Taken: A Dark Mafia Romance Read online

Page 20

He took a deep breath before answering, lowering his gaze all the way down to my bare feet then slowly easing it back. “Ice cream. Hands down. Delicious. Decadent. Evocative.”

  I forced myself to turn away from him, moving toward the refrigerator. As I opened the freezer door, pulling out both cartons I’d purchased, I could feel him drawing closer, his hot breath cascading across my neck. I concentrated on finding two bowls and spoons. “Ice cream can soothe the soul.” I wasn’t entirely certain I’d said the words out loud since he remained silent. Sinful thoughts resonated in my mind, including ones from the day before. I was almost breathless as I scooped out two portions of each, my hands shaking as I pushed the cartons back into the freezer.

  “Dessert?” he asked in a coy manner.

  “The best part about enjoying a feast.” I turned slowly, words caught in my throat. The look on his face was one of a carnivore prepared for a king’s feast.

  Matteo reached for the bowl slowly, making certain our fingers overlapped. As with every touch, the electricity was off the chain, shooting through every cell and muscle. I could almost read his mind, able to envision the same filthy images that he’d conjured up.

  Strapping me to the bed.

  Taking me in every hole.

  Spanking every inch of my body.

  And I craved every action, the harshness of his discipline and the joy of abandoning all my inhibitions.

  He rolled his fingers over mine before gripping the ceramic dish, moving away by mere inches. “Your flavors of choice this time?”

  “Rocky road and French vanilla.”

  He lowered his eyes as he dug his spoon into the bowl, taking some of each. “Dark to the light. How appropriate.”

  I seemed frozen as I watched him slide the spoon into his mouth, dragging his tongue across his lips only seconds after. There was nothing more sensuous than watching a man enjoying something sinfully sweet. I held my breath as he swallowed, immediately scooping out another helping. “Open your mouth,” he commanded.

  There was no hesitation. I did as I was told, my body swaying as he methodically slid the spoon into my mouth, holding it for two seconds longer as he studied me.

  I closed my eyes, savoring the sweetness before crunching down on the chunky portions. The ice cream was the best I’d ever had, even more so than the day before. When I’d swallowed, only then did I gaze at his face, a slight moan escaping my lips.

  He leaned over, very slowly sliding his tongue across the seam of my mouth, his whisper husky. “You missed some.”

  His dark and seductive chuckle created a wave of heat between my legs, my panties soaked from the raging desire coursing through me.

  I managed to take another bite of my own, purposely allowing a portion to slide down my chin.

  Matteo’s breathing was ragged, his chest rising and falling as he watched my every move. When he took his index finger, sliding the tip through the froth and dragging it down my chin to my neck, I held my breath. Growling, he bent over, drawing his tongue up from the base of my neck, I shuddered visibly.

  “A very messy eater,” he commented as he slowly lowered one of the slender straps on my dress then the other.

  “Uh-huh.” As the dress slipped down, exposing my breasts, a cold wave of energy flowed down the back of my legs. I couldn’t take my eyes off him; the way his lips parted and his eyelids became half closed.

  A guttural sound pushed up from his throat as he dipped his fingers into my bowl, gathering a hefty glob. He shifted his gaze until he was able to look into my eyes as he trailed his fingers around one nipple then the other.

  The shock of the frigid cream was nothing in comparison to the way his touch seared my skin. I almost dropped the bowl when he growled then engulfed my hardened bud, sucking, the exaggerated sound filling the space around us. His actions were those of a famished man, quickly shifting his mouth to my other nipple, nipping and licking in fervent motions.

  “Oh, God. Oh...” I was lightheaded, unable to see clearly as every cell and nerve stood on end.

  He took the bowl from my hand, placing both onto the counter with a hard thud before yanking the remainder of the dress from my body. This time, there was no hesitation as he wrapped his finger around the elastic of my panties, snapping his wrist.

  The hard pull equaled the squeal shooting out of my mouth. I’d never felt so exposed or vulnerable, goosebumps floating along every inch of skin.

