Taken: A Dark Mafia Romance Read online

Page 19

  She rose onto her tiptoes, forcing me to look into her eyes. “I know there are decisions you have to make, business to attend to. I don’t know what’s going to happen when we return or if everything around us is going to collapse. I’m not suggesting this is some fairytale. I already told you I don’t believe in them. I just thought we could share some time before the wedding ceremony.”

  “Hmmm... Sounds like you’re in agreement that it should happen.”

  “I’m not certain of anything, Matteo, except I’m falling for you too. I don’t know how or why, but I am. I won’t be the kind of wife the other women are, even if the sect does survive, but I think you already know that.” She tilted her chin until our lips were centimeters apart. I was ready to devour her all over again.

  “You’re not like any other woman I’ve ever met, even if you need serious discipline in your life.” While I offered a smile, pressing my lips against her forehead, a disturbing instinct remained.

  Another tragedy was going to occur and this time, I wasn’t certain what members of the sect would remain standing.

  What I did know is that I would protect her with my life, including making certain she had a way out. I’d already set things in motion to ensure that she would be safe.

  Even if I was dead.

  Or behind bars.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. We can’t stay here forever, even though I’m sure I wouldn’t mind. At least we can pretend that this is all just a fantasy. Maybe I just want a little time. Maybe that makes me a fool since we still don’t know each other.”

  I brushed hair from her face. “We know enough, Winter.”

  She gave me a practiced look, finally nodding. “Maybe you’re right. One more purchase for tonight. Remember?”

  I had no ability to open up to her. That had never been a part of me.

  “What is it? An expensive bottle of wine? Champagne? Lobsters? I’ll buy you anything that you want, of course within the confines of the cash I have on hand.”

  “I already told you. I don’t need or want fancy things. However, what I crave is even more precious.”

  “Hmmm... I’m afraid to ask,” I growled, pulling her closer.

  She pushed her hands hard against my chest, shaking her head. “Maybe you have to learn to trust me.”

  “Maybe so.”

  What I recognized in my heart was that I loved her. For all the danger, secrets, and rituals of the society we’d grown up in, true power had nothing to do with money or influence. Through the ugliness of the past, the memories of adoring Stephanie long ago, I was finally ready to take on a new life.

  And all because of a feisty woman who refused to give into anyone’s bullshit.

  Including my own.

  She laughed as she pulled away. “Ice cream. I need to see how you’ll handle it this time. You are coming, aren’t you? Or maybe I need to handcuff you, dragging you along.”

  Several filthy visions crowded into my mind.

  “Handcuffs. That gives me some damn good ideas.”

  Wagging her finger, she yanked the package close to her chest. “You have to be a very good boy if you want your present.”

  I wasn’t prepared for her spontaneity or her playfulness. “Be very careful who you tease. Remember, I’m your master.”

  “I guess we’ll see about that.” Winter flipped her hair before turning away, unable to notice I’d pulled my phone back into my hand.

  “I’ll be right there,” I said, half under my breath. There were so many things I wanted to say, words that she needed to hear, but I was certain that almost anything I told her would push her away. What I would do was honor her request.

  I had one more phone call to make. While risky, I felt I had no other choice in order to weave through the puzzle, finding the necessary answers.

  About who was betraying the sect.

  And more important, who was determined to ruin my life.

  * * *


  There never seemed to be enough of it. Hell, what would I understand about taking time out to enjoy the simpler things, what Winter called real life? The sun was just setting, the various gorgeous colors splashing across the sky like an artist’s palette. She stood at the railing, her silence driving a stake into my heart.

  She’d maintained her playful attitude through dinner, even convincing me to turn on the outside grill. I chuckled at the thought as I studied her. Only through her tutoring had we been able to enjoy the thick steaks she’d found in the freezer. Sadly, the moment the sun had begun to drop, her entire demeanor changed.

  I studied the bracelet she’d given me, the beautiful sterling silver piece not anything I would have purchased for myself, the engraving on the inside very special.

  Cherish the simple things.

  She had no way of knowing how much I wanted to do just that, but not without her in my life.

  She’d said very little for almost a full hour, her body remaining still as she stared out at the ocean. In her bare feet and another tropical dress, the breeze rustling through her long hair, she looked even more beautiful than ever. I had hope she was content, but I doubted that either one of us could relax until we’d returned to the Hamptons, prepared to face our requirements.

  I hated the damn rituals even more.

  I sat in the Adirondack chair, swirling my drink back and forth, unable to focus on anything but the plan I’d initiated, as well as the phone call I’d made. I’d called it a fishing expedition, sending out feelers in order to begin unraveling the giant web the sect had been encased in. I knew it was only a matter of time until I received a call letting me know whether the deal had been accepted.

  Either by the one with more to lose or the one who believed it would parlay a hold on the sect’s empire.

  As well as that of Capodanno Enterprises.

