Indebted Read online

Page 10

  His words were whispered yet said in such a way that they would never be forgotten.

  He dragged his thumb back and forth across my lips, his chest rising and falling. The way he held me was more than possessive. I didn’t just belong to him. I was about to be consumed by him.

  I wanted so badly to hold back, to be able to resist the feel of him, but I’d become a stranger to myself, an entirely different woman. Maybe I’d never known who I was, a little girl lost just waiting to be found. I tore at his shirt, a single moan slipping past my lips at the sound of buttons popping. As I placed my fingertips against his skin, the intense heat was magnified, white-hot as the sensations seared every nerve.

  He wasted no time, ripping away the last shred of my humility, tossing the dress into the darkest corner of the room. The light of the moon created a dancing shimmer across his cheek, highlighting his magnificent bones, the ruggedness of his jaw. He stared down at me, his eyes forever penetrating as he rolled his fingertips over my shoulder.

  There was something more enigmatic about him, the quiet sensitivity so unexpected. I knew it wouldn’t last long. He was a conflicted man, his soul tortured by some unknown reality. Confusion remained furrowing deep inside. I didn’t know him, and I didn’t want to.

  Then I’d be forced to consider caring.

  Although the draw to him was more explosive, my nipples aching for the simple sweep of his finger. I crawled my hand along his chest, moving ever so slowly to his shoulder. The part of him I was most attracted to was his scarred face, telling of whatever horrors he’d been through.

  But discovery would never happen, his hand snapping once again around my wrist, the force used cutting off my blood supply.

  “No,” he stated with clear authority as he swept me into his arms, taking two long strides until he was able to drop me onto the bed. “You wait.”

  The order was given. His rules. His decisions.

  I was forced to watch in the shadows as he peeled away his trousers, sliding them over hips. I craved seeing his naked body, the man who wore expensive clothes like a suit of armor. When he hovered over me, shivers ran down the core of my spine. He was gorgeous, even in the bare hint of a silhouette, his long arms and muscular legs a thing of beauty.

  As he crawled onto the bed, one leg remaining on the floor, the heat of his aura swallowed me up, my skin melting as if ice cream on a hot summer’s day. I couldn’t explain my reaction, nor did I want to try. I closed my eyes, pretending this was a memory I’d want to keep safe, tucked away in the corner of my mind.

  But I knew better.

  The moment dawn approached, the cold reality would sneak back in, a reminder of my new status.

  As his.

  Gabriel shifted between my legs, lowering himself down onto his arms. A dark and ominous growl shifted up from his throat, penetrating the air, creating a wave of goosebumps. I became lost in whatever insane need I had for this brute of a man. He ran a single finger down the side of my face, further fueling the red-hot embers. I was surprised as he took his time, zigzagging the tip in a wide arc around one nipple then the other.

  He was a man used to taking everything he wanted. A man I could barely understand, unless this was simply another part of his game, a shrewd way of breaking down my defenses.

  His breathing remained irregular, the guttural sounds nothing short of animalistic. Very slowly he lifted my arms, pulling both over my head. I expected him to pull shackles from under the bed, tethering me as punishment. The hard squeeze of his hand was his direction to remain in position.

  I did as I was told, mesmerized by the way he brushed his fingers down the length of my body, rolling his knuckles over the most sensitive parts. He split my legs open wide, pushing them against my chest as he lowered his head, raking his well-manicured nails along the inside of my thigh.

  When I felt his fingers flicking across my nipples, I held my breath until I was lightheaded, refusing a moan. Tension continued to tighten my chest yet as he pinched my hardened buds between his thumbs and forefingers, I could no longer hold back the string of whimpers. The pain was incredible, sweeping through me like white lightning. Within seconds, I was floating on air, tossing my head back and forth.

  A dark chuckle erupted from his mouth as he twisted and pulled, abusing my nipples in the most delicious way.

