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Indebted Page 6
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Page 6
This wasn’t just about penance. This was about his sadistic desires. When he turned away from me, I pumped my hand, giving him my middle finger.
I was ceremoniously being dismissed, the puppet master checking another task off his list.
He’d stated the words as if this was nothing more than a typical business contraction. Another day at the office. I knew at that moment that one day I would have the pleasure of destroying both the man and his empire.
Chapter Five
I could still feel the thickness of his fingers stretching my muscles. I could also hear the coldness in his voice as he’d returned to his work, pretending I didn’t exist. I’d reveled in the tension shared between the two men. There was no love for Gabriel Masters.
Even though the tingling sensations were inescapable, hate had replaced surprise or even anxiety. He would never take advantage of me in that way again.
Jefferson took long strides as he led me away, his actions like a lap dog forced to follow a man’s rules. For money? Clout? He’d barely looked at me more than once after receiving his orders. I couldn’t imagine the man was happy.
“How long have you worked for him?” I asked, wincing as the tight jeans shifted back and forth across my bruised bottom. Follow orders. The words continued to haunt me.
Jefferson was even more stoic as he led me through another wing of the expansive estate. While I’d seen a few workers, including landscapers, there appeared to be no one else who lived in the house. Was Gabriel’s ego so magnified that he needed expensive toys? When he said nothing, I pressed him.
“I feel sorry for you, Jefferson. Mr. Masters doesn’t seem to be an enjoyable human being on any level. I hope he pays you extremely well for being treated like a piece of trash.”
Stopping short, he turned to face me, his expression as stifling as his eyes. “I am not here to be your friend, Ms. Toro. I have a job to do, one that I am very good at and one I intend on keeping. I will guide you only to a point, then you will be entirely in Mr. Masters’ hands. I assure you that you need to listen to what you are told and follow through with the direction you are given. That is my best advice and one I hope you won’t take lightly.”
“That sounds very much like a threat. Did he tell you to do that or does it come naturally for you after working under his thumb?”
A smirk shifted across his face, his eyes flashing a level of anger I wasn’t certain he was capable of. I’d touched a nerve. “Take it for what you will. Please follow me. I would hate to be forced to give Mr. Masters a bad report. You’ve already found out how he handles people who don’t follow his rules.”
Every word out of his mouth was chilling, the warnings clear. What kind of hold did Gabriel have over people and how far reaching? I was in no position to rattle any additional cages, so I did as he asked, following behind him like a good little girl. All the while I observed every corridor I was taken down, every door I’d been led through. I would find an escape. I’d run far and away, where no one could ever touch me again.
Where? Where?
I cringed, attempting to shut down.
When I was taken up a small flight of stairs, the luxurious aspects ceased. Gone were the bright colors adorning the walls, the incredible artwork that likely cost a fortune, and the plush carpet in rich hues. The hallway was stark, functional, and devoid of any decoration. While there were three doors, I was taken to the one at the end.
“What is this place?” I asked when Jefferson placed his hand on the doorknob. I was no longer certain I cared about a bad report.
He turned to look at me and I couldn’t help but notice something very odd in his expression. He didn’t approve of the contract Gabriel had entered into with me. “This is step two.”
When he opened the door, there was nothing that would have prepared me.
For a few seconds, my entire world shut down as sickness and fear paralyzed me. Even the ugly shadows drifting into every corner of the bleak space couldn’t hide what I was seeing. The bastard had established a medical facility.
In his own home.
“The ward is now under your care. Please take Ms. Toro to her room after your examination,” Jefferson instructed.
“Yes, sir.”
The female’s voice was calm, devoid of any emotion. She switched on a single light, the harsh glow bouncing off the bland walls, the dull flash of light illuminating a small mirror positioned in the middle of the wall.
Oh, my God.
“No. This is insane. What the fuck is happening here?” I backed away, unable to block the tears. I had no idea what kind of sick fuck Gabriel was, but I refused to have any part in his world. Two women stood in medical attire, their faces half covered in masks. While there were various apparatuses, what struck me hard was the cold steel table glistening in the ugly lighting, the stirrups positioned midway along the length of the table.
No. No. No!
Jefferson gripped my arm, immediately pulling me inside. “This is nothing more than a typical examination. You have no idea what diseases you may have caught being in that disgusting jail.” He let me go, backing away before nodding toward the two attendants. “Do not turn your back on her.”
I backed away, struggling to breathe as a moment of claustrophobia wrapped around me. “Is he going to watch?” I wasn’t entirely certain my voice was even audible, but the words grabbed one of the women’s attention, her eyes flitting toward the same mirror. “He is. He’s a fucking coward. A coward!”
My exclamation reverberated into the air, the sneer creeping up on Jefferson’s face affirmation of what I’d suspected.
“My God. This is sick. This is crazy.”
“Get busy!” Jefferson snapped.
“Ms. Toro, please remove your clothes in their entirety and lie on the table.” The voice of the second attendant wasn’t soothing in any manner. It was harsh, the command almost a frightening as one of Gabriel’s.
