Harvest: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance Read online

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  “And you’re just the man to provide it.” His laughter sparked chuckling amongst the other soldiers.

  “Enough. We still have work to do.”

  I would make certain she knew her behavior wouldn’t be tolerated when I reddened her ass later.

  I glanced at him just as another soldier cleared the trees, dragging the body of one of the marauders. The arrow piercing the man’s esophagus had been a precise shot, very practiced and akin to a warrior.

  I took a few steps in the direction of where she’d fled, quite frankly admiring the work of the young woman—the very beautiful, misbehaving human woman. Where she’d been able to gather a weapon of that nature was something I would need to find out. The various crude weapons made by these particular aliens had been banned, those breaking our laws punished severely. The young woman had two strikes against her. I’d gathered a taste of her fear but also her discord in seeing our advance, even though we’d likely saved her life.

  I’d also sensed another emotion. She’d been bloodthirsty, her anger bubbling to the surface. Did she know one of the marauders? I glanced at the fallen man, walking closer. He had several markings on his face and neck, the ornate ink indicating he was a top-level soldier within the marauders. Several of them wore the same tattoos. They usually remained by the side of the leader himself, which gave me several disturbing thoughts. I would bet their leader was in close proximity. If so, we’d be forced to remain on high alert.

  Zayn Dupree. Even thinking his name left bile in my mouth.

  There was no chance of cancelling the Feast. Risking the leader wasn’t the marauders’ normal behavior. They had to know our compound held dozens of well-trained soldiers and the finest weaponry.

  My curiosity regarding the girl was increasing.

  I even had a slight taste of her covering my tongue, my keen senses homing in on the fact she was aroused. The way she crackled with electricity had nothing to do with the weapon used on the marauders. My cock continued to throb, sending biting pulses all throughout my system. I was quite surprised about my body’s reaction, the desire strong enough I had difficulty focusing.

  I ached to have the pleasure of a woman, but of my own choosing. Granted, the connection with the human was still flowing rampantly throughout my body. This particular female would suit my dark desires, her strength and resolve more delicious to break. I could hear the beating of my two hearts working in unison, pumping harder from the thought alone. Yes, capturing, using, fucking, and punishing her would be incredible.

  Kodroth snorted. “The marauders have been busy, Captain. This capture makes over twenty that we rounded up today alone. A much higher number than the other teams. Perhaps we will be exalted. Maybe even with being allowed to enter the lottery.”

  “That’s a remote possibility, Kodroth. You know the rules.” As if I cared. I knew Kodroth would eagerly join in the lottery system if allowed, a chance to get off this planet and back to our own. Only the finest warriors were supposedly chosen for the honor, and none while on a mission on Earth. Still, my men all had hope every time the Feast came to pass. When our male kind were mated with the best human breeding stock, a new form of Centurion was created.

  I’d been allowed to meet only a few, their environments protected until they were finished with their education. Their capabilities had been studied carefully by various scientists, the final conclusions denoting a breed unlike anything the various galaxies had ever seen. Stronger. Faster. More cunning. Certainly more passionate. I sneered at the concept, realizing there was more behind the politics than any member of the High Council would convey.

  I had to admit, at times I missed our world, especially given the disgusting living conditions in the various cities, the plagues and crime that had squelched any concept of humanity on this place called Earth. However, Skars had blemishes as well, much of our land destroyed by intergalactic wars. I glanced at the unkempt human men, shaking my head. They were only one of the various savage groups suspected of trying to undermine the lottery. Our task had been to hunt, secure, and transport them to a holding facility where their fate would be determined.

  I often thought of my awarded position as a prison term, but I knew the work we were doing was important. I was just weary of the task.

  Our people were not kind to those thwarting our authority. We’d long ago taken possession of Earth, something my forefathers had decided, a planned attack nearly eradicating Earth as we’d done to several other planets. I had nothing to do with politics, nor did I care to move up in ranks. To the majority of Centurions, I was merely another soldier, trying to keep our sense of purpose going. I enjoyed being a warrior, affecting my own destiny, which was completely against our policies. Our primary task was listed as protection of the colonized stations, the areas where female humans were raised, all for the purpose of mating with our kind. I held some level of anger for the concept, even though I mostly kept my thoughts and opinions to myself. Anything less than following along with the mandated Centurion laws was considered treasonous.

  I surveyed the area, my sense of smell telling me there were no additional marauders within a few miles. But there would be soon enough.

  “We do need to report that there’s a breach of security in Colony 57, Captain. The fact she was able to get out without being detected is a serious issue, which could lead to one of these creatures being able to get into the colony.” Kodroth activated his Glick station located on his wrist, typing in the various coordinates of this particular colony. As head of our security, he had the responsibility to report any and all issues.

  “Very well but leave any connotations regarding the girl out of the report. I’ll handle her required discipline personally,” I directed although Kodroth was right. With no active alarms, the girl had singlehandedly found a way around our security systems, the single camera barely catching a glimpse of her. Cunning and intelligent as well as beautiful.

  Kodroth hesitated, lifting the skin above his cranium. “You’re certain.”