  “Oh... I...” Unable to swallow, I dared to open my eyes, desperate to see the look on his face, but the moon had shifted once again, no longer allowing me to catch a glimpse of anything. The eerie moment as he blew a swath of hot air from my jaw to my chest, continuing to blow as he neared my pussy was insanely scintillating.

  The dichotomy of his actions continued to throw me, the anguish building in my nipples stealing what was left of my breath. I intertwined my fingers, trying to remain obedient, gasping when he released his arduous hold. He dragged his palms down ever so slowly, finally gathering my legs into his arms.

  His guttural sounds shifted, becoming more primal and the moment he buried his face into my pussy, I jerked up, unable to hold back a scream.

  “Oh. God!” Stars floated in front of my eyes as he shifted his head back and forth, lapping my cream in a furious manner.

  I bucked, struggling hard to keep control, thrown by the wave of electricity shooting from one leg to the other, exploding into every cell and muscle.

  He aimlessly swirled a single finger around my clit, circle after circle until I was panting, my heart racing. The moment he pinched the tender tissue, I almost lost it, jerking up, my arms failing me.

  The hard smacks to my pussy lips were my instant punishment. I shot my arms back into position, my toes curling. He shifted away with a series of growls. “With every action there is a reaction.”

  “Yes. I...”

  Sir. Sir. Sir. Sir.

  I knew exactly what he wanted.

  The next two cracks caught me off guard, forcing a wail from somewhere deep within. “Yes, sir.”

  There was no hesitation, his lips and tongue soothing what had ached only seconds before. I was hot and wet all over, wave after wave of prickling sensations shifting from one side to the other.

  He feasted for several minutes, alternating his tongue and fingers, drilling into me with practiced orchestration. All I could do was pant, trying desperately to hold back my climax. Then I realized I’d remembered his words, his demand. I wouldn’t be allowed to have this kind of pleasure again.

  It had been a gift, a privilege, one that had been stripped away from me like the others. I was incensed at the realization as he continued licking with wild abandon, bringing me to the very precipice of pleasure then yanking back.

  My God, the asshole wanted me to beg, to plead to be allowed to come. I tossed my head, biting back a string of nasty words, but I was exasperated, unable to think clearly. There was no turning back, my body having a mind of its own.

  “I... Please, can I...” Before I had a chance to finish, my body became a treacherous beast, the orgasm bursting within me. “Oh. Oh!”

  While he held me, his fingers digging into my legs, I heard the disgust even in his breathing sounds. I’d failed a test. I’d failed him—the man insisting he was my master.

  I’d failed myself.

  Panting, the single climax refused to be stopped, shifting into a powerful second, even as I attempted to shut it down.

  Gabriel didn’t move. Not a muscle. Not a finger. He merely stared at me in the darkness.

  Shame washed over me as soon as I was able to breathe, the unsettling feeling of what I would be forced to face almost as shocking as half believing I deserved it. I’d fallen into some rabbit hole of my own making, allowing him to snag a level of control. I closed my eyes, prepared for the harshness of his belt crisscrossing over every inch of my naked skin.

  I would hold my tongue.

  I would maintain my sanity.

  I would not surrender.

  When he flipped me over onto my stomach, yanking me onto my knees, I whi
mpered and struggled to see him. This wasn’t right. I wasn’t supposed to feel anything amazing.

  Even as the words filtered into my mind, the other side of me chastised the ridiculous thought. I’d fallen that far under his spell? No. No.

  I clamped my hands around the sheets as I felt the weight on the bed change, the heat of his body rubbing against my bruised ass.

  “Every misdeed will mean a consequence,” he whispered.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come. Sir.” I struggled to say the words, to allow them to slip past my lips.

  The darkness was oppressive, keeping me on edge as his hands roamed my body, his fingers rolling up and down the length of my pussy.

  “So wet,” he muttered.

  Damn, I was beginning to hate his sexy voice, the smooth velveteen that slipped and twisted into every pore.

