Gladiator: A Rough Sci-Fi Romance Page 3
God, I wanted nothing more than to shut her the fuck up.
All the other girls seemed eager, their expressions almost serene. What in the hell was going to happen now?
Sadly, the moment was short-lived for the warrior as he was dragged toward the king, his weapon jerked from his hand. He kept a knowing smile on his face during the forced approach, rebellious in every manner. One had to admire the man, the strength needed to defeat such a tough opponent.
The king swept his arms into the air, silencing the near melee. He moved slowly down a set of stairs until he was merely four feet from the warrior, glaring at him intently.
“You’ve done well, Cryton beast,” the king stated. He sucked in his breath, his gaze traveling all the way down the length of the warrior’s body. “What is your name?”
The warrior chuckled, shaking his head. When he finally spoke, the crowd seemed to be in awe. “Thor.”
“Thor,” I whispered, more to myself. No one had that name. An amazing ancient movie with a Godlike creature, a myth from ancient times. Then I realized he was fucking with the king, usurping the man’s authority in every way he could. My admiration increased.
“Thor. Fitting for such a useless barbarian,” the king said, laughing.
Thor held his shoulders back, his head high and his smile turning into a smirk. “Not as useless as your gladiator it seems.”
The crowd went wild once again, forcing the king to throw up his arm. Instantly, the spectators were silenced.
The king’s nostrils flared as he leaned forward. “You have won the right to attempt your freedom. If you so desire.”
“Then free me,” Thor demanded.
Holding up one of his fingers, the king offered his own cunning smile. “But there are rules, even for a Cryton animal. If I had my way, every member of your species would be exterminated.”
Once again, the crowd began to cheer, the heavy thumping of their boots reverberating throughout the arena.
“What the hell is going on?” I thought I’d whispered but the girl next to me shot me a look.
“It’s all about the game. Phase two is one very few prisoners ever reach.”
“Game? What else could there be?”
The girl giggled in a maniacal tone, undulating her body perversely. “You’ll see, but you won’t be the chosen one. I will be.”
I narrowed my eyes, glaring at her as she rocked her hips and licked her lips, trying to be a seductive vixen. She looked ridiculous, disgusting in every manner.
“You will choose one as your mate, but choose wisely, Thor, for she could be your ultimate demise.” The king pointed toward the line of girls, raking his eyes over each and every one of us.
“Mate? What in the hell?” I was sickened at the thought, my entire body quivering but even in my fear, my nipples hardened. My God, I was aroused at the thought. This couldn’t be happening. Shame tore through me as I realized my legs were damp, slickened from the juice trickling down my inner thighs. Oh, no. I wasn’t this kind of girl. Hell, I could barely stand men. And an alien man? No way. I didn’t care if he was kissed by the very gods above. He was still some kind of a beast. All men were cranky, messy, and had no work ethic. I was a scientist, ready to take on the world. Just not this one.
But they’re sexy and rough, dominating in every manner. Look at him. He’s incredible. Imagine his cock buried deep inside of you.
My inner voice was going to piss me off.
Thor cocked his head in our direction, sniffing as if he could gather a whiff of our aroma. My God, I was wet and hot all over. Sticky sweet. The thought was ridiculous. I lowered my head, making certain I didn’t have eye contact with the brute. Whatever was going on, I wanted no part of it.
The king stood to his full height, breathing deeply. “As I mentioned, you have a choice. You may live as a prince among us, showered with wealth and any of our females that you desire. Your only price is to bear children. That is if your species can.”
Thor spit onto the ground, further angering the crowd.
“Silence!” The king threw up a single arm and leaned further over. “Or you may choose one of the slaves as your own to venture into the Wild, attempting to secure passage back to your planet through a specially designed maze. The choice is entirely up to you, but I will warn you. No other contestants have ever reached the final destination.”
The audience stomped their feet in approval.
Wait a minute. This was all a dangerous game. No one was meant to survive. My gut told me that there was no way off this fucking planet.