  I could only wonder which party would take the bait first. I snickered at the thought, bringing the drink to my lips, my thoughts shifting to the purchase I’d made earlier in the day. Maybe my decision was too little too late or wouldn’t have the kind of reaction I hoped for, but it was perhaps one of the most genuine things I was about to do.

  After easing the drink onto the table, I moved quietly behind her, standing only a few inches away. As she always could, she sensed my presence, tipping her head, a smile crossing her face.

  “When a gorgeous woman remains silent, one has to wonder what devious plot she is developing.”

  “Devious plot?” she asked. “I thought you were in charge of all the underhanded ones.”

  “Ouch. That pains me greatly.”

  “Liar. Nothing bothers you, at least as far as business is concerned.” Winter’s smile faded. “I told you that my mouth always gets me into trouble.”

  I said nothing as I took the drink out of her hand, moving it to the small table before taking her hand.

  “Uh-oh. What terrible crime did I commit?”

  “Just walk with me.”

  She eyed me warily before nodding, allowing me to guide her down the stairs and over the dunes. I kept our fingers intertwined as we walked down the beach. Words failed me once again, my inability to share with her I knew weighing on her mind. Maybe I just didn’t know where to start.

  “How does the Council determine what goes in the Box and whether some will include required marriages?”

  “That’s a good question and one I don’t have the entire answer to.”

  “That sounds like you do understand more than you want to explain.”

  “Did you ever meet Father McGivney?”

  She thought about the question. “A few times when I was a child. He was larger than life, terrifying to a young girl who was fairly mischievous.”

  “Hmmm... Nothing changes,” I teased, growling when she punched me in the stomach. “I can understand why you’d say that. He was larger than life for almost everyone, his power more substantial than the majority of the sect members were aware of. He made certain determinations that even s
ome Council members believed to be holy. In other words, they didn’t question him.”

  “You also have an opinion on that, don’t you?”

  I shot her a look, taking a deep breath from the way the waning sun highlighted her face. “I think the Box was used as another angle to keep a firm hold on the sect members. Everyone wants their children to have the best in life.”

  “And political gain.”

  “That too. Sadly, the father was extorting money from the community.” I sighed as memories of months before shifted into my mind.

  “What?” she gasped. “That wasn’t in the papers.”

  “Of course it wasn’t. Just another dirty little secret.”

  “My God. Everything is about control. To keep the most powerful families firmly in charge, a fallback plan in position if the various births didn’t work out the way everyone hoped they would. Correct?”

  As I squeezed her hand, she finally stopped walking, turning to face me. “You are very astute.”

  “If what you said is true about my father and this Taglioni mafia family, what hold could they have on him? As far as I know, my father isn’t high on the list of important men within the sect, other than his connection to true blue blood and the reported ties to the Irish mob.”

  I lifted an eyebrow, laughing. “You heard about the mob factor, huh?”

  “I might have tried to push away from the family life, but I’m not stupid. From what I overheard years before, there is some tethering but by distant family only. He actually made fun of having a mobster as a family member to whoever he was talking to. I still don’t get it.”

  She’d paid much more attention to sect business than I’d realized. “I don’t have all the answers, although I am going to find them out. What I do know is that your father has far too many connections to individuals that have created difficulties within the sect, including Senator Bellows, who was at the party.”

  “I know him. He was one of my father’s closest friends. A real asshole if you ask me.”

  “Was?” I asked, the news more than interesting.

  She nodded. “They had some sort of a falling out, which is why I was surprised to see him at the great engagement party. Why?”

  “The senator is investigating the sect. While he’s not well liked in the world of politicians, a break like this could jumpstart his career.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. He always said he wanted to be in the White House.”

  I studied her face, the way she’d moved from fury to resignation and finally to another emotion altogether. I could see actual love in her eyes. What also struck me was her comment about the White House. The good senator couldn’t make his way there if the sect remained in power.

  “What are you planning on doing, Matteo?” she asked with such concern in her voice that all I wanted to do was tell her the truth.

  “I’m going to flush out who’s responsible for threatening your father as well as planning on taking down the sect.”

  “And how are you going to do that?”

  “My mother used to say that if you want to know the truth, you go to the source of the evil.”

  “The senator?”

  I laughed as I took both her hands in mine. “Eventually. I have a pit stop to make first when we return.”

  “And you’re not going to tell me where, are you?”

  “I will. Eventually. You have to trust me. I hope you feel you can.”

  Winter shifted her gaze toward the ocean, her mouth pursed. “The truth is that for some crazy reason I do. I might not understand everything that’s going on or what level of power the sect has, but I do believe you want things to be different. For your family. For yourself. For us.” When she turned to look at me, there were tears in her eyes. “I do adore you, Matteo.”

  I kept my grip firm, pulling her even closer. “While I realize you don’t know me, you’ve come to mean more to me than I would have dared believe. It’s not just about our amazing connection or the passion that explodes between us. The way I feel is all about the woman standing in front of me.”

  “And how do you feel?”

