Rogue: A Dark Cyborg Romance Read online

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  “I honestly don’t know, but Rogue was a powerful man.” She licked her lips in appreciation.

  “Sara, did they program him with anything in particular at night? I noticed a comstall in his room.”

  This time, she seemed confused. “No, the consoles aren’t adapted in that manner. Simply electricity flow. Nothing more.”

  “How long can he go without being charged?”

  “The new prototypes, a week or longer. We’ve never tested the duration.” Sara pressed her fingers over her mouth.

  She had the same look that I’d seen on my face in the mirror at work. Desire. Raging desire. “What else do you need to tell me?” We both heard commotion, voices streaming from down the hall. She gripped my hand, her nails digging into my skin.

  “Be careful with him. I’m serious that the experiments changed him. He’s not the machine he was designed to be. He’s dark and angry, full of passion and desire. When he attaches himself to anything, especially a human, he becomes obsessed. Like an animal. It’s just... Well,” she whispered, touching her lips, “I fear what he’s become.”

  I’m coming for you...

  I could see his face in my mind’s eye, the possessive, carnal look he’d given me both at the facility and the night before. Obsession. Fuck.

  Shaking it off, I patted her on the shoulder. “I understand. I want you to have my information. Call me if you think of anything else.”

  Sara reluctantly allowed me to touch my band with hers, finally nodding. “I will. Be careful. Please.” Her other hand was still attached to my arm.

  The cyborg must have followed me from Black Velvet, fueling these obsessive desires. Then he found his prey, capturing me in the manner he’d determined. I was shaken to the core.

  I could swear her perfectly manicured nails had broken the skin on my arm. Before I had a chance to grill her anymore, she disappeared. I eased back against the corridor wall, studying the myriad scientists that had converged in front of the room.

  When Chris and I walked out of the facility, I couldn’t take my eyes off the windows. Even though the sun made me squint and there was no way to see a figure standing in the window, I could swear they were watching us leave.

  “What’s wrong?” Chris asked, darting a glance where I was looking.

  “I don’t know yet. I could swear that everything they told us is a lie.”

  “Conspiracy theory again?” He laughed while asking the question.

  I exhaled and placed my hand on his elbow, walking him toward the vehicle. “What if this rogue unit was being programmed for something else entirely?”

  “You mean other than playing bodyguard to some prissy politician or important corporate mogul?”

  He was still teasing until I remained quiet.

  “You’re serious,” he said, half under his breath.

  “We have to look at all possibilities, Chris. I don’t think that rogue unit did that much damage, not in two minutes.”

  “Okay. Let’s go along with your theory. Then why did he escape and even better, who would have gone behind him destroying the place?”

  I chewed on the inside of my lip before answering. “He escaped because they weren’t going to release him, not at the scheduled time. I can’t answer the second question. Maybe another rogue unit? I just don’t know.”

  “So, he went nuts. I guess not out of the realm of possibility.”

  “No, you’re right, but you saw the way the doctor bristled when I touched the comstall unit.”

  Chris turned his head back toward the facility. “You’re right that the good doctor was acting odd. I got a small glimpse of this cyborg’s vitals, which had been elevated from what I could tell. There was no explanation given.”

  “Of course not,” I whispered, my mind overwhelmed with possibilities.

  “You really think this cyborg was programmed for another purpose?”

  “I do. Do you know anyone who creates these recharging stations?” I was grasping at straws, but my gut was churning.

  “I’m not certain I like where this is going. The answer is maybe.”

  I gave him a pleading look until he rolled his eyes.

  “Yes, I can make a few inquiries, but you know how the captain reacts when we dig into things we shouldn’t.”

  “Then don’t tell him.”

  He opened his mouth to retort then grimaced. “Fine. I’ll make a few inquiries, but I’m not promising anything, and I refuse to go over the line. Do you understand, partner?”

  “I get it. I’m not pushing.” I held up my hands, grinning.

