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Indebted Page 11
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Page 11
I stormed toward the counter, raking my arm across the few items I’d allowed to litter the pristine environment. As the bottle of liquor, a few pieces of mail, and the ridiculous bowl of fruit my chef had placed on the surface flew as if in slow motion to the floor, the shatter of glass and ceramic was almost a reward. I stood over the carnage, laughing. My breath labored. My heart racing.
My anger was confused with my horrific needs for retaliation. Nothing was going to happen in the way I’d determined if I continued this behavior. I had a chance at regaining everything I’d lost while continuing to build an empire. That was the most important aspect of what I needed to do. I took what was left of my glass as I left the kitchen, the heavy thud of my shoes thumping against the wood floor that had been laid piece by piece to my specifications.
Everything I’d ever done had been about my family, including this ridiculous mansion created on hope. The facility could handle family gatherings of thirty with ease, and even corporate events if necessary. Every room had been perfectly designed, furnished with the finest in wood, steel, and tapestry, all in preparation of festive events or honored gatherings.
None of which would ever happen.
Even Luis had never been to my home as I had never learned anything about his life. I’d kept everyone at arm’s length, refusing to get close. Maybe that had been my problem.
I’d severed all ties to my past and had never made any plans regarding my future.
Except for Alessandra.
My perfect specimen.
My beloved fiancée.
I laughed heartedly as I walked into my office, refusing to turn on a light as I eased onto the leather chair sent all the way from Spain. As if it fucking mattered. As I swiveled the chair back and forth, the darkness not nearly as oppressive as before, I thought about the very letter Luis had sent to his daughter.
Only he’d been afraid of offering it in person, or so I believed.
I’d never paid any attention to his date of his death, but perhaps it was necessary to discover. From what Jefferson had told me, the indication was the day she’d been arrested. However, was that the truth? Was it possible he’d planned his own demise?
The slight creak of the mechanisms in the chair pissed me off. I’d paid enough money not to have a single issue. I chuckled, shifting my head from side to side. Perhaps I’d bought my own bullshit about my position in life for far too long. Shit happened. Mistakes were made. Promises unkept.
And lies told.
Funny how I continued to come back to the notion time and time again.
I continued to shift the chair, ignoring the increasing creaks as I stared at the location of my safe. I had two in the house, both holding everything I considered precious. I put the glass on my desk, twisting it in my hand for several seconds before jerking to a standing position. My legs were stiff as I walked toward the group of books hiding the secured steel box. I shoved them aside, immediately punching in the combination to the lock.
With a quick snap of my wrist, the door was opened. I didn’t need a light to show me the contents. I knew their exact position inside, the envelope positioned on top. As I retreated back to my chair, my heart skipping more than a single beat, I hated the fact I’d kept this from her. Maybe I wasn’t the heartless son of a bitch I’d become determined to be.
After sitting down, I leaned forward, my fingers fumbling to find the switch on the single lamp. The glow was just enough to make me wince, the headache increasing. I stared at the cursive writing in the middle of the envelope, the letters indicating Luis’ hand had been shaking when he’d penned her name.
I could only imagine what had gone through his mind. I rubbed my finger across Alessandra’s name, taking several deep breaths. Then I ripped the folded letter from its contents, growling the entire time. Why in the hell had the man sent this to my address? He had to know I’d read it. He must have realized how much the words would infuriate me.
Another laugh rushed up from my gut. Of course he had. He knew exactly how the words would make me feel, the ugliness they’d create inside my already warped mind. Whatever his real intentions had been, he’d accomplished far more than the nasty words spewed from my father.
But the words were there in black ink, the almost ancient calligraphy-style writing something rarely seen. I’d spent more time reading the letter than the last contract I’d signed, not including the one with Alessandra. I’d read it again, searching for hidden meaning or attempting to strip a portion of the guilt away. Who the hell knew? I shouldn’t give a damn. She was mine. There was nothing and no one who could take her away, including the feisty woman herself.
I smoothed out the two pages, bringing the lamp closer.
And I read once again, the bitterness of the words somehow remaining on my tongue.
My dear, beautiful daughter. These words will be difficult for you to read but they are necessary. My life ended up being about lies, the decision I made branded into my very soul, one I’d sold to the devil. I wanted nothing but the best for you, a promise I made to your beautiful mother all those years ago. Sadly, I failed in my duties, allowing my lies to interfere with your happiness, and your life.
By the time you read this, you will know I’m already gone, but don’t be sad for me. I made my peace with death. Now I must secure your place in the world. I only wish it could be full of freedom and happiness, but there is no such thing as true safety. That is only a myth created by those who have never been forced to choose.
What I am asking of you is difficult but necessary. You will abide by my decision. While you may not like my choice, Gabriel Masters is a good man, one who can provide and care for you. You will know what needs to be done. You will be his only hope of salvation. I have utter faith in you.”
A good man. The asshole obviously had been fooled by the hospitality offered at our meetings. I was amused as I’d been before, even though a nagging continued to drive into my mind. What the hell was he getting at by using the word salvation? I pushed the page away, unable to read another fucking word. The man had sold his own daughter and in my mind, it had been a plan in the making for years.
