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Page 4

  I nodded, placing my feet together as I’d been forced to do when positioned in a lineup at the jail. My throat clenched just thinking about the wretched moments behind bars, treated like little more than an animal, every orifice checked for drugs and other paraphernalia.

  Then the horrible sound as the steel bars had slid across the track, the door slamming into place.

  Cringing, I shifted my feet apart, almost laughing at my ridiculous attempt at defiance.

  Jefferson didn’t bother looking at me again before knocking once then immediately walking into the room, closing the door behind him.

  I remained chilled to the bone, incapable of rationalizing what had occurred what seemed like a lifetime ago. Just as a series of tremors forced me to fist my hands, my fingernails digging into my skin, the door opened once again.

  “He’ll see you now. When he’s finished with you, I will return.” As I’d noticed before, he didn’t seem to be able to look me in the eye, his pasty white skin even paler than before.

  Finished with me. The statement held far too many dark crevices, shadows threatening to swallow me whole. I took confident strides inside the room, although every bit of my bravado was false, even jumping when the door was shut behind me.

  I didn’t seem Mr. Masters at first, the only light in the room coming through the slender openings in the two windows, the same style of depressing drapes covering both. Even the lamp positioned on the very corner of the stark, polished surface of the desk added little more than ambiance. I heard the rattling of my breath as it echoed in my ears, could feel the rapid beating of my heart. The only other sound was the constant ticking of an old-fashioned clock coming from some dark alcove.

  After a few seconds, I allowed myself to gaze around the room. From what little I could see, everything was just as beautiful as every other location in the house, only devoid of a single bit of life. There were no photographs of family and friends, no stereo system or flat screen television. There were simply books in various sizes, neatly organized in the massive bookshelves.

  Even the floor covering was melancholy; rusts and browns, forest greens and bitter orange swirling in violent strings of color. I found it impossible to take my eyes off the 3D-like pattern, almost sucked into some kind of puzzle as if the rug were coming to life before me.

  “I see you find my Ziegler Mahal tapestry fascinating. I find that curious. Tell me, what do you see as you capture the design?”

  I was almost floored at the sound of his voice; not only the deep baritone that wafted over me like a warm blanket but the distinct Irish accent as well. The combination was far too sensuous, evocative, leaving me aroused. I swung my head in the direction where I believed it came from, holding my breath. He was there, a man standing in the shadows, watching me.

  Studying me.

  His silhouette was barely illuminated, but I could easily tell he was a man of stature.

  “I’m sorry?” I managed, realizing I was swaying slightly. Even from where I stood, I felt a dangerous vibe surrounding him.

  “That was a simple question, Alessandra, and you are a highly intelligent woman. I will ask one more time in a slightly different manner and there will not be a third. What do you see in your mind’s eye as you capture the nuances of the design? Please take another look.”

  I continued to have difficulty getting over his sultry tone even as I obeyed, gazing down at the swirling mass of colors. What was he trying to do? Was there a correct answer, a test of some kind? Within seconds, my imagination filled with renderings, images coming to life. I was breathless, my throat almost completely closed off as what appeared to be massive snakes slithering over each other, entangled masses of reptilian bodies hissing.

  Shaken, I clawed my throat as the dancing creatures began to unfurl from each other, sliding dangerously close to my feet. This couldn’t be real. This was a game, a sick and twisted game. Why?

  I took a step away, breaking the hold, trying to calm my ragged breathing. I hadn’t realized he’d taken the opportunity to move closer until I gathered a whiff of his cologne, the woodsy scent filling my nostrils. A slight gasp left my lips as I turned my head in his direction, trying to get a good look at him. He remained in the shadows, one side of his face completely hidden from view.

  “I...” Swallowing, I had the distinct feeling that he was a man with no patience. “Creatures almost coming to life. Fascinating really. Beautiful as well.”

  He exhaled. “Do you believe that starting out our relationship with a lie is in your best interest?”

  “Na... No, sir.” Where has the term of respect come from? Was I actually afraid of a man I’d yet to formally meet?

  “That is good to hear, Alessandra, because I will not tolerate a single lie. Not one. I assure you that I am an excellent observer, easily able to decipher when someone is lying to me. We will try this one last time. What. Did. You. See?”

  I was torn between telling him the truth and actually testing his arrogant theory, but I thought better of pushing any envelope. “Snakes. They were alive.”

  “I see. And what were these snakes doing?”

  I darted a look at the rug before daring to keep my eyes locked on Mr. Masters’ face. “They were coming for me, slithering in my direction, prepared to wrap their bodies around me and squeeze the life away as they injected their venom.”

  He tilted his head and even in the damn darkness, I could tell he continued to study me carefully. His new property. Just another possession.

  “Excellent. I’m pleased with you; however, don’t be afraid of exploring the darkness that dwells deep within all of us. While you’re under my care, nothing is going to happen to you that you don’t deserve. There will be pain. There will be pleasure. There will be protection.”

