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Roughneck: A Dark Romance Page 3

  “Asshole, huh? I think you did mean exactly what you said. Disciplining and training you is going to take a long time, but guess what? We’ll have a full two weeks before any leave is allowed, especially for you. That will allow us to work on your particular needs every day.” Removing his hand, he spanked my ass several additional times. The pain was biting but oh-so delicious. I bit back another cry. He wasn’t going to win this round.

  Act obedient.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jack. His name is Jack. Yes, I was going to think of him as nothing more than... I was so out of control.

  When Jack pushed the head of his cock past my pussy lips, sliding in an inch at a time, I shuddered. Yes. No. Yes. Yes! The girth was huge and dazzling sensations rocked through every muscle in my body. “Oh... Yes!”

  “This is what you’ve been craving, Summer?” he asked as he leaned over. “Do you long for a thick cock shoved inside your sweet cunt?”

  When I hesitated, he smacked my ass twice, sending another round of electricity skittering into every muscle. Tell the truth. I double dare you!

  The little voice was driving me bat shit crazy. Something broke from deep within, like a fissure opening, spewing out all my wicked desires, ready to accept any temptation that happened my way.

  His particular enticement was full of brawn and had a roguish quality. I was hooked. I was wet. I was aroused.

  I was nuts, shameless and terrible.

  “Yes, oh, yes, Daddy.” Oh, hell, yes. I arched my back, jutting my hips. I wanted every inch of his shaft taking me. Fucking me.

  He pumped all the way in once, twice then pulled completely out, tapping his cock against my sore ass. “As I said, pussy sex is only for good little girls and at this point, that doesn’t include you.”

  When he gripped my hips, I held my breath and closed my eyes. Please, God. Please... He’d merely coated his cock with my juice, getting ready to shove his shaft into my puckered hole. Lining up his cockhead, he slid the tip just inside. I heard his deep growl and the husky timbre sent another shimmer of electricity shooting down the backs of my legs.

  “Tight, sweetheart.” Exhaling, he pushed in another inch. Then another.

  The pain and the humiliation were far too stimulating. I could tell my juices had leaked out, coating his desk. I continued to shake as he pushed past the tight ring of muscle. He was gentle in his actions, but I had the distinct feeling that wasn’t going to last very long. He wanted all of me, to own me.

  Fuck me, Daddy for I have sinned.

  My mouth was wide open, but my scream was silent, my heart racing. I clenched my ass muscles, drawing him in even deeper. Nothing had prepared me for the anguish or the ecstasy rolling to the tips of my fingers.

  My entire body tensed as he pushed all the way inside. Echoes pounded into my ears, no doubt from my wildly beating heart. He was so damn big, huge in my mind, yet when he pulled almost all the way out, I whimpered, “Please, Daddy.”

  “Please what, Summer?” His gruff voice rolled across my skin.

  “Just, um... Fuck me.”

  I heard his chuckle, the tone laced with complete darkness. He’d managed to get me to plead with him, begging like some wanton slut.

  Just like you are...

  He thrust the entire length of his cock inside, his fingers digging into my skin. I knew I’d jerked up from the table, pushing hard against my hands. “Oh, Jesus!”

  There was no stopping the man as he took me hard and fast, plunging his cock in full abandon and every third thrust, he smacked my bruised ass, a simple reminder he was completely in charge.

  Exactly as I obviously needed.

  No. No! You’re stronger than this.

  But was I? After everything I’d experienced, the anger furrowing in my heart, the answer was tough to rationalize. Everything seemed to be falling apart.

  “Is this what you wanted, kitten? A thick cock in your ass and a hard man to control you?”

  His voice floated around me, bunny soft in its whispered comfort. “I...” The words simply refused to form.

  Everything was explosive, heated to a combustive state and in the next several minutes, he was a power machine, slamming his cock in so hard I was shoved up against the edge of the table. I didn’t care. I simply wanted him to use me, take me. With every savage drive, I was reminded of my intense spanking as skin slapped against skin. He was the brute I’d called him.