Whatever the reason, the past was just that. There was no purpose in forcing her to face the painful truth. What good would it do other than placing another wedge between us? She would soon be my wife. She would bear my children. She would also be a part of the Masters legacy. The business would continue to thrive both here and in my homeland. Life would be the way it was supposed to be.
Once again, I lifted my glass in a silent toast. The swig was exactly what I needed, a perfect ending to a shitstorm of a day. When I balled the letter, tossing it into the trash, a wash of peace finally swept over me. As of tonight, a new chapter had begun.
The ghosts in both our pasts had been exorcised.
Or so I hoped.
I pushed the glass away, more satisfied than ever before and leaned my head against the back of the chair. I would give her the wedding of the century and in turn, she’d succumb to my every need. Then we’d both return to Dublin where I would resume the throne I so rightfully deserved. As I closed my eyes, I could see my father’s face as he rotted in his grave. What a shame, Father, that you weren’t able to rise, a phoenix blasting across the sky.
“Why? Why would you do such a terrible thing?” My father raised his fist, his face reddening from the intensity of his anger.
I laughed as I swaggered closer, still intoxicated from the night before. “What do you believe that I’ve done, Father? Had a little too much to drink? Cared for a girl? What happened was a damn accident. An accident.” I could tell by the venom in my father’s eyes that he was not amused.
He slammed his fist against the hard brick of the fire, shocking the fuck out of me. The harsh action forced me to face the horrible facts of what had occurred. Everything I’d cared for was gone. My fault. Mine alone. The guilt was tremendous.
“You disgust me, Gabriel, but
I have failed you as a father. I have allowed you to get away with your sins for far too long. Well, no longer. You will repent for what you have done but in my way.”
“Repent?” I heard the sound of the door opening, my brothers walking in one at a time, their faces ashen. “What is going on?” I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.
My father turned to face me, never acknowledging our interruption. My father had always been a man utilizing strict discipline, but almost never in front of the others. I was far too old for his usual choice in punishment, something I was grateful for. Besides, he had no control over me.
He slowly removed his jacket, placing it ever so gingerly on the back of his favorite chair. I watched him, curious as to what he had planned. As he rolled up his sleeves, he remained quiet. The moment he finally looked me in the eyes, I could see nothing but a cold, empty space. There was no love or hatred, no anger in any way. Just... nothing.
“I have made arrangements for you to leave the country,” he said quietly.
“Leave the country? Why? What is going on, Father?” I grew antsy, my heart racing as claustrophobia settled in.
“While I’m not certain you won’t be followed, captured there, I will do my best to shut down the evidence against you.”
“What evidence? What the fuck are you talking about?”
My father sighed, turning away from me. “You have humiliated this family. I have no choice but to remove you from the business and family documents. I have arranged for a place for you to live, but you will have no inheritance, no servants to tend to your every need. You will be required to forge your own way. Whether or not you survive is entirely up to you.”
None of this was making any sense. I was terrified and shocked, my stomach churning as acid rolled into my throat. “Father. Why? I didn’t plan on the accident happening. You have to know that. I swear to you that I wasn’t drunk.”
He laughed bitterly as he leaned over. “You had so much potential. Now you are dead to me and to your entire family.”
As my brothers approached, the two older ones gripping my arms firmly, my mind reeled from trying to figure out what horrors I’d committed. “Father. Please. What are you saying to me? You can’t mean it. I am your son. I love you.”
The sound was something I would never forget; the horrible crackling, the clang that echoed in my ears. And when he turned around, I knew that he meant every word.
“No, you can’t do that!”
Who the hell was screeching?
Jerking up, the screech echoed in my ear even as the visions clouded my mind, leaving me foggy and sick to my stomach. I gasped for air, struggling to wake up from the horrific nightmare. Another high-pitched yell was followed by one of my employees calling my name.
“Mr. Masters!”
“What the hell?” I tumbled out of the chair, wincing from the light pouring in through the open drapes. Shit. I’d fallen asleep in my office. I willed my legs to work as I lumbered for my office door, finally realizing what the yelling meant.
Alessandra was attempting to escape.
I finally managed to race out of my office, heading in the direction of the stairs, my mind still foggy. I had to give the girl credit. She’d managed to make it down and was headed into the main portion of the house, her long legs allowing her to get a significant head start.
As she flew down the long corridor, she looked back only once. Sadly, she should have known there was no chance for escape, every door and window wired with a specially designed security system.
“Alessandra. Stop. Now.”
She ignored my command, darting through one of the rooms in an effort to dodge me. She’d obviously paid attention to the layout of the house when she’d been brought in, the shortcut leading her straight to the front door.
I slowed down, sneering as I heard her frustrated voice only seconds later as she attempted to make her way outside.
“There is nowhere for you to go, my sweet girl,” I said, my tone huskier than normal. Her actions had aroused me, much more than I would have thought. As I entered the foyer, she took off running away, the quick glance in my direction full of anger as well as trepidation. I could tell she was headed for the kitchen, likely in an attempt to secure a weapon.