  With a rake of his arm, he shifted everything on the island away, lifting and placing me onto the edge. “I’m ravenous tonight,” he stated, his voice gravelly. After pushing me down, he grabbed one of the bowls, tossing the spoon into the sink.

  Panting, I watched every move as he dug several fingers inside, immediately rubbing the melting ice cream from my neck then in between my breasts, trailing all the way down my stomach.

  His sounds were barbaric as he fed off me, his tongue brushing through the cream, catching the drops before they fell onto the counter.

  I was in lala-land, trying to stay focused as the sensations crawling through me became more intense. I was shocked how amazing the dirty little moment felt. Every sound he made was guttural, the man becoming a true savage. When he bit down on one hardened bud, I whimpered, trying to catch my breath.

  He lifted his head, his mouth and chin wet from the sinful action, the smile on his face almost demonic. The sound of the ceramic being scraped against the counter as he yanked it down further sent another round of chills into my body. When he opened my legs, pushing them back until I was fully exposed, I let out another series of moans.

  I tossed my head back and forth, my pussy clenching. I wanted to beg him to lick me, to eat me raw. I longed to come in his mouth before making me wait until he fucked me.

  The heat of my body melted every scoop of ice cream as he swirled dollops down the inside of one thigh then up the other.

  I watched in utter fascination as he took his time dragging his tongue in zigzag patterns, still able to catch every drop. I opened my legs even wider as he blew across my pussy. The moment I felt his mouth on my wetness, I gasped and arched my back, tossing my arms over my head.

  Every cell was alive, shoving me into incredible bliss as he drove his tongue deep inside, his sounds matching his brutal actions as he feasted on me.

  “Yes. Yes, I...” I tossed my head from side to side, unable to control my arms as they hit against objects placed on the counter. The crashing noise was somehow cathartic, the pleasure increasing with every lap of his tongue.

  He plunged several fingers beside his tongue, moving them in perfect orchestration. As he thrust another finger into my ass, I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. There was no holding back as he licked fervently, moving up and down then swirling around my clit.

  I clamped my eyes shut, still able to see him in the stunning images that floated through my mind.

  “So sweet. So perfect,” he muttered, pumping harder, the force shoving me up and down the slick surface. “I could eat you for days.”

  He continued licking and sucking, taking me to the very edge of a climax and pulling back, only to start all over again. There was no way of knowing how long it lasted, but I was tossed into pure nirvana, my ears ringing from a series of echoes.

  Then I realized what they were.

  My primal screams.

  Chuckling darkly, he refused to stop, rubbing his lips across my tender thigh and moving to the other. “Do you want to come for me?”

  “Yes. Yes. Yes!”

  I heard additional savage growls as he buried his face once again, driving his tongue into the very core of me.

  “Come for me, baby. Come for your master,” he finally whispered.

  My body began to shake violently as the orgasm rushed up from the depths of my being. I gulped for air as stars flashed in front of my eyes. When I couldn’t take anymore, I simply let go. The climax was fierce, shooting through me like a tidal wave. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” The single syllable was
the only thing I was capable of. There was no night or day, no right or wrong. There was nothing but this incredible minute.

  As the single orgasm shifted into more, I lost all sense of myself. There was only the pleasure of raw ecstasy.

  I was limp as he gathered me into his arms, cradling me against his chest as he took long strides. There were no words to say, just the moment of knowing that I belonged to him and no other. A fleeting and terrible thought rushed into the back of my mind.


  The foreboding feeling was one I’d experienced since arriving on the little island, one I didn’t want to think about or fear. But it was real. Matteo would stop at nothing to keep me safe, including protecting me with his life.

  I pressed my palm against his chest as he moved into the bathroom, very gently easing me down onto the floor. The light of the filtered moon created a soft luminescence around his body as he undressed. I remained uneasy, trying desperately to push aside the fears. This wasn’t supposed to be my life, but I’d given him my heart.