  And I loved every minute of it.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh!” I heard my ragged pants as the air was knocked out of me and I fought a smile threatening to cross my face. My pussy tingled as the anguish turned into raw ecstasy.

  This wasn’t about anything but absolute domination and the little girl inside of me couldn’t be more thrilled.

  I couldn’t have imagined the act becoming any more ferocious, but he was unleashed, riding me so hard I could no longer feel my legs. I was breathless, my vision foggy and I felt every inch of his shaft shoving against my ass muscles.

  Jack growled several times then threw his head back and roared as hot cum spewed deep inside my dark channel. “Ah, yeah...” His hot breath cascaded down across my skin, sending even more naughty girl visions dancing like sugarplums. He pumped a few more times, slow and easy. “So tight.”

  Humiliation washed over me once again, yet the fire burned hot. Wow. This was crazy.

  I fell against the desk, inhaling until the scent of raw and unbridled sex filled my nostrils. The man was everything I needed but also absolute sin in a rugged, macho body. When he pulled out completely, I felt such a sense of loss. I heard his ragged breathing, matching the sound slipping from my lips. I was exhausted yet elated, full of shame yet hungering for more.

  “That’s what naughty girls receive. Imagine if you were very, very good?” His laugh was deep, sending another set of tremors skating down my spine.

  “Yes... Daddy...” Quivering all over, I laid still, trying to think in some coherent manner.

  “Remember, there will be more where that came from. You’re going to have rules to follow. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He helped me stand and even though my legs were quavering, I pivoted until I could see him, looking directly into his eyes. There was no remorse in them, only dazzling reflections of the rugged man, so mesmerizing that for a few seconds, I was lost in their dominating draw.

  “Now, you’re going to go to your quarters and take a shower. At precisely six on the dot, you’re going to arrive at the mess hall for dinner. You will sit quietly and eat like a lady. If you so much as pick a fight, issue a single curse word, or otherwise engage in another round of bad behavior, you’ll be back over my knee.” He rubbed his thumb across my lips, using enough pressure that I quivered. “And Summer, I won’t hold back any aspect of disciplining you, including in front of the rest of the crew. Do I make myself clear?”

  I hesitated only a few seconds and his grip became firm. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good girl. You’re going to learn one way or the other.”

  From that second on, I was dismissed. I stood with my pants and thong draped around my ankles like a shameful wicked girl. My thoughts? Hungering for more. Much more.

  * * *

  Jack Stone, aka Master Sergeant. Decorated Marine. Hard-edged fighter. Wicked disciplinarian. Husky and very sexy cowboy kind of accent. Whew... He was a tough man who said very little, but all I had to do was look at the faces of the men who he worked beside to see the level of respect they had for him. I didn’t know anything about Jack other than what little I’d heard from the others and what I’d observed.

  He was protective as well as demanding.

  He was a take no shit kind of man.

  I stood in the shower, allowing the hot water to cascade across my hair, trying my best to avoid allowing any of the heated stream to touch my blistered ass. The concept was basically futile. Every droplet made me jump, cringe, or both. Damn, the man knew how to spank.

p; Massive hands.

  Powerful arms.

  Thick cock.

  I couldn’t get my mind out of the gutter. Groaning, I smacked my head against the shower wall, trying to figure out how I’d gotten myself into this position.

  What position, Summer? Being spanked and fucked by the big man in charge?

  Rolling my eyes, I tried to envision him completely naked. I’d seen him without a shirt, his bulging muscles covered in oil and soot and even then, he’d been the sexiest man alive.

  In my humble opinion.

  Or was I talking about the huge lie I’d told to acquire the position in the first place? I’d been under duress, terrified my stepfather would find a way of keeping me from my life, chained like an animal. And I knew he would. Jonathan had far too many connections. Running had seemed like the only thing to do, especially to the last place on earth he’d go looking.