  I dropped my head as he fondled me, fingers slipping in and out of my pussy, shifting to my asshole. There was no hesitation as he thrust them inside my darkened hole, his intense growls matching my moans. The force of his actions pushed me forward, but I thrust back, refusing to be broken.

  He tapped my bottom several times as he plunged his fingers, my muscles expanding to accept.

  When he thrust his cock deep inside my pussy, his hands gripping my hips, I was unable to hold back a scream. He roared his appreciation, the primal lion taking his mate. I’d never experienced anything so incredible, bolts of lightning popping into every blood cell. He held his stance, his fingers digging in, the warmth of his body exhilarating.

  As he rode me, he fisted my hair, jerking my head. The hard pounding was amazing, excitement surging through me. I met every hard thrust with one of my own, anger still churning within me, but I was no longer able to control my needs.

  The hunger was too great.

  “You haven’t earned the privilege to be fucked like a good girl.” He chuckled as he ground his hips, his cock filling me, stretching me.

  The bastard was only going to give me a taste. “Please.”

  “You fucked up, Alessandra. However, I will share with you what happens to naughty girls who don’t follow the rules.”

  As he stretched my bottom wide open, I clawed the bedding, trying to crawl away. This couldn’t be happening. This wasn’t supposed to occur. He couldn’t. He just... couldn’t.

  But he did.

  I felt the tip of his cock as he pushed it against my asshole, guiding his shaft inside an inch at a time. The pain was unlike anything I’d experienced before, bolts of light flashing in front of my eyes, my throat closing. When he hit the tight ring of muscle, I tensed, gasping for air.

  “Relax. Soon you’ll learn that anguish has its place.”

  Gabriel thrust the remainder all the way inside, his grip sliding to my hips, keeping me in his grasp. His guttural sounds were almost evil, his scattered breaths mixing with moans of delight.

  I’d never felt so humiliated, so uncertain of why the filthy sin could be enticing in any way.

  But it was.

  I was taken to another place, the pain drifting away, leaving only tingling sensations as my muscles accepted his throbbing thickness.

  “Oh, God. Oh, God...” I heard my voice, but everything seemed far away, as if I was standing outside my body watching the sinful act. “More. Please.”

  He pulled almost all the way out, slamming into me again, the creak of the bed just another reminder that he was the one in charge. As he began to drive into me in even strokes, I could no longer feel my legs. I fell into a lull of sweet music pumping inside my head, my entire body shuddering as it attempted to accept his barbaric actions.

  Within seconds, there was nothing but sheer pleasure rolling through me, rattling every sensation as well as my mind. He was so large, filling me completely, his hard plunges awakening every nerve. I was alive and on fire, praying this would never stop.

  There were so many thoughts racing in my mind, the tentacles of my desire overwhelming. I couldn’t think or focus. I could barely breathe. I was stripped of normalcy or maybe this was the beginning of everything that would be normal.

  As his guttural sounds became more scattered, his hand snapping against my ass cheek, I could tell he was close to coming. His cock swelled, stretching me even more and there was nothing I could do but squeeze my muscles.

  His primal roar bounced against the walls, the warm gush of his cock erupting inside both scintillating as well as terrifying.

  He’d managed to do what no one else had before. I’d surrendered, if only in my body’s betrayal.

  I’d called him sir.

  I’d promised to be a good girl.

  I’d begged him not to stop.

  Day three of my new life.

  Of being a prisoner.

  Of accepting a master.

  Day. Three.

  Chapter Eight



  I’d retreated back into the darkness, unable to calm my breathing or the raging emotions that had surfaced. I stood in the kitchen, staring out at the night sky, the damn twinkling lights and bright orb almost too bright for my taste.

  The drink in my hand wasn’t my first and it certainly wouldn’t be my last. As I swirled the glass, the sound of the ice clinking was far less comforting than usual. I’d never been rattled since arriving in America, not once. I’d accepted my fate and moved on, refusing to embrace my plight or deal with any crap.