  When I took a deliberate step backwards, allowing her hands to fall, I knew in my heart I was doing the right thing. My eyes never leaving her, I reached into my pocket, pulling out the small box before kneeling on the sand.

  “What are you doing?” She pressed her shaking hand over her mouth, gasping when I opened the lid.

  “Winter O’Brien, I do love you and I don’t expect you to love me in return, but I hope you can one day. You are an incredible light to the darkness I’ve fallen into and you’re right, living means taking chances. We have no idea what the future brings, but maybe taking a leap of faith is necessary.” I heard the anguished tone in my voice and hated myself for it. “Life is what you make of it, something I’m learning from you. I would love to have the honor of you becoming my wife. Not because of the sect or the requirements of the Box, but because you know in your heart that we will share an amazing life. I won’t promise you the world, but I will promise I’ll love and respect you, no matter the circumstances. If you say no, I’ll respect your decision, but know that it will destroy me.”

  As she pulled the box into her hand, tugging the ring toward her face, she seemed taken aback. “This is beautiful. Where did you get it?”

  “You aren’t the only one who made a purchase today. You want simple things in your life that hold meaning. While I would love to get you a huge diamond surrounded by all the precious jewels in the world, I thought you’d like this more.” I’d taken a chance on the sterling silver dolphin with a beautiful sapphire eye. I only hoped I’d made the right choice.

  When she didn’t say anything for a full minute, I rose to my feet.

  “I’m sorry, Winter.”

  “Stop talking,” she whispered as she lifted her head. “Yes, I will marry you and not because of the stupid rules or even the danger. I don’t care about money or a big house; I only want your love.”

  As I slipped the ring on her finger, I felt the explosion of joy in my heart even though I was terrified I couldn’t protect her.

  But God help anyone who dared attempt to come between us.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Adventures or comedies?” I stared at him through the shadows that had formed in the room. He remained tense, although I’d gotten used to the fact the man would always remain on edge. The weight he carried on his shoulders remained, always adding to the hint of danger surrounding him.

  “What are you referring to?” Matteo asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

  “Movies of course. Notice I didn’t ask you about romantic movies. I doubt you’ve ever seen a single one.” I’d retreated to the kitchen after returning to the house. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be close to him, but the moment I’d said yes, there wasn’t an explosion of passion. There also wasn’t any conversation of what now. Everything was already planned. As far as picking out my dress, I had a feeling my mother had already taken care of it. Everything had to be perfect for such a festive occasion.

  He remained half sitting on the back of the couch, swirling the same drink he’d had in his hand after coming back inside. I could tell he was preoccupied with whatever plans he’d already determined were necessary. I knew better than to push him for any additional answers.

  Even in the darkness, I could still see his eyes as the candles glowed behind him. He’d called me the light to his darkness. That continued to make me sad, the secret haunting him eating him alive piece by piece.

  “Horror,” he muttered then laughed. “However, I haven’t seen a movie in a long time.”

  “Horror. I guess I’ll have to worry about hiding the knives in our house.” It struck me that I had no idea whether I’d be required to live in his house or if we would find something together. The awkwardness between us remained and it was suffocating me. We’d both admitted feelings that neither was certain were real. Were w
e trying too hard to find a path to acceptance?

  “Oh, absolutely. I am a master knife thrower.”

  His answer caught me off guard, a laugh bubbling from my throat. It felt good to break away from the tension. “Another thing I’ll keep in mind. So... meat or seafood?”

  A smile curled on his lip. “Both. There is nothing better than a juicy piece of blood-rare filet topped with succulent lobster tail.”

  The way he said the words made my mouth water, butterflies forming in my stomach. “Agreed. Vodka or gin?”

  “Gin, of course. Boodles or Bombay.” Matteo shifted closer, his hungry eyes firmly pinned on me.

  “Excellent. Favorite pizza?”

  His grin widened as he took another step. “Mushroom with extra cheese.”

  “Not bad. I can live with that.” I found it difficult to look at him, my nipples aching and my mouth suddenly dry. I took a sip of my drink, my heart skipping several beats. “Favorite color?”

  “Red.” His voice was suddenly more authoritative, his eyes twinkling. “The color of hearts. Roses.”

  “And blood.”

  He lifted a single eyebrow, taking an exaggerated deep breath.

  “Mountains or the ocean?” I managed.

  “Depends on the season. I adore the ocean, the peace and tranquility the water provides. I also love the mountains, especially in the winter. The crisp air and the snowcapped peaks, the sun breaking out after snow has freshly fallen to the earth. Then a cozy fire, the scent of burning logs filtering in the room. Seductive.” He took two more decided steps, his nostrils flaring.

  Swallowing, I could tell my lower lip was quivering, my pussy clenching. I was more aroused than before, my skin clammy. “Mmm... Maybe there’s hope for you yet.”

  “I’m glad you think so, although in my opinion, the jury is still out.”

  “Maybe you need more confidence,” I whispered as he walked to the edge of the kitchen island, moving into the light. “Finally, ice cream or cake?”


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