Thor folded his arms, taking his time to answer. “I choose life and not amongst bastards.”
Debris was tossed from every direction from the stands, the crowd going wild at his insolence. As for Thor, he issued an eat-shit-and-die grin for all the beasts to see.
“Very well. Choose but remember the requirements. You must provide a show.” The king laughed and laughed, rallying the crowd. “Let’s see what our fierce Cryton warrior is made of.”
A show? There was more to this?
I did everything I could not to watch the proceedings, but I failed miserably, unable to take my eyes off the gorgeous, savage, and controlling man as he lumbered his way in our direction. The closer he came, the more I was able to make out his incredible features. His scraggly hair seemed luxurious in texture, falling well below his massive shoulders. His eyes were even more penetrating, changing from a bright gold to the most brilliant shade of aquamarine. They bore into mine as he approached.
Thunderous legs.
Rippled abs.
Powerful arms.
And lips meant for kissing all day and night by a roaring fire.
I couldn’t believe I had thoughts like some blinded schoolgirl with a heavy crush. This wasn’t any girl’s fantasy. This was a horror show with no end in sight.
Aliens surrounded me, including the fabulous gladiator.
As if sensing my discord, Thor moved to the end of the line, taking his time to study the various girls. I couldn’t help but notice every one of them was preening, showing off their feminine wiles like this was a game show from back home.
Bachelorette number twenty-two, come on down and see if you can get the ugly black rose.
The thought made me burst into laughter, not only drawing the attention of Thor, but several guards as well. They stormed toward me, the strap in one asshole’s hand.
Thor growled and took long strides in my direction, standing in front of me as the guard lifted his arm, ready to strike. “Leave. Her. Alone. She. Is. Mine.”
The words were exaggerated in pronunciation. The aliens huffed then backed away.
A choice had been made.
Now I belonged to him, the mighty warrior beast with abs of steel.
What the hell?
The excitement building in the air was unbridled, every alien chattering in their own language.
“What’s happening?” I asked as the four guards moved around me.
“Why you? You’re the new bitch! You don’t deserve this.” The girl on the pole next to me was furious, her mouth twisting as she spouted off angry words. As she continued to whine, the other girls felt it their duty to do the same. This was maddening, and I wanted to smack her across the face.
Thor shifted his stance, transfixing his gaze on me, heated in every manner but he was also angry, viciously so and hiding behind a mask. Whatever was going on, he also wanted no part of it.
Everything moved quickly. I was untethered, dragged across the purple terrain like a common thief or worse. My vision began to blur as I scanned the arena, studying the lifeforms that had taken me hostage from my own home. I remembered hearing various news broadcasts about unexplained disappearances, people vanishing in the middle of the night but that had always happened. Girls running away. Human trafficking. Drugs. The promise of stardom.
Although usually there were reasons and none were ever reported to be found, this was... I thought about the reports I’d actuall
y watched. I’d never heard about men being taken, just girls close to my age. There was no explanation, no evidence left at the hundreds of scenes of the disappearances. Those taken no longer existed and were never heard from again.
And very few people seemed to give a shit.
Except for a single reporter. Everyone called him crazy, discrediting him in every manner. He’d been right. Oh, my God.
Did the Crytons have anything to do with this? If they were powerful advisors, why hadn’t they warned Earth’s law enforcement officers? Had they merely looked the other way? There were far too many questions, but I certainly couldn’t trust Thor. No way.
Or had Earth given these horrible monsters freedom to abduct our kind? For what reason? Greed? Power? Oh, God. Oh, God.
A lump formed in my throat, the bile bitter and nasty. I would never see my friends again, would never walk the shoreline of an ocean or enjoy a frozen margarita. This was it. The end. When I was ceremoniously dumped onto what could only be described as a fluffy blanket that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, I began to shake.
I quickly scrambled to my feet, only to be knocked down by one of the guards.
“Do not move or you’ll be punished again.” His words were laced with venom.