I slowed down even more, running my hands through my hair. She was a definite handful, in need of significant training, which would require extensive time. Time I didn’t have if I wanted to keep my proposed schedule.
“I will give you one opportunity to come to me. If you do not, your punishment will be much more severe.” I heard nothing for a few seconds. When her cry of pain filtered into my ears, I took off running once again, scooping her into my arms. “Are you all right?”
Alessandra winced, immediately struggling although blood trickled from a cut in her foot. I stormed out of the room, stomping on remnants of the broken glass. She pushed her hand against me, her breathing shallow. “Let me go. Please.”
“You are hurt.” A wave of anger blasted through me. I’d been a stupid fool to leave the glass unattended.
“I’m sorry, sir. She jumped me as soon as I entered the room.” Mandy’s expression was one of horror, her face pale as she wrung her hands. The girl had worked with me for years, yet I know little about her.
“It’s fine. I’ll take care of this.”
Mandy nodded, staring down at the trailing blood as I passed. “I’ll clean everything up, sir.”
“No need. Just take the rest of the day off. Have the others leave as well, with the exception of Kito. Ask him to remain at the front.” I rubbed Alessandra’s head, finally tangling my fingers in her hair when she refused to stop fighting me. The security I used was well trained; those who’d spent time in the military or Special Forces. Kito was the best, a man I knew I could trust not only with my life but with keeping secrets.
I could see the heavy anxiety filtering into Mandy’s mind, the hard questions she refused to ask. Her mouth twisted in frustration.
“It’s fine, Mandy. I can handle things today.”
“Just go, Mandy. He wouldn’t want you to see what he does to me,” Alessandra chided.
I tightened my hold on Alessandra’s hair, yanking just enough to grab her attention. “Please go, Mandy.”
“Yes... Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. See you tomorrow.”
Sighing, I didn’t bother waiting as she walked away before heading toward the stairs leading to my room. I kicked open the partially closed bathroom door, easing her onto the counter before slapping on the light. As I slammed my hands on either side of her, forcing her to lean backwards, her lower lip quivered.
“You were a very naughty girl,” I huffed. “We will deal with that later.” I yanked a towel off the rack, turning on the water and shifting her body until I was able to pull her foot onto the counter.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, one hand slapping the mirror while she fisted the other. “Ouch.”
I gave her a stern look as I lowered my head, studying the injury. While there’d been a significant amount of blood, it didn’t appear the cut was substantial. “Stay still or this will hurt worse.” There was no need for tweezers, the broken piece easy to remove with my fingers, the wound superficial. I continued to chastise my stupidity. I certainly didn’t want members of my staff questioning my sanity or injuring themselves either. “You are lucky. This could have been damaging.”
While her breathing remained ragged, her eyes watching everything I did, she didn’t utter a word.
I was both disgusted and thrilled by her actions. The endeavor was just a reminder of how feisty she truly was, something I adored. After rinsing her foot gently under the faucet, I moved to the closet, searching until I was able to find a Band-Aid. She seemed amused at my attempt to open the slender package, finally taking it from my hands.
I was the one studying her as she placed the soft pad over the spot, tamping down the sides then wiggling her toes. The move was unexpectedly normal, an oddity in more than one w
ay. Nothing in my life had been remotely typical since my arrival.
“Why did you attempt to run?” I asked softly. The beautiful gown I’d selected for her accentuated her rounded curves, alluring and sensual, the color matching perfectly to the rosy hue creeping up her cheeks.
“Because it’s something I need to do. I’m no one’s prisoner.” She tipped her head, her gaze lifting up from my chest, settling on the ugliness of the man I’d become. “You don’t know my father. There has to be some kind of explanation.”
“The explanation is that your father isn’t the man you believed him to be. He was very clear about what he wanted, detail by detail.”
“But not to me.”
Sighing, I rubbed my forehead, my eyes drawn to the remaining drops of blood in the sink as they trickled toward the drain. I was thankful I’d disposed of the letter. It was time for her to formally accept what had become her new life. The mirror caught my attention long enough to bring the revolting taste of bile into my mouth, as well as a brush of my fingers across my cheek.
Rearing back, I grabbed her wrists, yanking her onto the floor.
“Ouch!” she yelped, fighting my hold.
I pushed her hard against the edge of the counter, crowding against her and forcing my hands on hers. “Look at me,” I commanded.
Shivering, she shook her head, pushing back against me.
I intertwined our fingers, curling mine around hers. “Look. At. Me.”
She bit her lip then shifted her hateful gaze, her eyes shimmering as she searched past the reflection, scoping the darkness that hovered over me. “Yes. Sir. What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to punish you.”
“Please,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
I nuzzled against her neck, still keeping my eyes on her as I pressed my lips against her heated skin. “The time for apologies has passed. Your penance will be paid with actions.”
Her lovely mouth twisted, her body shifting back and forth, merely an offer that she no more wanted to give than what she was about to receive.
I tightened my hold, pushing her even harder against the thick marble.