I tipped my head, glaring into the mirror. Gabriel Masters wanted everything taken away from me.
My life.
My possessions.
My humanity.
Jefferson’s footsteps seemed to echo even after he closed the door. While there was no sound of a lock being engaged, it honestly no longer mattered.
I was Gabriel Masters’ prisoner.
* * *
I’d never once thought of the totality of it, my life spent as more of a fairytale than any normal reality. However, I’d attempted to lie to myself for years, pretending that everything was exactly like the families of other children I’d known in school. My father had worked excessive hours to provide a roof over my head. That hadn’t altered the love I’d had for him or the fun we had when he managed to take time off. I’d never seen him purchase anything of value for himself. Instead, he’d spent his money on his baby girl. I’d had everything a little girl blossoming into a young woman could ever want for.
A lovely room.
Beautiful dolls.
Clothes I’d been able to select on my own.
The finest education.
A new car before leaving for college.
Holidays had been joyful, especially Christmas.
What if the money he’d used had been stolen?
Maybe my father’s ability to hide behind a mask could no longer be ignored.
I’d lost my mother before I was old enough to remember and there was no other family. I felt like I didn’t know who I was any longer.
I stood at the single window of my new bedroom peering out at the world below. I’d been poked, prodded, every cavity searched, the final humiliation the horrible shapeless dress I’d been forced to wear. I could still envision the way they’d stretched my legs far apart, my feet strapped down to the steel poles to ensure I’d have no chance of escape.
The moment the spe
culum had been inserted, I’d floated away to another realm, a place of beauty and tranquility. However, the embarrassment of the rectal exam had been the most humiliating. The cold steel slipping past the tight ring, stretching my muscles was something I would never forget.
And he’d been watching.
The monster who’d purchased me.
I stood barefoot, shivering even though the room was warm. The doctors had taken away my clothes, disposing of them in a plastic bag, as if I didn’t deserve to wear anything but a feed sack.
While the room itself was lovely, the view of the pool and the range of mountains stunning, the majority of pieces of furniture had been removed. What remained were a twin-size bed, a nightstand, and a single lamp. The glistening underwater lights in the pool held my attention, even though I had the distinct feeling that I would never be allowed to use any of the extraordinary amenities.
Then I’d been left alone.
I’d been kept in silence for two days, a woman bringing food and water, retrieving what little I’d been able to eat later. I’d been purposely left in silence because of my insolence, another method of punishment.
While I’d spent the first day frightened, hiding under the thin covers on the bed, my resolve had grown, my anger off the charts. I’d been forced to accept my father had sold me off, as if I’d mattered very little to him. That was my new reality. My life had been a lie. Then there was Bobby Rivers and the scuttlebutt around him, whispers that he was a horrible man and I should stay far away from him. I’d chosen not to believe them. Maybe I’d wanted something special for myself, even if the relationship had been completely platonic.
Whatever portion I was missing from the night of the stabbing was important. My gut told me that. Maybe I should point this out to Mr. Masters, although I doubted that he would give a shit. He’d already made up his mind how to use me.
I walked toward the mirror positioned in the middle of the wall, my legs quivering. Was he standing behind the obvious second two-way mirror watching me? Was he laughing at the deal I’d been coerced into signing, the foolish girl who’d been railroaded because of fear? Was he hoping I’d give him a little show, dancing for him like the slut he no doubt wanted me to be?
“Fuck you,” I said, praying he heard the two ugly words.
Only that could bring another round of harsh punishment.
The asshole wanted me to call him ‘sir.’ He was insane. Respect was earned and he would never garner that from me. Never.
Turning away, I fought the ugly emotions threatening to drag me into darkness. He wasn’t going to best me in any manner. None.
What disturbed me more than the austere surroundings was the copy of the signed contract that had finally been offered, brought in with lunch as if it was no big deal. In addition, a portion of my father’s will had been attached, something I’d yet to see. I’d even asked Stephen if he knew if my father had left one but I’d never received an answer other than he would check. The asshole had lied to me.
I had yet to bring myself to reading either one of them for fear of learning the ugly details.
I’d never been a stupid girl and the fact I’d been coerced into signing the contract was disturbing on several levels.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Maybe so.
I palmed the glass, my fingertips overlapping the windowpanes, the mantra swimming through my mind like a broken record. This had to be nothing more than a nightmare I’d wake up from.
I had no idea how long I’d been standing in the same place, although I finally noticed the sun had gone behind a bank of clouds, leaving behind a mournful-looking sky. Far too soon night would fall, driving the psychotic dream into the dark crevices in my mind. I eased my forehead against the window, taking shallow breaths. I’d never felt so alone or scared in my life.
The tinkling of the lock drew my attention, my stomach surging from the uncertainty of what to expect. I folded my arms, hovering against the window in hopes whoever was behind the thick wood would leave me alone.
Or maybe they’d come to free me.
No. No. There would be no freedom.