  “My direction. If detected, I’ll take full responsibility. After all, she was fighting our true enemy, protecting her colony, but she will pay a price for her insolence.”

  “In other words, she deserves freedom from the wrath of our leaders.” He lowered his voice. “Or perhaps you’d like to keep her a secret.”

  I slanted my eyes in his direction. Kodroth knew me well. I usually followed the letter of the law, but I also had a sense of what I’d heard was called humanity, preferring not to kill or maim in an indiscriminate fashion. There were others of our kind who enjoyed our natural sadistic tendencies, their methods of dealing with this kind of treachery brutal. I feared they would do the same to a female. Yes, we all craved the sensuous touch of a human female, their very emotional qualities that our women never seemed to acquire. And disciplining them was extraordinary, a pleasure unlike anything Centurion men had ever known.

  Even my limited experience with human woman indicated as much, their bodies responding to ours in a most sensual manner. However, there were certain Centurions who went too far. Although with this particular human, my desires were particularly brutal.

  Another vision burned into the backs of my retinas, scorching my very mind. I could see shoving my cock deep into the stunning redhead’s pussy as she screamed out my name. My entire body twitched from the kind of electricity that created a difficulty to focus.

  “You know exactly what would happen to her. I won’t approve of harsh punishment for acting on her natural instincts, but I assure you that her behavior will not be tolerated.” I knew my words were only remotely hiding my true feelings.

  “Then yes, sir. I will leave any mention of this particular human out of our report.” He chuckled darkly as his hands moved over the screen, finishing his required statement. “She is a very tasty female and you know, she looks to be the age as required by the lottery. Maybe we’ll get lucky and see her again. I mean after your discipline of her, of course.” Kodroth smiled
as he snapped off the Glick.

  Luck played only a small part of the lottery itself, but Kodroth’s clearance wouldn’t allow him that level of classified information. In truth, only a handful of soldiers did. The chip implanted in every young woman scanned their various bodily functions and overall health, determining when their ovaries were ready to conceive. Those of a certain percentage were chosen to be taken to Skars. To date, the lottery had been deemed by the High Council as a success. “She is... fascinating.”

  Kodroth chuckled and rapped his hand on my back. “I’ve never seen you interested in any of the human females other than for carnal needs. I’m surprised you even looked twice. Gives me hope. Speaking of which, there are two very beautiful women waiting for us. We could even share.” He laughed seeing my expression. “I’ve never known you to have difficulty sharing, Voltar.”

  Kodroth had chided me over my lack of desire for years. I simply didn’t yearn in the same manner as others of our kind. I’d met only a few women who could stand my savage tastes—human or otherwise. The spoils of being a warrior, finding the taste of a human female for the night. There were times I had no desire to participate, but tonight, I was certainly under the influence of the lovely female fighter. I would need to be sated in some manner. “That will be enjoyable, my friend.”

  “Good. Even though I know you’ll be fantasizing about one human in particular.” He laughed again, patting me on the shoulder.

  “This particular female is unique. For her to have cut down a marauder on her own took a significant amount of skill, even more so than some of our soldiers.” I couldn’t help but think the kill had been very personal. How would she know any marauder? Even during her forays outside of the protected walls, there were Centurion guards in dozens of locations. The human beasts were challenging to say the least. Their army had increased in size, several thousand who seemed primitive on the outside, but were more organized than the High Council would care to admit. They’d been deemed animals by our soldiers for their brutal methods.

  They’d also managed to hunt and kill a several dozen Centurion soldiers, but the High Council still didn’t seem concerned.

  “Admiration for her weaponry skills. Now, that’s fascinating. Come on. We don’t have much time before the commander calls. We need to get the prisoners secured and tagged. Besides, I’m extremely hungry after such hard work.”

  “As you know, first there is something that I must do.” The commander. Yes, he would be calling like clockwork in just a matter of a few hours. While I’d been the leader of a team of over four hundred Centurions, the men accompanying me on this detail were my friends. Kodroth had been by my side through various cycles of training, a trusted companion. He’d been forced during the last few days to remind me why I’d accepted this position in the first place.

  I had the distinct feeling that Zayn would make an appearance. He would die by my hands if he did. Sadly, I had no idea what the man looked like, no one did, but his damning reputation should make him easy to find. I snarled, trying to gear my mind toward punishing the human. Then I’d be forced to concentrate on my duties for the Feast.

  I don’t know why this particular lottery was bothering me. I’d heard the soldiers talking, the rumor regarding the fact the rules were to be changed, allowing Earth warriors to participate. I wasn’t ready to mate and produce several children, never returning to my military duties outside of our particular galaxy. I preferred the rather savage life, even though my assignment on Earth hadn’t been my first choice. At the time, I hadn’t understood the full magnitude of what members of the High Council were asking me to do. And now? Well, I had more misgivings than ever, but I certainly wanted our species to survive.

  We had many enemies, some who were great warlords prepared to take over our planet. I’d once relished in keeping our world safe instead of spending time entrenched in dirty cities, able to see the destruction from a century before. Coming here had been eye opening. How were we any better than the brutality facing our own people?