  But I was distressed as fuck by the tenacious feelings that had wrapped around me like a tight vise and refused to let go. I’d been unable to resist Alessandra on any level. Not her spiteful words. Not her dramatic actions in front of the mirror where I could watch her every move.

  And certainly not her pushback with the sensuous touch of her fingertips.

  She’d felt good in my arms, fulfilling a dark need that had never been sated before. I’d had my share of interactions since coming to America, women attempting to fulfill my needs, but not a single woman had accepted my sadistic tendencies or my aloof ways.

  With Alessandra, she didn’t care about either. In fact, even in the darkness, I’d seen a spark in her eyes, a desire boiling deep within her, a portion hungering to let go. The chemistry we shared was unmistakable, even as the fire in her belly had prevented her from surrendering.


  Soon she would be mine, her body and soul. I held the glass against my head, praying the cool surface would ease the headache that had formed minutes after taking her. My cock swelled again just thinking about sliding my shaft deep inside.

  Laughing, I was struck by the way she’d fought me, refusing to back down on any aspect. Even the few times she’d called me sir had been to attempt to gain the upper hand. To get what she wanted. To usurp my authority.

  Few men had ever tried that.

  None succeeding.

  She was a stunning anomaly sent from the hand of God. Of that I was certain.

  I took another gulp, unable to calm my nerves. Everything had already gotten out of hand.



  Alterations to my power.

  Then there were the lies.

  I hadn’t shared a damn thing about my life. I also hadn’t told her certain truths. She needed proof her father had turned her over to another man. I had that proof. However, as much as I loathed Luis, the moment I handed over the letter that had been addressed to her, she would be shattered.

  She would also blame the one person who could indeed protect her.

  Luis had played a terrible game, one that could have placed his daughter’s life in danger. He’d gambled that I was the one who would protect her at all costs. What the hell had caused him to surrender the one thing he loved with all his heart?

  Sighing, I fisted my mouth.

  The vision of her naked body had been almost enough to break me. Even in the scattered moonlight, I’d been breathless, my desire wrapping around my throat like a creature hell bent on destroying me.
Ripping off her gown had been the first of my mistakes. Fucking her in the ass merely a necessity.

  Or at least I’d believed so at the time.

  The gown and robe I’d left for her had been purchased with her in mind; the smooth silk the finest in the world, the color of a warm blush exactly the way I thought about her.




  Only I’d taken away her vulnerability with one drastic decision.

  Fuck. Me.

  I held up the glass, toasting the moon before polishing off the remainder of the drink, immediately moving to refill it. While I had business to attend to in the morning, I had no intentions of facing the board for another round of arguments. If the stock dropped, so be it. The level was twenty percent higher than anticipated anyway.

  Sighing, I knew what Jefferson would say. You never leave business on the table based on arrogance or stupidity. Yes, I was one arrogant man, but I’d made the attorney a significant amount of money over the years and he’d served me well. He would soon have a choice to make, stay on or bask in the glory of wealth after retiring. The thought gave me a smile.

  There was one last order of business before I made my final decision about returning to Ireland. I had to find out if Luis had shared any information about my company. Or had he merely pretended that he had in hopes of keeping his daughter safe?

  I could rattle some chains easily and I knew one aspect that would help.

  The wedding.

  It would be a final warning to keep away.

  I closed my eyes, envisioning the various politicians and company moguls who believed they remained superior in the world of business we played in. They were the same ones that longed to have my company shut out of making any additional money. If Luis had refused to fall prey to whatever sum had agreed to be paid for his betrayal, he’d thwarted all of them in one way or another.

  I had to give him some credit, even if my anger for him continued into death.

  A heatwave rushed into every cell. Every step he’d made had been calculated. What other secrets did he have hidden away?

  To hell with this. I wasn’t going to solve the mystery tonight.


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