nothing representing her femininity. There were also no clothes lying in disarray. I walked immediately to the cup on her dresser, taking a whiff.

  Whiskey. Of all liquors, I was shocked.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? That’s my stuff!” she snapped.

  I gave her a harsh look before glancing back at the cup. The sturdy plastic had seen better days, the engraving of Disney World more of a shock than anything I’d learned about her.

  It was also telling.

  She was indeed searching for a daddy figure, someone who could provide strict rules as well as the firm hand she so obviously craved. Easing the cup back onto the dresser, I fingered the emblem of the castle before turning in her direction.

  Then she was on me like a bat out of hell, rushing to within a few inches, her eyes flashing like the wildcat she was.

  “You have no right treating me like a little kid. I am a grown woman and if I decide to have fun, I’m allowed!”

  “If you’re a grown woman, you need to act like one, not a foolish child who could get herself into trouble. What exactly did you think you were doing and do not tell me one more time that you were merely having fun. What the hell was that about?”

  “Nothing that you should know about and obviously you don’t really care!” She spit out the words, inching even closer. “What are you going to do about it?”

  The gauntlet was thrown, and the little girl had no idea who she was dealing with. “Take off your clothes.”

  “How dare you? Are you going to fuck me, Daddy? Do you want to slide your thick cock into my wet little cunt just like you did before?”

  The scent of her was far too tasty, a combination of fresh shower gel and exotic spices. I was flabbergasted by her behavior, more aroused than I should be but at this point, her challenges were getting old. “Is that what you want, little girl? A man in charge to fuck you?”

  She cocked her head, the same seductive smile she’d used before brimming on her face. Her eyes were half closed, and she blew a swath of hot air across my face before sliding her arms around my neck, muzzling closer. “I want everything, Daddy. I want your cock in my mouth, my tight little cunt, and my asshole, which you seem to adore. You’re an ass man. I love that about you.” Moving onto her tiptoes, she pressed her lips against mine. Her breasts smashed against my chest and there was nothing I wanted to do more than rip off her clothes, fucking her just like she wanted, but she needed something more.

  Stern discipline.

  Still, as she undulated her body, my balls swelled, doubling in size, my cock stiffening to the point I had difficulty breathing. I could swear my body wasn’t listening to my brain as I placed my hands on her waist, then I lost my control, dragging her closer and crushing her mouth with mine. I thrust my tongue inside and the sweet taste of her was incredible, sparking fire from deep within. Flames encased my already heated body, leaving me aching with desire.

  She moaned into the kiss, continuing to grind her groin against mine. As our tongues entwined, the kiss became a wild roar of desperate need. The way her hands clung to the skin of my neck was far too enticing and I was ready to take her like a rabid beast, claiming every inch of her. Her scent became intoxicating, the lust I felt more unbridled than I could have imagined. I was crazed, blood pulsing through my veins, constricting my heart rate. And all the while, my eager cock had a mind of its own, shoving so hard against my pants that I was certain my balls were blue.

  This wasn’t going to happen her way. Hell, no. I pushed her away, wrenching her body until she was bent at the waist, her legs off the floor and kicking wildly.

  “What are you doing? Stop!” Summer flailed, punching and scratching me.

  I smacked her bottom over her shorts, swatting her ass in sharp smacks, one after the other.

  “Ouch! No! Stop!”

  Her meager cries were useless, and I had the feeling she knew it. I spanked her long and hard until she calmed down, panting in my arms and no longer struggling. Plopping her onto her feet, I towered over her, lifting her chin with my index finger. “We are having yet another discussion. That kind of behavior, as I said before, is not acceptable. Your actions affect the entire crew. If you really do know what you’re doing, you realize how dangerous and meticulous our work needs to be. The rest of the crew have to be able to trust you as you do them with your lives. Being some sexual butterfly, teasing them is not the way to do it. Plus, the alcohol. Where is it?”

  “What? I.
..” Her pouty mouth shifted back and forth, her arms darting over to the dresser. “I only had a small amount. I usually don’t. Okay?”

  I stormed back to her dresser, yanking open drawers.

  “No!” She tossed a book in my direction and would have hit me square in the face if I hadn’t ducked.

  “You just earned yourself a real spanking for that.”

  “No. No! I’m sorry about the whiskey. Okay?” I continued searching, finding the bottle hidden behind her underwear. “Please. I just needed it.”

  “Needed it. That really concerns me. Do you drink before your shift?” I glared at her, longing shutting down the answer.

  She gawked at me in horror. “Of course not! Never. I swear to God.”

  “I have difficulty trusting you.”

  “I promise. You can trust me. Everyone can. I’m sorry. I just needed that tonight. I told you, it won’t happen again.”

  “Why did you need it?” Placing the bottle on the dresser, I slapped my hands on my hips and moved in her direction.

  The hint of pain in her eyes was a mere flash. Then her bravado stormed back in. “Personal reasons and none of your business.”

  “Everything’s my business because you’re on my oil rig. I thought we had an understanding. You follow orders and that doesn’t mean you act like some brat, throwing yourself at all the men on this rig. They could eat you alive. Do you get that? Some of them aren’t as scrupulous as you might think.” I could only imagine what several of the guys might do to her, locking her in their cabin and stripping her bare. “Do you!”

  She huffed, wiggling her ass. “I’m sorry. I really am. You don’t have to spank me. Okay? I’ll be good and follow your rules from now on.”

  “You’re right that you’re going to be exemplary no matter what task you’re asked to perform but that’s not good enough. You have another punishment coming, so you might as well take off your clothes just like I told you to. I prefer bare-assed spankings for naughty girls who lie and who refuse to follow the rules.”

  “This is ridiculous!”

  “Are you going to tell me why you need the alcohol so badly?”