  Pain and pleasure? My God, he acted as if he was king of the world. The way he simply stated the sentences then said nothing more was unnerving. I felt my skin crawl again, only this time I could swear snakes had wrapped themselves around me. I took a deep breath, still trying to hold my head high. Why was he waiting to provide more of his rules?

  “Why am I here?” I asked after at least a full minute had passed. “Everyone else thinks I’m a horrible person, capable of killing.”

  He chuckled. “Are you?”

  “Absolutely not! Who are you? How do you know me? Why did you arrange for me to be set free?” The strings the man must have pulled were tremendous. I’d learned enough about Bobby’s family to know they had significant clout.

  “I assure you, Alessandra, that you are not free. You may never be free. That is dependent on your actions as we explore every layer of our relationship.”

  “What relationship? I thought my penance was working for you just like my father did, a contractual obligation.” Maybe I was only hoping that was the case.

  “I can see there was little time for providing explanations. For that I—”

  “There was no time for explanations, Mr. Masters. I was handed a group of papers and told if I didn’t agree to them, I would wallow in prison for six years. Maybe more. And all because I was stupid enough to trust an inept attorney hired by my father.” I could feel his increasing anger even from where I stood. The rise and fall of his chest was almost as terrifying as his earlier words.

  “I am curious. Why do you believe he was inept?” he asked, the tone of his voice dipping to little more than a husky vibe.

  I shook my head. “Because he interviewed only one of the four dozen witnesses in the bar where the crime occurred and his cross examination of both the woman and the victim was subpar. Two questions were asked. Two. I was railroaded into the position of being the guilty party. Someone needed a fall guy and I will find out who and why. Trust me.”

  He inched closer, still in the shadows but allowing me to see the contours of his chiseled face, the squareness of his jaw clenched tightly, and dark eyes that held a wild glow of fire as well as obsession. He was the epitome of gorgeous, the kind of man any woman w
ould stare at from across the room. Sophisticated. Sexy.


  The attraction was instantaneous, catching my breath. I didn’t believe in love at first sight, but his dark and dominating tone alone was enough to create tingles skating down my legs.

  “The simple fact is that you had the murder weapon in your hand. Is that not true, Alessandra?”

  A series of shivers raced down the backs of my legs. “I don’t know how. I just don’t remember.”

  “Interesting. Do not interrupt me again, Alessandra. As with everything you do, every behavior you display, there will be consequences. Some of which you may not like.”

  I’d been around powerful men in my life, including my father. Seeing the way Mr. Masters attempted to maintain control, the single tic on the corner of his mouth a clear indication he was losing the battle, left me paralyzed. “Yes, sir. I apologize.” At this point, I didn’t mean the words, but I knew they were important to say.

  Even though he softened, a certain level of tension easing from his body, there was no doubt I’d failed one of his tests. He acted as if he couldn’t care less whether or not I was innocent.

  “Allow me to explain a few things to you, Alessandra.”

  Each time he said my name, the inflections were entirely different, and I loathed every one of them. He was dressed impeccably, a crisp white shirt, cufflinks adorning his sleeves. While the shirt was open at the neck, I could easily envision him with an expensive silk tie, although I doubted he would ever consider patterns acceptable. Not for his personal attire. His trousers were sleek and black, much like his angry mood, the soft material flattering his muscular legs.

  “Good. You know when to hold your tongue. Perhaps you can be trained.” He moved to the other side of his desk, still keeping a portion of his face in the shadows, but I was able to catch a glimpse of his icy blue eyes as they bore into mine. “As stated on the contract, I am Gabriel Masters. Upon agreeing to the terms, you became my employee. As you might imagine, there are rules that must be followed. If they are broken, there will be harsh punishment issued. I do not tolerate liars and escape is not an option. Do you understand?”

  My mouth was dry, but I managed to croak out the appropriate answer. “Yes.”

  “You will be given room and board at my home and eventually, you will work very closely by my side, much like your father did. I am aware of your excellent work performed while in college. You will fit in nicely within my company; however, the preparation needed for you to prosper will take some time. How much is entirely up to you. Make no mistake. I am a harsh taskmaster and you will be diligently trained.”

  The thin veil of seduction had been removed, the reality of what I was facing creeping in.

  My entire world had been taken over. There were so many questions, fears racing through every portion of my brain. “I... I thoroughly understand the terms of a contract, but what you haven’t answered is why select me? You don’t know me at all.” Was this some random act of twisted kindness where he could mold a destitute prisoner into the perfect employee?

  “That is where you are wrong, Alessandra. I do know exactly who and what you are. I also valued your father as an employee for years. Sadly, he betrayed me but to his credit, he found a credible way to repay his debt. Your employment will be an excellent start.” His fingertips were spread out on the desk, the tension obvious by his white knuckles.

  All the words were starting to run together, nothing making any sense. A start? What the hell else did he expect from me? I found it difficult to believe my father would risk everything and betray him. “I don’t understand.” Had my father been protecting me or merely attempting to shelter me from the truth? My mind ached as much as my heart, the loss of my father significant. I didn’t want to believe he could be involved in anything unscrupulous.