I huddled in the middle as Thor advanced, his expression almost sympathetic, but his eyes warning me in their own way.
Stay calm.
Don’t struggle.
Go with the flow.
Over my dead ass body.
Whatever they had planned, I refused to partake in it. I watched in horror as what little he’d been wearing was stripped away, leaving him fully naked. I couldn’t deny the fact that I was attracted to the incredible warrior, the utter dominance of his being overwhelming.
Long, thick cock.
Swollen balls.
Rugged, muscular thighs.
However, I wasn’t that kind of girl. Oh, no. I backed away to the very edges of the blanket, immediately blocked by several beasts preventing me from going anywhere.
Thor dropped to his knees in front of me. While he might be an alien, the scent of him was all male, infusing every red-blooded cell in my body, forcing my nipples into taut little peaks. I was intoxicated by his woodsy fragrance, the testosterone that was emitted through every pore.
I dropped my eyes not once but twice to admire his thick, throbbing cock but if any of these fuckers believed I was going to have some kind of crazy relations with him? I’d fight to the death.
“No offense, Thor, but please don’t come near me. I will kill you.” I folded my arms over the thin tattered dress, my stomach churning.
“Leave us alone!” Thor demanded, hissing at the various guards standing within inches. When they didn’t budge, he threw a nasty look followed by an intense growl toward the king.
The king seemed bored, even yawning as he peered down at us, but he finally waved his hand. The guards trudged away, their armor clanging as they walked. “Give us a show or the bitch will be punished again.” The king’s voice rang out over the roar of the crowd.
“What is going on here?” I asked between clenched teeth.
“I’m saving your life, little human.”
“How? Where is this place?” I kept my question hushed, even though my nerves were frayed.
He snorted and moved even closer, holding his hands within inches of my arms. “Hell.”
“Get away from me. No. Don’t do this. I want to go home.” I couldn’t believe I’d said the words. The fuckers weren’t going to drag me into their nightmare.
But I knew better. I was finally breaking, exhaustion and fear taking over every rational thought in my mind. Tears formed once again in my eyes, threatening to slip past my lashes. I bit my lower lip to keep from crying out. I was numb and cold, rejecting everything that I was seeing right in front of my eyes. I’d lost my mind. I’d gone completely insane. There was no other explanation.
He gripped my arms forcefully, able to keep me from moving. Lowering his head, he kept his voice only as loud as necessary. “We were both ripped out of our lives, kidnapped by aliens from a planet called Zatan. There is no way back to Earth without winning a sick fucking game they created. You have to play along, or they will ship you off to work on a place they call a moon star, which is the most treacherous environment in any solar system. I suggest you keep your mouth shut and follow along.”
His words were frank, said with no emotion and even if they pissed me the fuck off, I knew better than to challenge him. “You are an advisor on Earth. Aren’t you? How could this happen? Did you let them kidnap all these people?”
Sneering, he flashed his burning eyes in my direction.
“Fine. What... do I need to do?” I remained sick inside, gutted from what had to be the truth.
The warrior lifted a single eyebrow. “I’m going to fuck you. They require breeding for some sick reason. Trust me, those girls will eventually be bred to a Zatan, producing child after child.”
“What? What the hell did you say?” The world around me began to fade.
“Yes, don’t get me started,” he snarled as he wrapped his fingers around what was left of my dress.
“What then? Where are we going?”
Thor lifted an eyebrow. “Out of the city. There’s a maze set up. If we reach the end, we are allowed to go free.”
“You really believe this bullshit?”
He cupped my breast, squeezing then pinching and twisting my nipple.
The crowd roared in appreciation.
“You fucker!” I snarled.
He wrapped his hand around my hair, giving me a dominating look. “Beats the alternative, little human. If you’re not selected to be a breeding factory, you’ll stay locked in that cage until you’re no longer fertile or you die from the experience. And the experiments I’ve heard are horrendous.”
A flash, a sick memory floated into the back of my mind, shocking the hell out of me. I’d been locked in the bowels of a huge ship like human cattle, brought to this godforsaken planet.
