Taken: A Dark Mafia Romance Read online

Page 11

  I wanted to beg him to suck and bite, to create a glorious wave of pain and pleasure. He seemed to sense what I wanted, engulfing my tender bud. The feel of his teeth biting down forced a series of whimpers pulsing up from my throat. I was shaking all over, pussy juice trickling down the insides of my thighs.

  “Yes. Yes...” I whispered, barely able to recognize my voice.

  “Now, you’re going to release my cock. I am going to fuck you.”

  As he pulled me forward once again, I did as I was told, sliding my hands down his chest, fumbling with his belt.

  Matteo lifted a single eyebrow, his expression one of dire need. “Be careful, little girl. I won’t be gentle.”

  A smile curled on my lips as I managed to unfasten the buckle. When I managed to unzip his pants, his nostrils flared. I knew he would devour me.

  He gripped my hips, lifting his pelvis as I freed his cock. The moment I wrapped my hand around the base, he let off a roar, the sound floating all around us. The man refused to be denied. I knew exactly what he wanted and as I placed the tip of his cock against my pussy lips, the look on his face was carnal. He was nothing but a primal beast.

  The yank was hard, his cock spreading me.

  Filling me.

  Driving hard into me.

  “Oh, God. Oh...” The sensations were dazzling, stealing my breath. My entire body shook as he lifted me again until just the tip remained inside.

  I slammed my hands against him, tossing my head back and forth, my muscles struggling to accept the thick invasion.

  “You are wet and so damn tight,” he muttered before yanking me down again, the force knocking the wind out of me. As he repeated the move several times, I lolled my head. He was so thick, so damn hard.

  Everything became a blur as he fucked me, taking exactly what he wanted. I heard his continued whispered words of ownership, a man who refused to take no for an answer. My body had never responded this way with anyone else, my pussy clenching and releasing several times. I knew I was about to come, the climax rearing its delicious head.

  “Do you want to come?” he asked as he held me in place, allowing his hands to roam up and down the length of my back.

  “Please. Yes. Yes!”

  “Will you be a good girl and obey me?”

  I was prepared to promise him anything if he’d allow me to come. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  His eyes screamed disbelief, his smile wry. “We shall see. Come for me, Winter. Let go.”

  There was no holding back, my entire body rattling as the climax rushed up from my toes. “Oh. Oh!” My scream was bedraggled, echoing in the luxurious space. I was shaken to the core as the second orgasm hit me hard and fast, exploding into my system. I dug my fingers into his skin as he rocked me, using the strength of his thighs as he continued driving into me.

  “That’s a good girl.”

  Every part of me quivering, I closed my eyes, falling into the beautiful rapture. I was only vaguely aware as he lifted me off his lap, holding me as if I was a small child, his massive arms able to cradle me easily. I hung my arms over his shoulders, even as my body attempted to recover from the beautiful exhaustion.

  My mind was something else. I wanted to latch onto the portion of him that I believed was honest and good, not the man portrayed in the ugly reports.




  The devil reincarnated in Armani and Mercedes.

  As he eased me onto my feet, sliding his hands down from my face to my arms, I could instantly tell a change in him. The level of darkness enshrouding his face was chilling, his eyes becoming nothing but blackened pools.

  He said nothing as he trailed his fingers down to mine, his gaze following. He’d yet to come, to spill his seed inside me. The gentleness was tossed away as he spun me around, taking one of my hands then the other and slapping them against the airplane hull, the window in front of my face. When he jerked me by the hips, bending me over and spreading my legs, I let out a whimper.

  I knew instinctively what he was going to do.

  Making good on his promise.

  He remained clothed as he moved behind me, leaning over and taking a deep whiff. I could see his reflection in the window, the unbridled desire creating creases in his forehead.

  “You are beautiful,” he stated in a husky, dominating manner, the tone creating vibrations dancing down my legs. “Now, I take you in the ass.”

  I bit back a cry as he rubbed his cock up and down the crack of my ass, a series of growling noises wrapping around me. A reminder of his authority. He slid the entire length of his cock into my pussy once again, his throbbing shaft filling me completely.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh.” I pushed against the cold hard plastic, arching my back as he pumped several times, wanting this to last.

  “You need so much training,” he said under his breath before smacking my bottom twice, leaning over until he was able to nuzzle his face against my neck. “You will learn that I have extreme tastes, sadistic needs.”

  His harsh whisper only served to fuel the fire burning deep within.

  I held my breath as he pushed his cockhead to my dark hole, barely inserting.

  When he entangled his fingers in my hair, yanking my head, I clawed the window. “And you will learn to like them.” He slid his cock inside, pushing past the tight ring of muscle.

  The pain was instantaneous, blinding, my heart hammering in my throat. “Oh, God. Oh... You... Bastard.”

  He exhaled, the sound guttural and thrust the remainder, one hand still keeping his grip on my hip. “Exactly.”

  I was shaking all over, loathing my body’s reactions to the horrible intrusion, taking my virgin asshole. Lights flashed in front of my eyes as I attempted to catch my breath. The moment he began to pump in slow and even strokes, my muscles struggling to accept his girth, a series of bottle rockets began to explode. Tiny pinpricks at first, they quickly erupted into uncontrollable pleasure.