  Mr. Masters studied me again, perhaps weighing whether I deserved to know the truth.

  “Your father made the egregious mistake of stealing from me, which in my mind is a sin worse than attempting to end someone’s life. I am not a man to be crossed in any way. That is something your father was well aware of. As I said, fortunately his method of repayment was deemed acceptable. The contract you signed sealed it in place.”

  “Payment. I’m that payment. My God, you’re a sick man. I don’t deserve any of this. What did he steal from you? Money? Property? What was so damn precious to you that you want to strip me of my life?”

  As he lifted a single eyebrow, I could swear he was undressing me with his eyes. “Perhaps at some time I will feel comfortable explaining exactly what occurred. At this point, the only thing that does matter is that you begin to understand your position.”

  I was nervous, shifting from foot to foot, my anger increasing. Why the hell wasn’t he telling me everything? How could this even be legal? You’re only going to work for him. My instinct told me differently. This was no normal arrangement.

  “In addition to becoming your employer, I am also responsible for everything that happens to you. In other words, you are still considered a ward of the state, responsible for your crimes. There was no clemency awarded. While I’ve been allowed to take over providing appropriate punishment, the terms imposed by the judge will remain in place until you are deemed fit to turn to society.”

  “I am innocent. I did nothing wrong. Not a single fucking thing!”

  There was no outward change in his demeanor or even a flinch of his facial muscles, but I could tell I’d just angered him significantly. The scent of his disappointment was ripe, filtering toward me.

  “I am not here to judge you on whatever crime you may or may not have committed prior to entering my home, Alessandra. I am here to make certain you learn that there will always be rules, sometimes harsh and always unforgiving. If you learn to follow them, you will succeed. If not...” His words trailed off as he tilted his head, allowing the information to sink in.

  “Ward? I don’t completely understand. I’m not a child. I’m over the age of eighteen. Where is my father’s will? I am his only heir. How could I be a ward instead of just your prisoner?”

  His smile was chilling.

  “Your father was very clear in the documentation given exclusively to my estate and I assure you that it is entirely legal. Alessandra Toro. You now belong to me.”

  Chapter Four



  The word alone was terrifying in nature, my mind reeling from the possible meaning.

  Quiet. The silence between us was almost as horrifying as the words he’d spoken in such a casual way. I found myself waiting for the punchline, for a smile to cross his face before telling me he was joking. That wasn’t going to happen.

  Gabriel said nothing. He didn’t move a muscle, nor did he act as if he expected a reply. He simply sat on the edge of his desk, the shadows within the room forming a darkened aura around him.

  As if he was the devil himself.

  Stunning in his physique.

  Rugged in his attitude.

  Dangerous in his warnings.

  My God, I was actually still attracted to him, my nipples hard little pebbles waiting to be plucked.

  “There has to be some mistake,” I croaked out, still struggling to breathe. I didn’t belong to anyone. Yes, my father had died while I was behind bars, but he’d told me more than once that he would protect me. He’d left the house I’d grown up in to me, the mortgage paid off early. That’s what I’d been told anyway. I was beginning to doubt a single thing Mr. Cantor had told me. Had my father actually used money he’d stolen from Mr. Masters in order to pay off the house? Had he lied to me for years while he’d been extorting money? No. I refused to believe a stranger over my father. “My father wouldn’t steal from anyone, including the likes of you.”

  “There is no mistake. The actions your father took were entirely based on decisions he made. I understand that you have requested a copy of the contract you signed. That will be provided for you i
n order that you might better understand. However, that doesn’t change the fact you agreed to this deal. Your servitude for several years will go a long way in repaying a significant debt owed.”

  I couldn’t stand the fact his deep baritone continued to excite me, my nipples aching as they’d never done before. I was suddenly exhausted, my legs shaking. Even my throat was dry, a sick realization settling in. The deal was nothing more than revenge. “Exactly what will I be required to do?”

  There was another hesitation, the silence provoking an intense fear.

  “There will be several stages of your training, the first one being to help you understand that you will be punished as necessary,” he continued.

  “This is crazy.”

  Exhaling, he eased away from his perch, taking his time as he shifted what few papers were on the desk toward his computer, leaving a perfectly clean space. His actions were almost as hypnotizing as the expensive rug under my feet.

  Snakes. Snakes... I’d been terrified of them since I was a child. Why did I have the distinct feeling he already knew that? Had my father told him about me, sharing all my secrets, fears that had plagued me over the years? Had they once been close, which was why Mr. Masters was so angry?

  Everything seemed to be going in slow motion, including my own thoughts.

  When he turned back to face me, his expression was just as stern as his demeanor. “We will deal with this on two levels, the employment coming later. What is first and foremost is that you attempted to kill a man, Alessandra. The infraction isn’t to be taken lightly. You do deserve punishment.”

  “I already told you. I didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing. I could never attempt to kill anyone. I keep telling everyone that.”


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