“Bring her here.” The loud male’s voice was monotone.
“What are you doing? Let me go! Let. Me. Go!” I jerked and pulled, fighting the bastards as they forced me into a room of steel. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor were shiny, reflective of the harsh lighting coming from everywhere and nowhere.
“Guards, strip her bare,” the same voice commanded. “Prepare her for the branding.”
Within seconds, the clothes on my back were shredded, tossed away and I was naked. There was no way of covering my body given the shackles I wore. The creatures standing in front of me were horrible, blue skin and sharp horns, eyes that showed no emotion. I was shocked they spoke English, making the experience even more infuriating. As if these beasts cared about our world, our people in any manner.
“Branding? Fuck you! Let me go. Our government will destroy you.”
The same man laughed then lifted some kind of implement. “Your government is responsible for this, child. I suggest you learn your manners.”
Responsible? I was dragged toward a table, bent at the waist and held down by two massive brutes with clammy fingers and oily skin. Repulsed, I fought every step of the way, refusing to give in. “You can’t do this.”
“You are prisoner number seven-two-four-nine. I am Doctor Tamborka.”
“I don’t care who you are. Get me the hell out of here.” I tossed my head back and forth in an effort to see what he was doing. Then I realized. He was branding me with the very numbers he’d just read. No. No! I was sick and terrified, my heart racing as he approached from behind. Please, God. Please, God. My mind was a blur, the horror of what was happening finally sinking in.
I’d been abducted by a strange race, stolen from my world.
“Humans are the worst,” the doctor huffed under his breath.
The feeling of cold metal against my skin wasn’t painful. At first. Then my entire senses seemed to come alive, entangled in a moment
of utter anguish. As quickly as I felt the torment, the pain stopped.
“Get her on the table. There are hundreds to see today,” the alien snapped at the others.
I would never stop fighting. Never. I punched and kicked, almost making it out of the brutes’ hold. But they were too strong, merely laughing at me as they secured me to a metal table.
“She’s a feisty one,” one of the guards commented as he leered down at me.
“Good for the game. The king will be pleased given she’s special. As long as she’s fertile. Place her feet in the stirrups so I can get this over with.”
Fertile? Special? What the hell was he talking about? My eyes fell onto the contraption that reminded me of those in my own doctor’s office. A cold shiver rushed into every cell as my feet were placed in the stirrups, my ankles locked in place. Then I was spread wide open.
The nasty alien doctor approached, issuing a clicking sound from his mouth. Immediately the light shifted, bearing down on my bare pussy, my ass that was lifted off the table a few inches. He pushed my legs even wider, stretching them as far apart as possible before pulling what appeared to be a speculum into his hand. “Now, let’s see if you are ripe and ready. Just relax for me and this will be easier on you.”
Relax? I tensed even more as he slid his finger down the length of my pussy, thrusting it inside.
“You’re wet enough. That’s very good,” he stated as if he’d done hundreds, if not thousands of exams.
All I could do was moan as he pushed the cold metal instrument against my tender tissue, wiggling until he was able to slip it inside. There was no humiliation as terrible as this, nothing that could be done to me that was any worse. As the alien doctor plied me all the way open, I lost myself in a world full of fantasy.
Since I’d obviously lost my mind.
He held up his long fingers before sliding them inside, pushing past my slickened folds. “So wet. Now, we’ll need to stretch open your asshole, preparing it for full usage. I have just the thing to make certain any size cock can fuck you.”
“No!” I screamed, watching in horror as he held up a thick-looking butt plug.
“I can’t do this. I just can’t.” I was nauseated, shivering from the shame of being naked in front of a crowd. I could almost still feel the doctor’s fingers wiggling inside of me, probing both my pussy and asshole, delighting in my discomfort. I could remember the plug being inserted, left inside for hours, replaced by a larger one. And another. I had to fight to make certain it wasn’t still inserted. You can do this. You’re strong. The thought did me little good.