  Sadly, I had the feeling there were others who would take my soul.

  I watched him in silence as he turned on the shower, taking his time to test the water. Perhaps he felt as unclean as I did, as if our union would never be considered holy.

  He kept the light off, the sliver of moon only adding to the air of seduction. As he guided me into the shower, he ran his hands down my back before closing the door. The way he pressed his body against mine was different than before.

  Moaning, I pressed my palms against the cool tile, shifting my hips back and forth. The feel of his throbbing cock pulsing against my skin was another reminder of how dominating he truly was.

  Taking me.

  Disciplining me.

  Protecting me.

  I nuzzled against him as he pushed us both under the water, tingling but not from the warmth of the water. His touch was scintillating, sending a shower of electricity through me as he brushed the backs of his fingers down from the sides of my breasts to the swell of my hips. He finally gripped my hips, swaying us both back and forth under the water.

  The rapid beating of his heart matched mine, our bodies becoming one. I tipped my head as the water flowed over us, breathless as he lowered his head, able to capture my lips. I moaned into the kiss as he floated his tongue into my mouth.

  Matteo dug his nails into me as he kicked my legs apart, still grinding his hips back and forth. His actions before more aggressive as he dominated my tongue, his breathing scattered. Very slowly he allowed his hands to drift over my stomach, caressing my skin. The sensations only heightened, my muscles tensing.

  As the steam began to rise, I fell into a state of bliss, closing my eyes as he rolled his hands to my breasts.

  He broke the kiss, nipping my earlobe as he pinched my nipples, squeezing my breasts with his rugged hands. “All mine,” he whispered.

  The pain was exquisite, flowing into every cell and tendon. I was on fire, the flames licking at every inch of me.

  “Yes. Oh, yes.” I laughed softly after saying the words, my legs quaking to the point I was fearful of falling even as he held me. As he twisted my hardened buds once again, I tossed back my head, gasping for air.

  Flexing his fingers, he slid his hand down to my stomach, darting a single finger around my swollen clit. “Never forget that.”

  “Never,” I whispered and smashed both hands against the tile.

  He turned me around quickly, easing his hands under my bottom. I could see the smile crossing his face as he pushed me against the tile. “I’m going to fuck you.”

  “Yes, please. Please...” I wrapped my legs around his hips, planting my feet on the shower door, able to sense his explosive hunger. Still shaking, I guided the tip of his cock to my pussy before he took full control, sliding his shaft in an inch at a time.


  The man enjoyed playing with shades of darkness, but everything about him longed for the light. Maybe it was imagination or a shift in the beautiful moon, but I could see his face and eyes clearly, the raging desire burning brightly. No man had ever hungered this much, had ever bothered to unlock the woman from her prison inside.

  He held me in the same position as the water flowed over us, beads falling from his chiseled face. All sense of time had stopped, the needs we shared changing into so much more. This was the face of the man in the greenhouse, the one who’d undressed me with his eyes yet showered me with petals from the most beautiful red rose. This was the man I’d fallen in love with.

  When he pumped several times, I moved with him, intertwining my fingers in his wet hair, my eyes never leaving his. Our lips were only centimeters apart, yet he kept them that way as we rocked, his thick cock stretching my muscles.

  The pleasure was extreme, every moment moving closer to pure nirvana. His breathing more ragged, he shifted the angle, driving into me harder and faster as his needs increased.

  I couldn’t hold back my whimpers as he began to fuck me brutally, the heat off the charts, steam rolling over our heads. For what seemed like hours, he thrust so deep inside I knew he’d reached my womb.

  The desperation we shared was a knowing, the same foreshadowing I’d felt before. This was our last night here. He would face whatever demons were crushing down on him as he’d done so many times before.

  Only this time, he wouldn’t be alone.

  Breathless. Joyful.


  The emotions continued to roll through me as the hard fucking moved into something else altogether. Our combustible passion allowed our budding love to flow in, vines growing and entwining us together.