  Lies and betrayal.

  That was my entire life.

  There was no running from the girl with the last name. There was no hope of living a normal life. My head ached from the wretched thoughts. This was my one chance. Damn the asshole!

  Shivering, I thought about the last few months, cursing under my breath as I grabbed the washcloth. I’d played the good girl. I’d pretended that I didn’t know what kind of a monster my stepfather truly was. I’d entered college at the ripe old age of seventeen, Yale no less. All the best for my stepfather’s ugly little girl. Straight A’s because I was required to, graduating at the top of my class. And I refused to allow my stepfather’s influence to help me obtain a job. Then I would be indebted for the rest of my life. That’s where all the care and understanding had ended, if you could call my stepfather striking a check straight out of my dead mother’s bank account care. And the final piece that had jetted me over the edge?

  Pressure to marry a man I couldn’t stand, but he was exactly the kind of hot-shot corporate leader that delighted my stepfather. Rich. Powerful. Even good-looking.

  He was also an arrogant asshole.

  God, I hated both of them. Loathed.

  Jonathan had never wanted me in his life. He’d made certain my mother knew that I was baggage, no matter how much she’d attempted to hide the bastard’s true nature.

  Funny how the tune had changed, the push to get married and stay around the family home all my stepfather could talk about. I knew why. He’d found the perfect man in Christian, a rising star in his company and Christian had set his sights on me from the time I turned eighteen. Why? I honestly had no idea. I had a feeling a business arrangement had been made, a promise of my hand in marriage. An ugly duckling couldn’t find a man any other way. Right?

  What I was certain of was that my life was about to change.

  “Jerkoff. Both of you.” Saying the words out loud made me laugh. My stepfather had actually tried to use the marriage proposal as leverage. Marry Christian or be cut off from the family. Marry Christian and have a secure place myself at the company, with all the fringe benefits.

  Huge salary.

  Weeks of vacation.

  A beach house.

  College paid for my children.

  All I had to do was pretend that everything was hunky dory. Keep the dark secrets. Never tell a soul about Jonathan’s unscrupulous activities.

  No, thank you, jerkoff. Asshole.

  That would mean I’d have to sell my soul to the Devil, sabotaging my self-respect and destroying all my mother’s dreams. Nope. I wasn’t going to be played by any man, no matter how much power or clout he supposedly had.

  Then why was I attracted to someone like Jack Stone?

  Because he didn’t wear a four-thousand-dollar suit.

  Because he was rough and tumble, muscular and sexy.

  Because everything we shared would be dirty and dominating, sinful and savage.

  Because deep inside, I sensed the kind of passion only found in erotic novels.

  Sighing, I rubbed the cloth down my neck to my breasts and the second I brushed them across my erect nipples, I moaned. I wanted Jack or Master or Daddy to be here, pinching my hardened buds between his thick fingers. I craved the pain. I longed for this kind of control.

  I never had before. Why now?

  I groaned, trying my best to shove away my raging desires. Jack was right about one thing. I was here to do a job and I definitely didn’t want to get tossed off because of insubordination. That would fit right into my stepfather’s scheme of forcing me into something I didn’t want. I had nowhere else to go and only sixty-two dollars and eighty-seven cents to my name.

  Finding the roughneck job description on the internet had started the cataclysm of turning my entire world upside down. On a whim I’d applied, after consuming way too much alcohol, creating an amazing resume that I was smart enough to know would be noticed. Yeah, I was bright all right, lying on almost every level. After moving past the phone interview, my confidence had been bolstered, enough to approach my stepfather with my final answer regarding his generous and disgusting offer. Hell no, I refused to accept his damning deal. I’ll never forget that day, the day I’d said goodbye to my entire world for the very last time.