  “That’s a good girl. Take every inch of me.”

  His words were harsh, his actions brutal, yet I slipped into pure bliss, the force shoving me against the hull. This was insane.




  I couldn’t think clearly as the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed between us. He was powerful in his actions, driving hard and fast. I could hear his heavy breathing, could tell he was trying to control his needs.

  Matteo smacked my bottom several additional times, the pain and pleasure a dangerous combination. I was lost to the ecstasy, whimpering like a little girl.

  “Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.”

  With another hard yank of my hair, he forced me to gaze at our combined reflection, issuing another reminder.

  “And never forget. You. Are. Mine.”

  As his breathing became more scattered, his growls continuous, I kept my eyes pinned on the man staring back at me.




  I squeezed my muscles and as he erupted, filling my dark channel with his seed, I could also see something else.

  He was hiding a dark secret, one threatening to destroy him. Maybe I was the only one who could save his very soul.

  Chapter Nine



  I’d made what Christian might call a ridiculous and impetuous decision to take Winter away from our community. We certainly had the numbers to protect her; however, I knew without a doubt she would try any method to get away. That would further endanger her life. I’d suspected she had plans on leaving the city, returning to Florida. My single call to the airline had confirmed my fears.

  She had no idea just how important she was or the price that I assumed was on her beautiful head. If nothing else, the Taglionis would use her defiance as a weakness. I’d had little opportunity to find out anything else from Christian before tracking her down. At this point, she’d become far more impor
tant and not for the reasons she believed.

  The dark cravings I had for her had shifted into something else entirely. She was a spark of life, a woman full of verve and pride. I wanted to surround myself with her beauty, the air of innocence that reminded me of another.

  I wanted my own version of Camelot, the term so often used when describing our private world of luxury and sin. Little did the outsiders know about what went on in the heart of our community.

  My childhood had been filled with thoughts of great kings and castles, saving damsels in distress.

  As if I could rule the world.

  Then I’d been forced to understand I was just a dark prince, incapable of doing anything noble. My blood father had seen to that.

  I rubbed my knuckle across my lips as I studied her, swirling the drink in my hand as I had for the last ten minutes.

  She was an enigma, capable of turning off her emotions at a moment’s notice, although the electricity running through us would never sleep, would never leave us. At this moment, she wanted nothing to do with me. Hell, I didn’t blame her. I’d captured her in a dark parking lot, shoving her into the passenger seat and shackling her like a common criminal.

  The hard fucking neither one of us had been able to resist, but she’d shut down, refusing to even look in my direction. She’d even moved to a seat on the other side, the wine I’d poured her remaining untouched. She was a ballbuster, determined to get her way.

  She had another think coming. Now that my sadistic side had made an appearance, there was no going back. She’d broken almost every rule, continual punishment obviously necessary. I huffed under my breath given the controlling thought, the glee that it gave me. I needed a clear head in order to keep her safe.

  We would be landing shortly and if I knew my brother, he’d made all the appropriate arrangements just as I’d requested. Where we were going no one knew existed, with the exception of Christian. It was a place of respite, although I hadn’t been to the cottage in almost a year. However, Capodanno Enterprises had people everywhere, ones who could be trusted in order to provide certain services, including opening up the house.

  However, that wouldn’t include letting anyone else know where we’d gone. I’d insisted. I refused to trust anyone at this point. My years spent with Father McGivney were entirely the reason. I continued to find it hard to believe that Donovan would consider such an egregious move, both in giving his daughter to a true monster and in going against the sect.

  Unless the senator was behind the entire scheme.

  Or if whatever the Don Taglioni had on Mr. O’Brien was horrific.

  Either way, the Council had determined that this was the only course of action. I bit back a laugh then took a swig of my drink, finally staring out the window. Maybe getting away was exactly what Winter and I needed.

  I shifted in my seat, the ache in my cock continuing.

  “Who was Marcus Crosby?” Winter asked.

  The question was so out of the blue that it took a few seconds to sink in. “Why do you want to know?”

  “Why do you care? If I’m going to be required to live as a duty-bound wife, I want to know exactly what I’m getting involved in. Who was he to the sect?”

  I ran my fingers around my glass, studying the intensity in her eyes. Every leak had been plugged within the sect, which meant she’d been finding out information on her own. “I was very young when Mr. Crosby disappeared. However, he was important, a man that everyone trusted, including my father. From what I understand, he betrayed us.”

  “Disappeared. You really mean murdered, right? His hands and feet cut off; his teeth ripped out of his head in an effort to avoid identification?”

  A cough bubbled to the surface. I was rarely shocked by anything, but she’d certainly done her homework. The question was how. I hadn’t heard that Mr. O’Brien had been a part of the Council’s determination all those years ago. “I assure you that he simply disappeared, although I do believe with large sums of money. We aren’t murderers, Winter.”