  “You owe me a drink for this.”

  “And I’ll have one with you.” After this shit was over.

  One thing I knew.

  The scientists were hiding a damning secret.

  And Rogue’s obsession?


  Chapter Seven


  Raging hunger. Agonizing headaches. Bitter rage.

  I had all of them. They left me in a conflicted state.

  I was burdened by them. I’d escaped from my prison, the only place I’d ever truly known. At this point, I had no idea what that meant or even where I could go to abate the pain. Shadows and darkness had become my friend, only venturing through the city when humans weren’t. Human. I had more of a sense of my flesh and blood side than ever before, yet I felt impaled by the machinery strangling every muscle and vein like a weighted vise.

  I sensed her presence everywhere, could still inhale the scent of her pussy juice no matter how many hours it had been since taking her.

  I craved her more than ever.

  The taste.

  The feel.

  I wanted to mark her with a leather strap, keeping her disciplined and obedient.

  I needed her pussy wrapped around my cock. I was tingling all over from the thought alone, my entire body rigid from increasing desire. Soon, I would take her again, filling her full of my cum. Soon after that, she’d be mine forever. I rubbed my aching eyes, trying to rip away the visions that continued to pop in and out of my mind. All I wanted to do was think of Noire. I was no longer just her master. I would need to be her protector. She had no idea how much danger she was in.

  She’d gone back to the facility, no doubt summoned by the powers that be. They’d lost their prized possession. I could only imagine the firestorm that had been created. I already gathered a sense of her tenacious personality. She’d never accept what they had to tell her. They’d know she belonged to me and they’d do everything in their power to keep her from me.

  I had a purpose, although I was keenly aware it was entirely different than what it had been before, although certain memories of my original programming were fading quickly. My synthetic brain was fighting with the human tissue, one determined to conquer the other. There was a ticking time bomb buried deep within, and one day I’d succumb to the ultimate demise. The knowledge wasn’t meant to cause any level of emotion, but I had a notion of sadness as well as an urgency to fulfill my destiny. I smirked at the thought.

  What I knew about Cyborg Services could bring about a total overhaul of the process, at least if there was anyone out there who cared to believe me. I had proof, enough to start an investigation, but tonight my human cravings refused to be denied. Noire had become the most important aspect of my life.

  I shifted from the limited covering I’d found, gazing at her apartment building, much like I had the night before. I was filled with energy, the rush invigorating. A storm had taken over the city, intense lightning pulsing across the sky in dazzling shades of neon blue. Rain was pelting down and even though I was soaked, the water didn’t bother me in the least. I was free to do what I wanted, including enjoying the ravages of weather. I heard the sound of a lone engine from a half mile up the street and waited, keeping in the shadows.

  The detainment officer was merely looking for humans disobeying the curfew. I’d seen no CRON officers, other than Noire and her partner’s. While walking the
streets, I’d learned that there’d been no additional issues with reprobates. Several days without an incident was telling. The earlier generation of cyborgs weren’t the scattered monsters they’d been made out to be. They’d heard of my escape and were waiting to see what CRON or even Congress would do. My bet? Congress hadn’t been told. In weighing the odds, I knew there was a distinct possibility of an all-out war, reprobates against humans. Two months ago, I would have fought with the humans in their efforts to destroy the ancient machines. Today, I would fight alongside them.

  I entered the underground garage and secure building in the same manner as I had before. I wasn’t surprised Noire hadn’t reported a break-in. I knew what was in her mind, as well as her heart.

  I found her door unlocked and slipped inside. The interior was as dark as it had been before, no sounds whatsoever, except for her beating heart. I moved with purpose toward her bedroom and to the foot of her bed, easing a bag of certain items I’d acquired to the floor. She was sleeping peacefully, her raven hair fanned out across the soft pillow. A flash of lightning highlighted her face, her skin more luminescent than before. A thin sheet separated me from my prize, but I allowed myself a moment of observation, studying her room.