I’d never realized how important it was, the majority of people taking it for granted. They carried out their lives pretending there weren’t evils in this world, monsters determined to destroy every aspect of humanity.
As the door opened slowly, I bit back a cry, the range of emotions driving me to the point of madness. Help me! Please help me!
There were no words to say, no cry erupting from my throat. Just silence.
The woman was older than the one from the other two days, her gray eyes peering at me with curiosity. She rolled a cart just inside, lifting a dome-style lid. The wafting scent of beef immediately made my mouth water, the rising steam from a full plate of food a surprise. When I took a step closer, she scampered away, closing the door with a hard thud, the lock immediately slammed in place.
Sighing, I inched closer, finally turning on the bedside lamp before closing the distance. Dinner had been served. For some crazy reason, visions flashed in my mind of beautiful dinner parties, expensive soirées on the pool deck. I could almost hear laughter, envision all the beautiful people as they sipped margaritas by the water. Only I had to wonder whether a man like Gabriel Masters even had friends. Sighing, I brought my attention back to the food, my stomach churning.
Everything on the plate looked delicious; mashed potatoes heaping and the asparagus perfectly cooked, leaving the lovely fresh shade of green intact. While I wanted nothing more than to devour every scrap of food, I knew my stomach would revolt.
Instead, I grabbed the roll, bringing it to my mouth and savoring the scent of yeast. I pulled off a few pieces, nibbling and chewing methodically. Maybe I could stand to eat later.
After reading the contract.
Had my father left me a note? Had he attempted to explain why he’d allowed the contract to be drawn up in the first place, or had that come as an afterthought, a decision made by Mr. Masters’ attorney? I doubted anything personal of my father’s remained, even though he’d often told me the house would always be mine. I knew I couldn’t count on anything. My possessions had likely been destroyed, my little car sold at some auction.
Another wave of anger rolled deep inside, fueling not only my curiosity but my growing hatred for Gabriel. I stormed toward the bed, tossing the roll against the wall before easing down, my breathing hard enough my chest ached. I fingered the papers, shifting them apart as I peered down. For all intents and purposes, the two documents seemed perfectly legal, drawn up as any typical contract or will might be.
I still couldn’t get over the fact any attorney in their right mind would condone anything of this nature. Grabbing the contract first, I scanned the first page, the basic legalese exactly what I remembered sitting in the damn courtroom. There were no surprises on the first few pages, the statements merely allowing Gabriel full control to determine what would occur in my best interest.
However, the last pages gave more of an indication of what I would be forced to endure.
Ms. Toro will be required at minimum to finish out the entire sentence as imposed by the court. Upon completion, Gabriel Masters will determine whether an extended sentence is deemed necessary and shall be at his sole discretion as to the amount of time added.
Various methods of punishment may be used as deemed appropriate by Mr. Masters.
I was no longer shaken by the passages. I was incensed. Furious. I was also prepared to fight it in court.
As if anyone would care to listen to me. Even if I did, then what? Sent to prison as originally decided? I tossed it aside, laughing softly even as several tears slipped past my lashes. The thought of reaching for the will was almost too much to bear, but I’d never run scared from anything and I refused to start now.
However, the tears refused to stop falling, drops staining the page, every word read more difficult than the one before.
“I, Luis Toro, do hereby bequeath the following worldly goods to Gabriel Masters: the care and protection of Alessandra Toro...”
I was stunned as I glanced down at the signature, witnessed by Stephen Cantor as well as another name I’d never heard of before. What was even more shocking was the last sentence, the one spelling out what my father had anticipated for this unholy union.
This wasn’t just about the taking of my body as well as my soul.
This wasn’t only about repaying a debt by my work as an indentured servant.
This was about something else entirely, an unholy union forged by the devil himself.
“As determined through contractual means, after a predetermined period of time, Gabriel Masters will enter into a state of holy matrimony.”
“No. No...”
Chapter Six
I’d allowed two full days to pass. Two. Fucking. Days.
The self-control had taken all I’d had, although I’d had enough fires to put out to keep me busy. However, my resolve was cracking.
It had taken every ounce of control not to take her over my desk, sliding my cock into her pretty pink pussy instead of just my fingers. I’d remained disgusted with myself for even thinking something so blasphemous. While she was mine to do with as I pleased, I’d originally had no intention of taking her body until the right time.
A marriage forged in blood and deceit.
Tonight was another story, my hunger too significant.
Toro’s will had been intriguing initially, until I’d read the last few words, the very ones that had made my blood run cold. However, I’d come to terms with the union, although it would be on my terms. She would pay dearly for her father’s sins.
She was a fighter, the reflection of the obscene gesture she’d given me troubling, but I’d been more amused than anything else. It would take significant time to break her. I turned on the volume on the stereo, an attempt to mask the rapid beating of my heart. The two-way mirrors I’d installed were to help observe her behavior, but as I’d watched her climb onto the table for an examination that I’d ordered, I’d been unable to remain in the room.