  “And you can cut the bullshit. I’ve seen the pictures.” She lifted her glass of wine, thrilled she’d surprised the fuck out of me.

  “Pictures. From whom?”

  “You have your secrets, Matteo, and I have mine. As I told you before, I’m not a stupid woman. I will find a way back to my life and if in doing so, I take others down with me, so be it.” Winter looked away, crossing and swinging her leg as she enjoyed several sips of wine.

  Anger surged within me. The game she was playing could certainly destroy everything the Council had worked for, including Capodanno Enterprises. I gambled with what to say to her, knowing that I could destroy the little closeness we’d found. I eased out of the seat, moving to one in front of her, grabbing her hand when she attempted to get up.

  “Don’t, Winter. You need to understand something clearly. Don’t ask questions that you don’t want honest answers to. I am many things, including ruthless, but I refuse to lie.”

  She gave me a hard onceover, her lips twisting. There was such hate in her eyes where I’d seen utter desire only thirty minutes before. The entire situation was gut-wrenching. “Go on.”

  “You are an extremely intelligent woman. That means you are completely aware there is always a balance of power in any organization, whether corporate, political, or one involving a family. At times that may seem like justice isn’t being served, but there usually reasons behind the rules that are imposed. The Sacred Sect is no different. The men who began the organization tried to follow the rules as laid out by society. Right versus wrong. Good versus evil. They believed in God, assuming that their prayers of finding a better life would work.”

  “Some people still live by the golden rule. They don’t resort to murder or even an eye for an eye in order to get what they want, pretty little trinkets of gold,” she retorted.

  Sighing, I rubbed my fingers across her hand, curtailing my frustration. We’d both been orchestrated into this marriage by people we’d trusted. At least I’d been privy to some advance notice. “Expensive houses and luxurious cars weren’t the reasons my great-grandfather did everything in his power to provide more for his family. He simply wanted food. A roof over their heads. Medical expenses paid. Jobs were given to those who were favored and to the criminals who did the dirty work for the mafia families who truly ruled New York. He thought of a better way. While some activities might be considered criminal to some, the way of life has also provided for hundreds of outsiders. Jobs. Security. Homes.”

  She laughed. “You make the Sacred Sect sound like a charitable organization, instead of what you are. Extortionists. Murderers. Saboteurs. I believe that places the sect in the category of monsters. Or maybe the devil himself.”

  “What I am? You seem to forget that you are one of us. You are a Sacred Sect member and you have been your entire life.”

  While her eyes registered her own level of anger, she remained quiet.

  “Mr. Capodanno. We’ll be arriving at the Golden Isle Airport in ten minutes.”

  As the pilot’s voice sounded over the speaker system, she glanced out the window. “Home sweet home or some posh hotel for the rich and famous?”

  I rose to my feet, gazing down at her. “I guess you’re going to have to wait to find out.” As I moved toward one of the cabinets, I could feel her heated gaze, could even read her thoughts. She would have no issue planning my death. After unlocking the combination, I reached inside, pulling out the Glock I knew had been positioned inside, slapping an ammunition clip inside and grabbing several others as well as the bag that had also been left. There would be enough cash for any needs that hadn’t been provided by the caretakers Christian had hired.

  The jet was owned by Capodanno Enterprises, the various compartments containing everything we would need to work from a distant location, including methods of security.

  When I turned, she was shaking her head. “Do you enjoy living as if each day is your last?”

Make no mistake, Winter. Both the sect and Capodanno Enterprises have enemies. I don’t take the various threats that are issued lightly. You shouldn’t either.”

  “I don’t want to live my life looking over my shoulder. That’s not living.”

  “You’ve been sheltered for far too long. Powerful people play dangerous games, including your father. He has some very influential friends, men and women who would stop at nothing to keep him protected. While I’m disgusted your parents kept you in the dark, the ugly fact is that you have a price on your head just like I do. I will do anything necessary to keep you safe.”

  “Including murder?” she asked quietly. From where I stood, I could tell that her lower lip was quivering. Perhaps reality was finally starting to settle in.

  “As I said. I will do what’s necessary. No matter what that entails.”

  * * *

  “We have arrived,” I said in a gruff voice into the phone as Winter walked toward the fountain in the middle of the airport, smiling as she watched the water cascading into the blue hued pool below.

  “I take it you had no issues.”

  I could hear the continued concern in Christian’s tone. “She didn’t give me any trouble. What about the flight plan? Was it erased as I asked?” It was the only way to find where I’d gone. The last thing I wanted was for the Taglioni family, or anyone else for that matter, to try to track us. I had to get a handle on what the hell was going on.

  “I did my best to hide where you were going, but given the short notice, I can’t guarantee that it won’t be detected at some point. The activity of our friends is being watched. I’ll let you know if there’s any movement, but I wouldn’t take any chances if I were you.”

  Friends. The man refused to use the Taglioni name. He was fearful the FBI had tapped the damn phones. What kind of a fucking mess had he allowed us to drop into?

  I rubbed my eyes before scanning the airport. It was busier than I would have expected, the crowds of people making it difficult to keep my eye on her. “What have you told her parents?”


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