  Both her weapon and the communications band she used had been carefully placed on her nightstand, both within arm’s reach from the bed. Both could prove damaging; however, I had no fear of her using either. The room itself was sterile, very much like the kitchen. The passionate woman’s lust for life was lived in a cloak of darkness, finding joy at an ugly bar. My intrigue with her had grown exponentially, even fighting with my natural urges to fuck her. I had to know everything about her, especially why our connection was so intense. I’d learned about her background, how she’d grown up and more important about her father.

  His particular experiments with the Gen A cyborgs had almost perfected transition from full android to the more human version of a cybernetic unit. That was no surprise. Many of the most brilliant scientists had been tasked to run tests, build prototypes even before the end of the second war. The rest of the data on her father I hadn’t been able to breach, even with my capabilities. That meant Dr. Hargrave Richardson had top-secret clearance, his work extremely important.

  The good doctor’s death had been under suspicious circumstances, but that hadn’t appeared in the report. Noire would have no way of knowing that her father didn’t die of natural causes.

  My cock stirred, reminding me why I was here. I retrieved two thick ropes from my bag, twisting the woven strands in my hands as I crouched down on the floor beside her. Damn, she was such a beautiful woman. Very slowly I lowered the sheet, holding my breath as her breasts and smoothly shaven mound came into view.

  Her legs were slightly parted, revealing a glisten of her wetness, pussy juice slickening her inner thighs. My balls tightened at the sight, forcing me to take several deep breaths. Even her nipples were fully erect and as another bolt of lightning lit up the entire space, I was mesmerized by their color. The beautiful shade of deep rose with a dash of cinnamon was a powerful draw.

  I drank in her essence before leaning over, the tips of my fingers barely brushing against her skin as I pressed my lips against hers.

  The wind was knocked out of me by a hard punch to my throat. The move totally unexpected, I was thrust backwards. Noire scrambled to get to the nightstand but I snapped my hand around her wrist, yanking her into position. We wrestled on the bed and I was surprised at her strength as well as her resolve. Gasping for air, I jerked both arms over her head, straddling her.

  “Bastard!” Her hiss was full of venom. She continued to wiggle, trying to get out of my hold.

  I studied her face and open eyes, searching for the reason for her change in demeanor. She’d been told inaccurate information at the facility. Of that I was certain. Yet she was so wet even in her state of anger. The scent was stronger than the night before, her desire clawing at the surface. I rubbed my aching cock back and forth, allowing her to feel my state of need. “Did you miss me?”

  “This can’t be happening,” she muttered.

  “This can and this will. I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before.”

  Noire’s lower lip quivered, her eyes remaining unblinking. “We have to talk. I know you left for a reason.”

  “No reason to talk. I am here, just like I told you I would be.” I crushed her mouth with mine, my hunger off the charts. She resisted at first then finally yielded, parting her lips. The taste was just as sweet, although I detected more than just a hint of whiskey. I thrust my tongue all the way inside until the tip hit the back of her throat.

  She undulated under my body as she moaned into the kiss, but her tongue entwined with mine, passion rushing to the surface. The kiss became more than just passionate, more animalistic in nature.

  I forced both wrists into one hand, allowing the other to roam down the length of her, whisking my fingers along the sides of her breasts. She shuddered at my touch, arching her back slightly. Shifting, I slipped my fingers into her wetness, my extremities sizzling from the slickness covering my fingers. I drove in and out, two becoming three then four. She was so damn wet, her cunt muscles trying to clamp around my long digits.

  I broke the kiss, nipping her lower lip and chin before grabbing the rope. “I think you need this. Don’t you?”

  “No! Rogue, stop. Please, let’s talk. Why did you escape?” As soon as she sensed what I was doing, she struggled again, finally giving up when she realized both wrists were tied to the bed. I’d left long lengths, giving me the ability to do with her as I pleased.

  What I planned to do was nothing short of carnal.