  I’d never believed in love at first sight or in a single person being my destiny. I would certainly never have believed that a man I’d thought my nemesis, a true enemy would become the man of my dreams. I only hoped the fantasy wouldn’t come crashing down.

  Matteo growled as he shoved his hands against the tiles, crowding my space until he crushed his mouth over mine. As our tongues entwined, my lover dominating mine, he rolled onto the balls of his feet, pounding me like the true savage he was.

  And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I could tell he was close to coming, his body jerking, tensing. Unable to stop the mischievous girl inside, I clamped my muscles, squeezing hard around his delicious hard cock.

  Within seconds, he threw back his head, a roar coming from the depths of his being.

  I clung to him as he erupted inside, filling me, enrapturing me. And for a few precious moments, nothing else mattered.

  But the beating of two hearts.

  * * *

  The roar of the ocean.

  The tumble of thunder.

  The shiver trickling down my spine.

  I’d been awakened by a cracking noise, quickly realizing a storm was approaching. Gone was the glorious moon that had provided a romantic setting. The darkness was now oppressive.

  I huddled under the sheet, holding it over my breasts as I glanced out the open doors, trembling as the hard crack gave way to a flash of electricity. The lighting in the background was a stunning show of power and light crisscrossing the sky, an electric dance that had always frightened me.

  There was no particular reason, no horrible event in my past that always dragged me into some wretched nightmare. It was knowing the lightning could kill, scorching the earth that always troubled me.

  Tonight, the feelings were even worse.

  A soft moan escaped my lips as another rumble of thunder appeared closer. The storm was almost over us. A rush of adrenaline crashed into me, stealing my breath. I clutched my throat, trying to calm my breathing.

  There were no boogeymen hiding out on the beach, no monsters rising from the sea to yank us both into unforgiving waters. It was just a storm, a natural occurrence.

  I closed my eyes until I felt the brush of his long fingers across my leg, the simple touch allowing a sliver of heat to penetrate my skin. I slowly lowered my head, study
ing the sleeping giant. We’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms, something I hadn’t anticipated occurring.

  Even after we were man and wife.

  He seemed peaceful for once, his chest rising and falling in a normal breathing pattern. Another bolt of lightning allowed me to see his face if only for a few seconds. The lines were gone from his tense brow. Sighing, I pulled my knees together, wrapping my arms around them. I didn’t like the feeling pooling in the pit of my stomach.

  Everything was off kilter.

  I bit my lower lip to keep from laughing. Of course it was. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love after I was engaged to be married. I also wasn’t supposed to be kidnapped, taken away for God knows what reason and enjoy the fact I had been. Everything was surreal, including my continued thoughts about the sect.

  I could no longer piece together even fragments of the puzzle that Matteo had laid out. Maybe I was simply too naïve or hadn’t paid close enough attention, but for my father to consider giving me to the mafia was incomprehensible. I wanted to stand in front of him and demand answers before yelling at my mother that she was nothing but a fool.

  But what good would that do?

  Maybe he had hoped running to the sect would help.


  I placed my head into my hands, the wind already whipping outside. I could almost taste grains of sand, the gritty granules threatening to choke me. We would return and Matteo would discover and destroy whoever was threatening the sect.

  Even if that included my father.

  As the wind began to howl, I took several shallow breaths, ready to slide back into Matteo’s comforting arms. He could certainly protect me from an itty-bitty storm. Just as I was about to lie down, I heard his phone ringing, the sound coming from the bathroom where he’d left his clothes.

  I darted a glance in his direction, but the chirping noise hadn’t awakened him. Who would be calling at this time of night? Christian? Maybe. I struggled with what I should do until the ring stopped. The decision was made.

  Then the phone chirped again. I eased back the covers, curiosity burning within me. Something had to be wrong. I padded across the floor, trying to remain quiet as I walked into the bathroom, partially closing the door. As I held the cell phone in my hand, my hackles instantly rose.


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