  My stepfather had threatened me when I told him in no uncertain terms I was leaving town and finding a regular job. At least my business degree might come in handy. I would never forget the cold look in his eyes, all consuming. I’d dared go against his wishes. No one ever did such a blasphemous thing or they disappeared, but I’d stood in front of his ornate mahogany desk, never blinking. Even his goons were shocked at my bravado.

  His answer after chastising me? No good girls ever did menial labor but no one in their right mind would hire me for anything else. Then I’d told him I was serious. I’d made a huge mistake that day confiding in him anything regarding my plans, but he’d pissed me off, announcing that Christian was going to be his son-in-law at the soiree he was holding.

  Then I’d exploded, my usual tactics. Damn it!

  Stepdaddy dearest had made certain he told me in front of his friends that I was a disgrace to our powerful family name and that one day, I would surrender to his will.

  He thought I’d crumble but I didn’t, standing my ground. I knew he’d never be crazy enough to do anything while his guests were there. My advantage had been slim, but it bought me a couple of hours.

  He’d even instructed Christian to keep me in line and the jerk had tried. I’d lost it then, breaking several of his prized and very expensive sculptures. I would never forget the look of sheer horror on the asshole’s face.

  That’s the very moment I’d grabbed what little I could, shoving everything into a duffle bag and leaving, ditching my car and taking the bus out of town. Perhaps I should have planned my departure, but the wedding announcement had almost broken me.


  Jonathan would find me one day. I knew he would. Then? I would do what should have been done years before. I’d been too frightened then, or perhaps just too naïve.

  I’d never trusted the man, not from the very day my mother had brought him home. He’d reeked of cologne, the nasty smell filtering into my nose. Somehow, he’d won her over, pretending the moon rose and set on my beautiful and demure mother. None of my proclamations or cries worked, Mama growing weary of them after a few months. He’d plied both of us with expensive gifts, toys, and trinkets.

  That was until after they were married, destroying my happy life and turning everything upside down. Everything had been a lie. His money. His background. His family. He’d used my mother. Sadly, there’d been no way to prove my suspicions, at least until recently.

  Fuck you, Daddy dearest! He’d never win the stepfather of the year award. He wouldn’t win any kind of award in my mind. He’d only continued to provide for me because of a promise he’d made to my mother all those years ago. I was shocked he’d even kept it after her death. Jonathan certainly hadn’t kept any of the others.

  Stop. Stop!

  No, Jonathan had nearly wiped my mo
ther’s personal bank account clean after only a few months of her being gone. Gone. I shivered, remembering the night she died. If only I’d been there. Anger slithered up from the darkness I’d shoved it in, creating a heat rash along the back of my neck. Why did I let the sanctimonious asshole get to me this way?

  I had to face the fact that this job was important to me on several levels, even though I was in way over my head. But I was going to do this. I would prove to myself that I could live my life the way I know my mother would have wanted.

  Jonathan had certainly never worked a day of hard labor in his life. I would never forgive him for everything that happened over the years. I was positive my mother had lost her will to live due to his many affairs and long before her actual death. I was never able to talk to anyone about the tragedy since almost immediately he’d sent me to school as far away from the family as possible, so I wouldn’t get in his way or provide any details regarding his horrid behaviors.

  But I never stopped watching him, observing everything he did, in business and in pleasure. And there was more.

  What my stepfather didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. I snickered at the thought. I had much more hidden away regarding his company’s illegal methods than he would ever know. Oh, he was the master at covering up his sins, but after learning about his weaknesses, I’d been able to unravel all his dirty little secrets. One day, I’d find the right time to use the most important one. That, I’d promised to my mother on the day of her death.

  Now, years later, I’d gathered even more.

  Don’t push me, you worthless asshole.

  He enjoyed calling me his ugly duckling daughter. Bastard. A single tear slipped down my face and I could have rubbed off inches of skin at that point. I was through with crying over a man who’d wished I’d never been born. Besides, he had his prized possession, my younger and very beautiful half-sister. She was the light of his life and could do nothing wrong, completely unlike me.