  I had no time to lament or ability to change the course of history. We were forging our future, hopefully one allowing peace and prosperity. I took another deep breath, trying to hold onto her scent. One thing I knew. She was very fertile.

  “Two of the guards will accompany you, just in case she attempts another escape.” Kodroth nodded to two of the men.

  “She won’t make that mistake again.” I chuckled saying the words.

  The prisoners would be transported to our compound, taken to the holding cell for whatever method of disposal that the commanders deemed necessary. Word would certainly spread through the streets of darkness in every city and town about the number of marauders captured. We could expect retaliation of a different magnitude. Perhaps this would force their leader out of hiding, proving his existence. I was hunting for Zayn in particular, the very reason I’d accepted the duty in this quadrant, considered the most dangerous of any.

  He was my nemesis, the leader known as the Demon. I chuckled at the thought. He was a true demon all right. Unfortunately, he held a dark secret and if discovered, he would be annihilated by his own kind. Or he would be exalted as a god. It depended on certain decisions he made. This was another aspect considered classified, adding to my burden of leadership. While the man was elusive, I was certainly getting closer to securing his location. Another reason I had no desire to leave my post. I would make this known.

  I allowed the others to return to the compound, taking the prisoners with them, waiting until their departure. I decided to walk the entire way to Colony 57. Perhaps the trek through the woods would cool my anger.

  I’d disciplined many human women, but not as severely as what would be needed with Felicity. By the time I reached the entrance, I realized that I could no longer lie to myself. I wanted this woman and no matter what consequences I could face, I would have her.

  Soon, she would be my pet.

  Chapter Five


  I rubbed my hand as I scuttled back toward my parents’ small house, cringing from the realization that I’d riled a captain of the Centurion army. Voltar Brezan. The name was sensuous and rippling with danger as it rolled off my tongue. What the hell was I thinking? Would he really come here to discipline me? And what would I say to my parents? Oh, God. Oh. My. God. You’ve really done it this time, stupid girl. The voice inside my head refused to let this go.

  His touch had been enigmatic. Even the way his smoldering eyes had undressed me left me panting, my panties soaked. I was almost in tears by the time I raced inside the door, ignoring my mother’s angry face. I didn’t need to hear a lecture about anything. Shivering, I hid the bow in a cubbyhole I’d cut out myself, knowing if found, my punishment would be worse.

  On top of everything, I’d killed a marauder, which meant they would be after me as well. I was fucked in every way. Slinking down the wall, I dropped my head and closed my eyes, taking several deep breaths. Every vision flashing in my mind was of the alien. He was roughhewn and sexy in every manner. I’d seen his groin expanding, his throbbing cock filling the tight space in his pants. “Oh!” My whimper was scattered, breathless.

  I had no idea how long I’d been in the same position, but the sound of footsteps outside the exterior wall drew my attention. They weren’t my father’s footsteps and they were in multiples. Oh, God. I shook to my very core, riddled with anxiety. The hard thudding as a fist was beaten against the wooden door was telling.

  He’d come to punish me.

  There were voices, my mother’s tone anxious. Then I heard the sounds of my father. Was he arguing with the captain? No! He couldn’t do that. Jerking to my feet, I rushed out of the room, coming face to face with Voltar once again.

  His eyes slid to my direction, the same scalding look of longing sweeping across his face. Two soldiers flanked his side, waiting just inside the doorway.

  “What did you do?” my mother screeched as she snapped her head in my direction.
r />   “Calm down, Lily. Our daughter has a mind of her own and as such, she will face the consequences.” My father’s brow was furrowed and in his eyes he held disappointment as well as concern.

  “What is happening?” Winter demanded, storming in front of the guards. My father yanked her away.

  “Your sister was detected escaping our colony, which you know is against the rules. She will be punished in the center of the compound in front of everyone.” I’d never heard my father so straightforward, as if punishing me was a matter of course.

  Voltar pushed past my father until he stood only inches away. His scent was even stronger, intoxicating me to the point I had difficulty focusing. “Do you have anything to say for your misbehavior?”

  “Nothing that would matter to you,” I chided, lifting my chin. I could see the flash in his eyes. I’d angered him again. I heard the bells chiming, an indication that everyone was to move to the designated location. Every Feast was held in the same place, what few celebrations our kind was allowed.

  And now a shameful whipping.

  “Felicity!” my father snapped. “You dishonor all of us. We are so close to...” Unable to finish his words, he hung his head and walked into the kitchen.

  Dishonor. The word cut through me more so than any knife ever could. That hadn’t been my intention.

  Voltar turned his head, studying my father before allowing his eyes to bore into mine. “You will be given fifty lashes with my belt for your continued disobedience.”

  Winter gasped, her slender hand reaching for me. “No! This isn’t fair.”

  “What your sister did is against our rules. This is very fair,” Voltar added.

  He left the statement lingering, as if I was expected to say something in retort. “Fine.” There. That was my retort.

  I heard the gasp from my mother and couldn’t look her in the eyes.

  “Stubborn female. You will learn your place. I will talk to you first,” Voltar replied. “Go. Leave us alone.”


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