  “Rogue,” she whispered.

  “You’re going to be punished, just like you deserve.” I eased off the bed, running my hands through my wet hair. The sounds of thunder continued to roll, but all I could concentrate on was the woman I adored.

  “You shouldn’t be here, if you really are.”

  “Oh, I am here, just as you craved. Have you thought about me, sweet Noire? Has your pussy been soaked all day long as you envisioned the hard spanking I gave you or perhaps the rough fucking?”

  She shook her head briefly, yanking against the rope. “If you’re real then what they said about you is true.”

  “I assure you, I’m very real. Whatever they told you is bullshit.” I slid the palms of both hands up from the base of her tummy to her breasts, holding them in a gentle manner.

  Biting back a single whimper, she shifted her torso toward me, her breathing coming in ragged pants. “Then you’re not dangerous.”

  I pinched her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, delighting in her soft purrs. “They did give you some truths. Something for you to remember.” I was hard as a rod of steel, my hunger off the charts. She would need to be punished, to realize that she would forever belong to me. Bending down, I licked and sucked on her nipples, taking away the burn I knew she must feel.


  I repeated the move, pinching and twisting her nipples until she yelped in pain. Then I soothed the aches away, taking my time covering her hardened buds with wetness. She bucked her hips, another whimper slipping from her mouth as she opened her legs wide. Fuck me, the woman was more tempting tonight than ever. I couldn’t get enough of her. My cock had the kind of ache that forced my legs to tense. “Do you understand that you need a hard spanking?”

  “No, I’m not going to fight you,” she whispered. “You can be helped.”

  “No, I won’t allow you to fight with me, but you also need to learn.” I tweaked her nipples one more time before retrieving the bag, finding the perfect implement. Her lovely eyes opened wide when I showed her the strap. It was much thinner than a normal belt and would inflict exactly the amount of anguish that I knew she craved.

  Noire dragged her tongue across her lips, trembling then jumping when the crack of lightning seemed to illuminate the entire room. “Why do you want me?
” she managed just seconds before I turned her over onto her stomach.

  I eased the long strands of hair from her face. “Because you’re everything to me.”

  She seemed satisfied, closing her eyes as I rubbed two fingers down her spine to the cleft between her ass cheeks. I smacked one side then the other with hard slaps. I leaned over until she was able to breathe a swath of hot air across my skin. “Tell me to punish you. Tell me you require a hard whipping. Tell me how much you crave my cock.”

  When she hesitated, I smacked her again. She pulled on the rope, clenching her fists. “Fuck you!”

  “I will, but after your discipline.” I smacked her ass again. “What has occurred between us is special as well as important. Let go. You hunger for the darkness, a strong man. I am exactly what you need.”

  Noire buried her head. A series of strikes made her whimper. “Rogue.”

  “Tell me.” I slid my finger down the side of her face. There was no denying what we shared.

  “I do,” she huffed.

  “Tell me.”

  She struggled to shoot a glance in my direction, her expression full of exasperation. “If you’re going to spank me, just do it, but please don’t forget to fuck me. Please. Spank me. Use me. Fuck me. I belong to you.”

  Everything about this was right and as I held the leather strap, digging the tips of my fingers into the soft leather, I’d never felt more alive and excited in my life. As I lifted my arm, prepared for the first strike, I realized something that rattled my entire being. Another emotion. Another ripple effect.


  * * *



  I heard the sound a split second before the strap was sliced against my backside, perfectly positioned over both ass cheeks. I was stunned that the pain was immediate, swimming up from my big toes all the way to my shoulders, blooming like fingers. “Oh!” I couldn’t stop the cry from releasing any more than I could stop the gushing of my pussy.

  He was whipping me, this crazed madman of a machine and no matter the dire consequences I could face, I wanted him to. I’d begged him to and I should be ashamed at the concept, but how could I be? This... being filled a portion of the black hole that had nearly swallowed me into oblivion. I would beg him again. And again.


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